09 Januari 2021 4:50
You get in and you will forget the world outside! You will forget your family too Full of guitars! Limited stock! The brand new guitars came directly from the factory in Indonesia with a factory price too!

The Gallery providing many company guitars from many countries, but all crafted in Indonesia.
Officially, it’s not for sale in Indonesia.

You will get a big discount if you buy with a minimum 3 pcs guitars purchasing.
But you may buy 1 pcs also, with a factory price!

It’s a Starbucks.
No. It’s a Cafe.
Ney, but you may have coffee and smoke and enjoy the community.
It’s Areeya House Guitar Gallery
28 Agustus 2019 5:49
Gitar-gitarnya serba original dengan harga yang ga mahal.
03 Mei 2019 16:52
Koleksi gitarnya banyak, tp kebanyakan bukan merk2 mainstream, tp merk2 yg 'underrated' oleh orang awam padahal kualitasnya oke. Ownernya asik, mo ngobrol soal gitar sampe nasionalisme juga dijabanin. Mending alokasiin waktu lebih lama, soalnya bakal lupa waktu klo udah ngobrol disini.

Tulis Ulasan

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