07 September 2023 20:33
Menyediakan kebutuhan rumah tangga. Lengkap dan harga terjangkau. Yang berada di Mall Alam Sutera ini nyaman belanjanya.
16 Agustus 2023 11:27
One swell supermarket where you can find the strangest/ interesting products. Come in with some thing in mind go out with lots of interesting products.
27 Juli 2021 5:24
Kyk A*E kecil anggep aja kyk gtu hahaha tp lbh murah.tp balik lg ada harga ada kualitas, tinggal di kitanya pinter2 milih barang aja
13 Juli 2021 3:20
Pilihan barang macem2 ada. Harga standar aja sesuai dengan kualitasnya
30 Agustus 2020 16:12
The most complete branch of D. I. Y that I have ever visited. It is located on first floor mall at alam sutera. There are so many stuff for decorating your house or your daily needs such as cutlery, bowl, knife, tumblr, mop etc. The store is located next the escalator. The store is also separated by a shop (I forgot what the shop’s name is) so it is a lil bit weird on my point of view.

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