17 November 2023 13:14
Salah satu tempat makan yang berada di dekat pasar modern BSD dan sekolah santa ursula.
Dimsumnya enak tapi untuk yang varian goreng dan nasi tim nya tidak begitu enak bagi saya.
Tidak perlu menunggu lama untuk memesan makanan walaupun ramai.
Makan berdua dengan 8 menu dan 2 es teh tawar sekitar 213rb an. Harganya masih terjangkau.
Ada 2 lantai. Lantai 1 ada yang pakai ac dan kipas angin.lantai 2 khusus smoking room. Parkiran motor berjejer rapi di depan toko dan agak ngepas jika dilewati mobil.
14 November 2023 9:13
Andalan untuk snack time bersama istri sepulang kerja.

Rekomendasi menu
1. Onde telur asin
2. Ceker ayam
3. Pao telur asin

Dimsum lain so-so.
26 Oktober 2023 16:55
This resto is enjoyable
its halal and open 24hrs
Too bad there is no reliable parking area
24 Oktober 2023 18:13
Menunya lumayan lengkap dan sudah pasti halal, tempatnya bersih, nyaman bebas asap rokok dan vape.security dan petugas yang melayani cukup sigap
29 Mei 2023 14:17
I forgot to take pictures before I ate. But oh man! Everything were delicious! Siomay, Hakao, Chong Fen, onde wijen are so good!
01 Mei 2023 9:19
Makan dimsum ala kedai hongkong. Yang pasti kalo gemar foto ada beberapa spot yg cocok untuk foto.untuk makanan masi OK cm penyajiannya lbh OK lg kl bisa dipercepat.
18 Januari 2021 13:48
The place was nice, even in pandemic they still open 24 hours but only take away. The foods was good but actually I don't really like it (it's normal, people have different taste), and the price quite worth. I like it but not loved it.
18 Mei 2020 8:15
Restoran yang menyediakan dimsum dengan harga terjangkau dan rasa yang enak. Tempatnya bersih dan pelayanan yang ramah. Interior minimalis.
16 Mei 2020 2:16
Tempatnya kecil saja, sebelum masuk ada waiting list. Makanan enak, harga standart gak mahal
09 Mei 2020 23:41
Service, queue, professional security that takes your order as well are all exceptional! Food taste and quality is awesome too. One star is missing because payment options are limited, only cash, debit and gopay are accepted, please improve this.
03 Mei 2020 15:50
Good food, but there's just few tables because the room is too small. So be prepared too wait with long queue
02 Mei 2020 2:14
Good and cheap price for dimsum, nice place and ambience. Worth to try, and they serve badak
27 April 2020 7:11
Nice dimsum place to go when you craving for dimsum at the middle of the night
Only halal menu served over there, but still very good.
23 April 2020 4:58
Cincongfan fav sy kcuali olahan labu yg sy order ini. Cukup enak tp ada efek eneq stlh dikonsumsi. Masalah klasik tempat ini cuma satu: karyawannya.
21 April 2020 4:09
Overrated, dirty table, taste just ok, service lacking and slow. There is another place for good dimsum
20 April 2020 21:56
The place is not very large, and the price of the foods i think are quite expensive. Why'd i like this place, because this place is good for photographing. And this place is always crowded with visitors
17 April 2020 14:16
Dimsumnya enakkkkk. Kemarin coba bakpao telur asin dan enak. Terus coba mi sapi. Ukuran porsi pas dan yang paling penting enak. Oya ini buka 24 jam. Tempatnya juga nyaman.
17 April 2020 13:46
One of the best, affordable and authentic Dimsum I know. Not expensive, but all dishes are prepared very nice and authentic.
09 April 2020 5:55
Crowded most evenings but the ambient and food quality makes up for it. The dimsum all taste amazing! Just don't expect to get a full meal here.
21 Maret 2020 0:30
Dimsumnya enak! Tempatnya agak nyempil di ruko. Agak gelap jadi harus benar2 perhatian melihat jalan untuk cari ini. Parkiran tidak terlalu luas, tapi ada slot parkir yang lebih banyak di sekitar ruko
17 Maret 2020 21:27
First timer here. I tried most of their menu but the highlight was salted egg pao and black sesame rice ball, super delicious with melted filling. Overall good food, serving also fine

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