06 Desember 2023 10:20
Went to enjoy the jujutsu kaisen cafe collab, i think the food and beverages are delicious, and the decorations are pretty nice. Too bad the jujutsu gacha was already sold out when i went here
07 Oktober 2023 11:10
Foodnya standard, suasana lokasinya ok dan nyaman.sayang sofa menghadap kasir, dimana area kasir bnyk pegawai ngumpul ngobrol bkin suasananya buyar.
08 Juni 2023 2:42
2nd floor
Open: 10.00am, close: 22.00pm

Great store, many collective toys.
And have a good restaurant inside
Recommend for Mie Ayam
Drinks, ice greentea latte.
25 Maret 2023 7:20
Konsepnya sangat menyenangkan karena ada banyak action figure dengan berbagai genre. Tak hanya action figure, ada mainan, boneka, dan hiburan lainnya. Di tempat ini ada sisi kafe, kita bisa duduk berbincang dengan teman tentang banyak hal, walaupun harganya agak sedikit mahal tapi sesekali gak apa apa lah ya. Multi punya beberapa cabang store di tempat lain juga, mungkin bisa mengecek ke instagram untuk melihat lokasi lainnya.

The concept is really fun because there are tons of action figures of various genres. Not only action figures, there are toys, dolls, and other entertainment. In this place there is a cafe side, we can sit and talk with friends about many things, even though the price is a bit expensive but once in a while it's okay. Multi has several store branches in other places too, maybe you can check Instagram to see other locations.
02 Februari 2023 15:19
Can't go wrong if you are looking for Gunpla. Price slightly higher than online retail shop. But totally worth the experience there.
30 Januari 2023 19:16
Tempatnya keren buat anak2 karena banyak mainan grade top, apa aja ada ditambah ada resto buat isi perut dan ada penjualan souvenir baju dll yang keren2
26 Desember 2022 7:34
My go-to for Gunpla and tools. Always stocked up and the best food to accompany the best toys. I keep coming back and wont stop.
03 Oktober 2022 2:09
One of the most complete figurine shop I ever visited in indonesia. They even have this super cool my melody x daruma figurine which I was intrigued when I first saw it. The only thing that’s missing for me is Kaguya-sama figurine which is a bummer since I really wanted to buy one. Hopefully they’ll stock it soon.
06 September 2022 14:46
Enak bgt tmptnya buat mkn sama liat2 mainan di masa pandemi.dari jaman blm hamil anak kedua, hamil, sblm lahiran sampe skrg anak kedua uda balita, saya ga bosen2 kesini.mknannya enak semua.hehe
21 Agustus 2022 22:38
Huge, fancy place for anyone interested in toys, collectibles, figurines and other things. I often come here to buy Gundam and, although their pricing is higher than other places, offer quite a bit of choice and variety. The place is really different too from any other place, so if you are also interested in that environment, would recommend you to come here. The people here are nice and there is a cafe/restaurant at the exit. I never tried it before, but it doesn't look that appetizing. Again, would recommend you to come here and browse their massive collection.
13 Juli 2022 9:40
Mau cari mainan jepang disini gudangnya, penataannya seperti toko mainan di jepang.terususun rapi, ada kafenya.top pake bangetss
19 Juni 2022 9:19
Selesai main di fun world, iseng iseng ke sebelah ada kaya cafe gitu dan di dalem banyak mainan / toys / action figure gtu. Wah doyan saya ini, hahahahhaha.

Ga pake lama, langsung masuk, dan bener banyak banget toys di dalem

Pengen seh beli dan bungkus buat di rumah, tapi karena lagi ama nyonya jadi cuman bisa ngagumin aja?

Akhirnya karena tempatnya enak, coba makan di kafe nya. Sambil di kelilingi mainan gtu enak banget jadi inget masa kecil, hahaha. Tapi hati hati ya yg bawa balita, takutnya gemes gemes ama mainann, dorong bisa jatoh/ rusak lemari kaca / action figures lain nya

Pesen nasgor, sama passion fruit. Nasgornya enak banget hahahahaha. Bingung saya, kirain makanan cafe biasa aja, tapi enak trnyata. Ga kurang asin, pedesnya enak, dan ga terlalu berminyak. Emank seh porsinya agak sedikit walau ada ayam nya 1 potong, tapi rasanya mantep. Harga agak lumayan tapi 42rb?

Overall puas, jadi tujuan makan nasgor berikutnya kalau lagi abis main di funworld
12 Mei 2022 12:22
Benar2 bagus dan lengkap, impian para kolektor action figure, bisa nongki / hanya sekedar melihat
09 April 2022 22:24
Store action figure yang lengkap banget, dari anime, marvel, star wars, gundam, pokemon, figma, plushies, di luar ada gachapon juga 1 coin 20k, di dalam juga ada cafe yang menyediakan beverages and snacks jadi makin betah.
02 April 2022 23:25
Heaven on earth, particularly for hobbies collectors:) the manager (Mr. EDi) definitely the most friendly person I've ever met. He's so helpful and generous

Tulis Ulasan

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