18 Mei 2020 23:26
Selalu sediakan waktu lebih kalah kesini karena gate keberangkatan bisa jauh sekali kalau jalan kaki
10 April 2020 6:52
Tempatnya sempit, petugasnya kurang ramah, masa ngobrolnya depan pintu masuk.bukannya sambut kalo ada yang mau masuk_-
17 Maret 2020 12:15
Pelayanan standar, komplain masalah kelebihan tagihan, padahal sudah ditentukan limit, tp tidak ada solusi, hasil print out pengiriman MMS, dengan banyak aplikasi apakah masih relevan orang pakai MMS?
02 Februari 2020 1:25
To become amazing airport. Telkomselpun turut mendukung perwujudan itu. Trimakasih telkomsel.trimakasih Indonesia
27 Januari 2020 8:20
Dalam Bandara Soeta terminal 3.lumayan dpt tempat santai sambil menunggu penerbangan selanjutnya, tersedia makanan ringan dan lainnya.
26 Januari 2020 11:34
Lounge in terminal 3 soekarno hatta airport domestic departure. Located between gate 16 and 17. The dish quite complete and the taste quite good. However there are several not fresh food.
The things that i love this place is they provide fresh coffee on the lounge. Another things that i love is on several occasions the provide the guest indomie. Two thumbs for this lounge.
18 Januari 2020 4:02
One of my favorite place to wait the flight beside the Garuda executive lounge (eventhough lately was quite rare to visit there due to the cigarette smells which really troublesome). You only need to claim via your telkomsel point and after that you can enjoy their service which provide quite various snacks and meals. They also provide coffee bar and they can make the great espresso which sometimes better compare to other cafe that I was visited before. Really great since I did not need to smell the cigarette fragrance. Located between gate 16-17 domestic departures at T-3. Recommended
25 Desember 2019 7:13
Langganan! Jangan lupa pelayannya di training ramah ramah dan jangan banyak ngobrol.maklum yang pada mau pergi kadang sudah banyak pikiran.)
13 November 2019 11:37
Hanya bagi yang point telkomsel 1.000.ada coffee corner.menu variasi yg ni"mat sambil nunggu bordng terminal 3 Garuda.
02 November 2019 14:55
Soekarna hatta intl airport terminal 3 have easy and hustle free security checks and approaches to airport from any nearby hotel. Staff at airport co-operative and friendly. I was visiting first time but so far no problem faced and all went good.
25 Oktober 2019 0:24
Saya sering lewat tempat ini tapi belum sempat mampir. Tempatnya cukup luas dan nyaman bagi pelanggan Telkomsel untuk istirahat dan menikmati fasilitas yang tersedia.
29 Juli 2019 14:01
Lokasi yang nyaman, serta sapaan yang ramah bagi pengguna Bandara yang ingin mengurus terkait Komunikasi yang digunakan.
10 Juli 2019 1:46
Nice lounge.not that big but enough to accomodate many. Drinks and hot food are available so it helps us to refresh a bit. Soft drinks and water are abundant. The place is nicely arranged.

You can use 250 points for entry or certain package I guess.
30 Juni 2019 2:57
Sampai menunggu jadwal bording, bisa santai dan makan minum sepuasnya hanya dgn tukar 250 point (posisi dekat Gate 18).
02 Juni 2019 12:29
Kesel sama pelayanannya. Mungkin karrna gratis dari telkomsel. Mending ke lounge sebelahnya pake BNI KK
29 Mei 2019 14:51
Tempatnya di depan gate 18 Terminal 3. Cukup tukar 250 poin Halo.gratis tis tis.makanan dan minuman nya.gak usah kuatir.enakkk
13 Mei 2019 20:36
Superb! Wifi kencang, tempat duduk nyaman. Mungkin ke depannya bisa disediain tempat tidur portable, hehehe^^
16 April 2019 4:08
Suitable for passengers waiting for a plane or in transit. Good food and quite comfortable place. Coffee shop is available inside. View to aircraft apron. Recommended for those who use telkomsel.

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