07 Juli 2023 12:59
Pelayanan Cepat, alhamdulillah dateng siang tapi antrinya cuma 2
Masnya juga baik yang cek mobilnya
14 Januari 2023 15:09
Datang pagi langsung dilayani sesuai jadwal buka jam 10.00, lbh baik jika kita sudah lapor klaim via aplikasi otocare, sehingga pelayanan cepat dan survey langsung sesuai antrian, kita bs jln2 dk sekitar mall, nanti akan dihub bila jadwal survey tiba. Thx Mba Dewi dan Mas Andha.
25 Juli 2022 17:34
Kedatangan pertama jam 5 dengan harapan antrian tidak ada, ternyata salah. Masih ada antrian survey. Hanya bisa dilayani lapor claim. Karena layanan operasional tutup jam 6 sore. Minggu depan datang lagi, tanpa antrian. Moulding baret ga masuk dalam SPK. Chat ke surveyor minta disesuaikan, agak lama responnya dan harus berulang menghubungi tp akhirnya ada solusi yg diberikan.
19 April 2022 15:34
Pelayanan ramah dan sangat membantu.cepat 15 menit kelar top markotop.
16 Februari 2022 0:43
Petugas kurang informatif, yang namanya Heru saya udah minta ijin minta nomer HP buat nanyain update SPK, eee di WA malah saya dicuekin. Udah hampir seminggu juga SPKnya belum keluar, belum ada juga informasi dr Garda Oto nya. Mudah2an ada perbaikan layanan, terutama petugas kaya si Heru tersebut.
16 Juni 2019 2:41
It's car insurance company where you can show your accident car to the staff here and bring the letter to almost any mechanic shops in nearby who work together with this company, for body repairing.before come to here, you need to download smartphone app called Garda Mobile and fill your claim there asap after the accident happen.they give you 5 days, sooner better, if you report the claim more than 5 days, the claim will be more difficult (tooks more time). Next time you came here, no need to bring insurance paper letter anymore, just bring your smartphone and everything will be set.you can trace the status of repair job at this app too.if you satisfy, it would be great if you give me 5 stars to the mechanic shop thru this app. Garda Center will review all the stars given by their customers, and they will make decision whether to continue the colaboration with the shop or not.it's a great progress, amazing how online claiming process can bring more power to us the customers.free candy on the table for you during the claiming process, also available.try not to visit here during lunch time, because the surveyor guy might not stand by here due to lunch time.overally, i am very satisfy with this company, very recommended.

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