29 Desember 2021 14:19
Saya pelanggan setia AKM, hasil cetak bagus, bahan juga bagus, tapi TOLONG KEBERSIHANYA DI JAGA, biar stiker ngga bonus debu pas di laminating glosy, mskpun bisa diganti tp jd ngga efisien krn memakan waktu dan ongkir jd dobel2 krn sy biasa ambil pke grab, MOHON KEDEPANYA LEBIH DI PERHATIAN DAN DI TINGKATKAN KEBERSIHAN NYA.terimaksih, semoga AKM makin sukses aamiin
25 Juli 2021 11:28
Harganya lumayan mahal dibandingan digital printing lainnya, mungkin karena tidak ada saingan di wilayah sekitar.
17 Juli 2021 9:58
Ac nya dinginn
pelayanan cepet
ada minuman gelas gratis loh
20 Desember 2020 20:34
I needed a 1 to 1 scaled template for metal working accurate to the micrometer. I needed it to be perfect so I overlooked the settings. I guided the operator and I even had some help from the workers there. It was extremely helpful.

What you could take from my story was that the staff here weren't only extremely nice to listen to my 10 minute explanation of what I needed and tried to fulfill my request, they were also knowledgeable to help me out of my problem.

The waiting room was comfortable and had nice air conditioning, the covid-19 protocols were strict and made me feel a lot safer, the prices we're also reasonable. 10/10 would print here again!
29 Februari 2020 23:47
Front crewnya teliti, tepat waktu, dan kualitas print outnya baik sekali, untuk harga juga kompetitif

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