20 Juni 2020 8:15
Tempatnya agak terpencil. Letaknya ada di lantai 2 Ruko. Tapi di dalamnya nyaman. Tidak besar, tapi bersih dan buku2nya variatif terutama bagi yang ingin mencari referensi buku2 belajar bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak sampai dewasa. Di sini menjual buku yang tidak dijual oleh toko buku lainnya krn Mentari Bookstore ini langsung impor dan dapat lisensi dari penerbit luar.
11 Desember 2019 14:41
Bukunya keren khusus untuk Ipa, math dg kurikulum dr luarnegeri.
29 November 2019 21:19
Tempatnya nyempil di dalam Ruko bagian atas. Pelayanannya baik dan ramah.
27 November 2019 0:43
Tempatnya di lantai 2. Cukup nyaman, dan personelnya ramah
11 September 2018 17:57
This store is like oyher mentari stores, with good books arrangement, good space management and friendly plus helpfull store staffs.
If uiu are looking for standard IGCSE and or CAMBRIDGE books, they have plenty and i think they supplied those books to international schools.
The one in serpong is relatively small, occupying 2nd levrl of a two level shop house. Down stairs is sn automotive workshop, specializing in air con withbrand DENSO.this brand is the more noticeable sign overshadowing mentari sign when you look from the main street
The located right in the main serpong rays street, from tangerang toll or alam sutra, it will be after the big round alam sutra intersection, just watch your left and look for the denso auto workshop sign.
There is a small entrance on the left wing of the auto work shop dendo, leading you to stairs up to the store
The next nearest mentari book store will be in puri niaga.

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