05 Oktober 2023 5:51
Steaknya enak, pelayanan baik dan cepat, tempat nyaman & bersih
Parkirnya agak terbatas

Rib eye medium well nya mantap, lembut empuk, bumbu meresap.
04 September 2023 20:03
Suasana nyaman krn tempat ridak pernah ramai banget dan tidak sepi juga jadi cukup nyama, untuk makanan dari dulu steak nyabjuara walaupun banyak steak baru bermunculan aku tetap setia seeh, rasanya yg konsisten dari dulu dan yg pasri harga paket promo di weekday or weekend yg bikin makin hemat kantong
23 Oktober 2019 21:14
Holycow by chef afit punya citarasa yang otentik dan enak.saus mushroom nya recommended.untuk pilihan veggie nya paling enak spinach.harga berkisar di 99k -200k.
29 September 2019 16:16
Ordered medium done-ness of hokubee ribeye but got a medium-well. It's okay because it's still juicy and delish as usual!
It's not too salty like before and their mushroom sauce is to die for!
16 September 2019 17:26
Australian tenderloin is juicy and delicious without sauce.but Buddy round Australia is more juicy. Recommended
08 September 2019 21:50
Too pricey, and it doesnt help with the combo meal since its only applicable on certain day.

Used to throw you free steak when you have a birthday, just show your ID and you'll get free steak

Now you have to book free steak beforehand.
01 Agustus 2019 2:09
One of the best steak in town. The meat is so tender. Mushroom and black paper sauces are favourites.
25 Juli 2019 8:46
Tempat enak Dan cocok buat ngumpul keluarga dan kumpul bareng teman teman. Dari segi rasa holycow emang udh ngga usah diraguin lg, mgkn yg harus diperhatikan adalah untuk selalu cek tingkat kematangan agar sesuai. 4 bintang karena tidak sesuai dengan target waktu yg diberikan, yg lainnya udh top banget
19 Juli 2019 8:16
Steak mantap. Emang fokus ke stik aja kali ya. Jd lebih berasa. Kalo secara tempat mungkin enggak terlalu yg wah ya. Tp overall puas dengan pelayanan dan kualitas pesanan di sini.
15 Juli 2019 8:12
Gak pernah salah merayakan ulang tahun di Holycow.selain ada free birthday steak ada.harganya juga terjangkau, tempatnya nyaman
09 Juli 2019 12:58
Always love the taste and the tender of their steaks. However, the waiters are not all the time nice and a bit slow. While I don't mind often time, but it could make my mood worse some time.
01 Juli 2019 15:25
Sebenernya enak & value for money. Tapi akhir2 ini seperti kurang konsisten dari tekstur setelah di masak. Pelayanan menurut saya ramah & helpful, parkir cukup mudah
28 Juni 2019 0:08
Up to now, the best Holycow compared with those at Tang***. I enjoyed Buddy Special like a Wagyu. They have Combo Buddy on Monday and Tuesday so you could enjoy the great taste with your partner. Will come to this outlet again for the best Holycow experience.
16 Juni 2019 12:03
Easy to reach from main road, seating are plenty but not spacious enough for the customers to relax. Need to improve the air conditioning
07 Juni 2019 20:07
It's nice place to have a lunch or dinner with your family and if you having ketogenic diet, I recommend this place for the keto lifestyle
05 Juni 2019 6:14
Lebih cocok dgn saus bbq, entah knp wkt itu waiternya seperti terlihat kurang baik (semisal 5S kyk di spbu ogah2n).
03 Juni 2019 22:55
Steaknya juara. Pesen medium rare sirloin pas dicek beneran medium rare.so juicy. Harga standarlah toh makan enak
31 Mei 2019 11:02
Wagyu beef was excellent! I thought it was expensive for a steak, but the quality and tenderness of the steak was astonishing.

Well made, well prepared.
14 Mei 2019 7:43
Taste is not as strong as other competitors, the waiters are not friendly, restroom is well well maintained
06 Mei 2019 22:35
The worst Holycow I've ever visited.
The meats are the worst I've ever tasted,
I've ordered 3 meals: 2 Australian prime sirloin medium well & 1 big bites prime sirloin medium, all of them were hard to bites, too chewy.
They replaced all of my 3 meals, but doesn't feel & taste any different from the first serving.

It's totally way different quality compared to the others Holycow's, I would compare this one with the kebon jeruk Holycow, it's so much better with the meats quality.

