08 September 2023 16:33
Yayasan Musik Amadeus Indonesia can be described in one word: Exquisite! Almost my whole family attends classes at this music school. I got my start at Amadeus at the age of 5 or 6, and they've helped me progress in musicality, techique, and gave me a love for music. They have great programs and scholarship routes. You can even help less fortunate kids get a music education. The atmosphere is quite friendly, so don't forget to say hi to every person you see in the halls!
12 Agustus 2023 17:07
Seventeen years ago, I sent my eldest child to Yayasan Musik Amadeus Indonesia, and he still remembers his great learning experience with them. He even repeatedly asked how his former piano teacher was going.

My youngest son is now also attending YMAI, learning piano with the same teacher as his brother.

Playing an instrument is not only about the technique, but it is important that my children are enjoying it too, and YMAI is able to meet my expectations.

The learning method, attentive teachers, friendly staffs, and the atmosphere had made me to enrol as a student too:)

We are proud to be part of Yayasan Musik Amadeus Indonesia community!
24 Juli 2023 17:40
The best place to learn strings! They also provide winds, brass, percussion and piano lessons, but their strings program is still the best. As a student, Amadeus has taught me a lot about classical music: the eras, how to play different style of music according to the composers, and to see music as a whole. Students are expected to learn instrument as well as music theory and history to enhance their music playing. They also provide student orchestra and concerts to facilitate ensemble playing. Both teachers and students never stop learning, because there are always new things to learn in Amadeus. The teachers and staff are super kind and fun. Long live Amadeus!
24 Juli 2023 8:14
Would strongly recommend! The teachers are all very kind and supportive, and have helped motivate me to improve my skills in music.
23 Juli 2023 9:30
Sekolah tersombong yang pernah saya tahu. Adminnya sangat arrogant dan menyepelekan murid dan orang tua.
22 Juli 2023 14:49
Sekolah musik klasik terbaik dan terlengkap di Indonesia! Kurikulumnya dikembangkan dengan luar biasa sehingga setiap siswa dapat merasakan pendidikan musik secara optimal. Bukan hanya dari sisi bermain instrumen melainkan pengetahuan teori musik, sejarah & literatur bahkan pengalaman untuk bermain dalam ensemble. Guru-guru Amadeus tidak pernah berhenti belajar dan mengasah kemampuan serta memilki gairah yang tinggi dalam mengajar. Fasilitas yang disediakan sekolah sangat lengkap
11 Juli 2023 9:18
Amadeus has changed my life for the better! Wouldn’t be where I am now without Amadeus and am more than grateful to them
22 Juni 2018 23:46
The best music school for strings in Indonesia! They also provide education for piano, woodwind, brass and percussions.

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