05 Februari 2024 23:07
Saumata apartment is one the good one in alam sutera area. I love this apartment with its floor to ceiling glass windows, makes it feel bigger than it’s real size.and when the weather nice which is everyday during rain season, you can actually see mountains.let me show you some of the nice view from my unit… I love it here tho my office in Jakarta. The weather is better:)
31 Mei 2023 4:53
Tolong ga bgt sama security lobynyaa.sama sekali TIDAK RAMAH! Lebih salut sama security gate depan.makasih loh abis hepi" rayain acara sama fam dapett pelayanan ga ramah dri security loby!
12 Mei 2023 4:23
Security lobby nya ga ramah lho kl sm yg penampakan pribumi dan ga keliatan di depan mata dia turun dr mobil. Emang cuma security bca deh yg ramah nya ga pilih-pilih

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