21 Februari 2023 10:32
Poor service. Dress udah 10 hari lebih belom slsai, sudah sampai sana hrus nunggu 30 menit untuk Di info bahwa baju nya belom Di cuci selesai. Poor poor service
17 Juli 2022 23:56
Lama nya minta ampun pakai antrian tapi kaga di kasih kursi di depan harus berdiri lama cs nya cuam satu mana dia yg melayani pencuci an dan pengambilan sampai cs kecewa karena tidak bisa cepat cuci baju 2 butuh waktu 1 minggu.
03 Oktober 2021 5:32
26 Juli 2021 17:56
Saran saya recepsion tlng ditambah 1 khusus buat yg mau naruh loundry aja. Kl gak ditambah yg antri bnyk bgtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
20 Maret 2020 7:09
The place is very expensive and they do not deliver on time. I picked up my laundry a day after the promised date and I was still waiting for 45 mins to get my clothes. One of the most expensive laundry places to go to with a very bad service. They did however pack my clothes nicely. But for that amount of money I did not expect anything less.
12 Maret 2020 4:56
There is no doubt about the cleaning quality. But do not use the service if you don't have driver or assistant to bring or pick up your laundry at this particular outlet. If you happen to be too poor to afford the above luxury or for any reason do really have to come by your very own self, please be prepared to waste at least one hour of waiting time since the queue is always equal to total madness.
17 Februari 2020 18:25
Cukup puas dengan hasil kerja nya, fasilitas untuk pengunjung mkn harus di tambah biar yg antri nyaman.terima kasih.
13 Juni 2019 15:24
Cepet.dan kaga mahal kalo di bandingkan dengan tempat lain.dan outletnya bagus banget.tp sayang koleksi motor antiknya kemana ya? Itu adalah daya tarik sendiri buat saya

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