10 Oktober 2023 3:12
A hidden gem in Jakarta, well worth a visit.

Half gallery and half museum with quite an interesting mix of periods and mediums.
18 Juli 2023 18:01
Nice museum and gallery. I wish there would be more space dedicated to contemporary artists, less to historical works. But nice experience. Entrance fee is 100.000rp.
29 Juni 2023 4:43
Visited on a Saturday afternoon and paid 90,000 rupiah for admission. The audience was alone, so there was no waiting time.
The concept is that the building consists of two buildings, and you go up the stairs from the reception to the next building to the 3rd floor and then go down again.
The overall theme is not unified, and the artists in each section are different, so it is not easy to immediately find out what the exhibition is trying to convey. It was nice that there weren't many people, so it wasn't a hindrance to the visit.
09 Mei 2023 11:07
Makanan mantapp,
Pelayanan ramah,
Kalau menu bisa ditambah akan tambah menarik lagi hehehe
30 Maret 2023 16:45
Pada tahun 2021, berkesempatan belajar ilmu registrasi koleksi museum di Art: 1 New Museum yang dilaksanakan oleh Idea*. Dari situ, berkesempatan pula untuk menyaksikan koleksi yang ada di museum.

Tata pamer tentu saja relevan dengan era sekarang. Koleksi terjaga dengan baik dan pencahayaan yang bagus dan mampu menjaga kondisi koleksi.
13 Maret 2023 22:10
Very nice art gallery and museum. My niece and I enjoyed it so much, this place is really for you who like paintings and contemporery part. Hopefully they will add more museum collections.
05 Januari 2023 8:52
Great place to see well-curated arts and paintings! They also have amazing collections from Indonesian painters as well as overseas painters.
Come and visit to enjoy art and take a break from everyday activities
25 Desember 2022 6:58
This used to be my grandparent's house where I also grew up in since 1950s - 1993. Planned to visit with my kids and husband, but modern art is not my thing. Too bad.
17 November 2022 9:19
Pelayannya ramah dan menjelaskan dengan baik.tempatnya ok. Datang di saat hari kerja agar tidak terlalu ramai.
12 November 2022 4:20
So far so good.but i think if guest should pay the tickets.i think is better if ticket's counter available in front of before enter the art gallery museum.
17 Oktober 2022 12:48
Menyenangkan sekali visit ke sini. Galerinya cukup besar dan sepi. Jadi bisa nikmatin sampai puas
17 Oktober 2022 12:14
It was a great place. The art is beautiful and quite deverse. You can enjoy the art and learn art history by reading the art history book that is available in the first floor. It's quiet and not a crowded place, good to relax and slacked.

You need to pay IDR 75,000 to enter and +IDR 30,000 if you brought additional camera. The payment is cashless while the signal is a little bit slow. But you can connect to the wifi that is available
20 September 2022 6:54
- Banyak karya yang dipamerkan
- Suasananya tenang
- Tempatnya luas dan sejuk
- Cocok untuk yang mau healing
26 Agustus 2022 3:50
Keren banget tempatnya, ane seneng bisa ikut partisipasi acara fhotobooth di sini. #fhotobooth.id
04 Agustus 2022 14:21
New hidden attraction in the center of Jakarta.
Nice place, but need to rearrange parking area
19 Juni 2022 0:54
Art: 1 is a art museum and gallery, specializing on contemporary Indonesian painting and sculpture. You can find painting from local Indonesian artist
25 Mei 2022 1:30
Great place to spend time with friends. Entry fee is 75k, quite worth it since the art is in two buildings, spanning multiple stories.
15 Februari 2022 14:43
Keberadaan museum dan art galerry ini melengkapi Jakarta sebagai kota Metropilitan, Instalasi seni yang terhampar memasuki Gallery ini sungguh indah, hidup dan bercerita akan kerja keras, kerja cerdas dengan kombinasi seni yang indah dan komunikatif
31 Januari 2022 12:45
Open for Public,
Harga tiket masuk: 75rb + kalo bawa kamera 75rb, penjaga nya ramah, lukisannya cukup baik dan banyak sehingga bisa di nikmati dengan baik. Kebanyakan sih klo ramean buat foto jadi wlpn sepi kadang agak berisik sama yang foto foto.
01 Agustus 2021 10:36
Minimalis, luas dan ternyata isinya menarik. Baru tahu ada tempat seperti ini di dekat PRJ. Dari jembatan merah bisa jalan kaki lumayan, soalnya jalannya agak memutar kalau naik kendaraan.
15 Juli 2021 7:41
Tempatnya nyaman, estetik banyak menampilkan karya2 seni terutama lukisan, patung, pahat, dll dan Instagramable buat foto. ProKes nya sangat baik krn jumlah orang dibatasinper sesi.
29 Juni 2021 10:25
Great art exhibition and i'm shock on how big the place is.
Had a really great time here and can't wait for their new art exhibit in the future
27 Juni 2021 21:54
Koleksi karya seninya dari yg kontemporer, hingga realis romantis baik seni lukis maupun lainnya.berasa koleksi pribadi karena pas datang hanya kami saja, mgkin karena kondisi pandemi, semoga pandemi berlalu.
08 Maret 2020 15:28
Limited exhibition during out visit (only two floors were opened) but some very interesting works. I enjoyed more than Macan museum
03 Maret 2020 16:46
Sangat penuh dengan seni, banyak buku buku langka yg bisa kalian baca, tempatnya penuh dengan barang unik.

Really artsy place, u can find a rare books in here, this place have a lot of unique things.
12 Februari 2020 11:17
I always love this place, the ambience, the art collection, and the person. It's just different from another museum. You'll think that this one is really a new museum in town, but it's actually there from 2011 yet still looks new hehehe.
02 Januari 2020 19:14
Tempatnya keren & bagus. Tapi sayangnya kurang strategis. Jauh dari halte busway ataupun stasiun.
19 Desember 2019 5:46
Enjoyed this art place. Artworks displayed are by the local artists and also foreign. There are some very interesting pieces. Besides the flat paintings, there are also curated sculptures. The pieces has been showcased for 3 weeks, and all the pieces will be changed in every 4 months according to their staff. Entrance fee is IDR100,000 per person. Looking forward to visit this place again 4 months later when they changed to a new set of artworks! Always love visiting art galleries.
30 Oktober 2019 0:53
Best museum, art galery. Worth it. Many collections. Instagramable. Strategic place. Im visit at 11 o' clock.
03 Agustus 2019 8:17
Museum baru yang menampilkan karya-karya kontemporer baik dari seniman luar maupun lokal.

Tempatnya rapi dan bersih membuatnya nyaman untuk dijadikan tempat rekreasi di waktu kosong.
05 Juni 2019 21:43
Visit this museum because we need a place to spend spare time between 2 gathering and this place is near from the location of these 2 gathering, which is at Kemayoran. Hidden gem museum because seems like not much people know about this museum, but there are Basuki Abdoellah painting and Le Mayeur painting. There are other masterpiece painting too from domestic and international artist. The ticket is 100.000 idr for weekend but we buy from traveloka and use voucher code, so we pay 77.500 idr instead. We buy with traveloka on the spot and the process is fast and quite simple. The great way to spend relaxing weekend at Jakarta
23 November 2018 10:22
Museumnya kece banget! So instagramable dan cocok buat pecinta seni. Tempatnya juga nyaman bgt karena berAC dan super bersih hehe

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