I won't go back to this Holycow, for sure!
Chef Afit please check this store quality, way below my expectations.

I was there last Sunday, 14th of April at 08: 00 PM
03 Mei 2019 0:10
Just like other holycow steakhouse. Just got my dish still really reddish even i order well done. But waiters are really helpful and well trained.
29 April 2019 10:28
Meat could be seasoned and tenderized a bit better. Sauce is OK. Price is affordable. Ambience is more like a family restaurant. Good overall
17 April 2019 16:44
The best steak in town. I asked for Medium Rare wagyu steak. And they perfectly cooked in Medium Rare. Second time we still asked for medium rare. But they cooked two level above. And the waiter apologize for that and gave me the new one. I am really appreciated.

Wagyu steak was so tender, juicy and well seasoned. Sauce was so creamy and delish! This holycow Steakhouse is located opposite Snappy in Bintaro Jaya. The parking lot was too crowded. We have to park our car in the next building. But it worth to try. Give it a try when you are in Bintaro Jaya, Jakarta.
09 Januari 2019 0:15
Go to place for good steak. My favorite is buddy's special, and they have combo called buddy's combo that available on Monday and Tuesday. The steak is marinated nicely so that you get the saltines and still taste the juicy meat. You can ask for extra sauce without additional cost.
Note: only the holycos by chef afit has their meat quality almost the same in every visit. I have tried the other holycow many times and their meat quality varies a lot.
If you arder the 400gr steak, ask for butterfly cut, so it cooked evently.
31 Desember 2018 3:41
Gak pernah kecewa makan steak disini. One of the best steak in Town banget deh.

Holycow Steak Bintaro ini selalu jadi favorit sya dan istri karena lokasi deket dari rumah.
Hari ini kesini karena ada ultah istri. Hehe. Harusnya kalau mau dapet free kudu reserve 1 bulan sebelum ultah. Jadinya krna hari ini senin pas bgt ada menu Buddys Combo. Murah cuma 200rb an berdua udah sama minuman.
Buddys Combonya enak, dagingnyaa gilak lembut gt pas digigit. Sausnya juga mushroom atw blackpepper enak juga.
Pelayanan: 5/5
Cepet pelayanannya dan ga nunggu lama bgt.

Kenyamanan; 4/5
Karena msh berasa panas didalem ga tau jg kenapa krna ac nya kurang dingin atw gmn yak

Taste: 5/5
The best deh rasanyaa ga ada yg bs ngalahin.
22 Desember 2018 1:25
Amazing satu kata dari saya, kenapa.krn saya tidak suka daging, dan saat makan di holycow ini saya bisa bilang daging itu enaak. Racikan bumbu yang pas untuk bumbu steak dan sausnya membuat anda yang pernah memanjakan lidah di steakhouse ini akan bilang "oke.nanti saya kesini lagi", didukung dengan tempat yang super cozy yang sangan ramah keluarga membuat anda betah untuk sedikit berlama lama.beragam menu dan jenis daging steak ditawarkan dengan saus khas holycow yg maknyuss poll Free Refil lagi aduuh, siapa yg gak pengen balik lagi coba.dagingnya jos, sausnya juara terutama suas mushroom sangat recomended
09 Oktober 2018 22:08
Pengalaman makan steak di holycow benar-benar istimewa. Sebenarnya mau mencoba apakah masih ada free steak untuk yang sedang ulang tahun, namun saya putuskan untuk urung mencobanya. Saya memesan buddy's combo dengan tingkat kematangan medium rare dan well done. Kalau tidak mencoba sendiri, tidak tahu ternyata medium rare dan well done itu bedanya seperti itu. Mashed potatonya lembut banget, terus salah satu highlight dari hidangan steak di holycow adalah mushroom sauce. Patut dicoba dan pasti akan kembali ke sana
21 September 2018 17:18
This was the worst steak and service i ever had. Its 715 at night not many people here and i order my big bite medium and when i got it it was black on the outside and bloody raw still on inside. When they brought it back after recooking it the outside was like leather and inside was nasty overcooked. Its obvious they kitchen does not know how to cook a proper steak and the meat tasted like gas. The staff didnt even offer to refill our tea. Usually its good food good service but tonight totally sucked.
05 Agustus 2018 10:13
Waktu saya dateng saya nyari promo. Tp kata mbamba nya promo yg saya maksud ga ada. Entah dia boong, ato dia orang baru yg gatau ada promo

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