23 September 2023 20:11
I almost buy for an iphone here. I already ask the availability of the colour and just pay for it. But the staff is not informative, tend to be silent if im not ask.

The information she gave just the basic, we sharing different kind of energy. She’s not excited as me excited for buying the phone. I also sales but i treat my client with respect and equal. I hope this comment can be your constructive comment for your improvement in the future ya.
03 Agustus 2023 0:58
Senang pembelian iPhone dibantu mas Sigit orangnya ramah dan menjawab semua pertanyaan untuk pengguna baru, trimakasih
18 Juli 2023 8:52
Pelayanannya bagus, ramah banget ngebantu banget buat kita yang belum paham banget pokonya the best
12 Juli 2023 15:21
Tadi di handle sm mas nanda sangat ramah dan informatif padahal aku cuma nanya aja
15 Mei 2023 18:47
Buat mba bella makasih bgt ya! Km baik bgt udh bantu aku proses dengan baikkkkkk. Mantap polllll ga nyesel dari ibox bxc pindah ke bintaro plaza setelah dijudesin disana (BXC)

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