20 Juni 2022 8:39
Cozy place and good service mas ramdani and ma udin

Raya ramadhan sale up to 70% selected item
And 50% for all item
26 Maret 2021 5:07
This is the headquarter of Avtech Indonesia. A comfortable place, the office is behind of the store and there are some chairs and a table also an ashtray for you smokers to relax in front of the store.

The parking lot is enough to accommodate around 4-5 cars inside. And if you wanna to apply for jobs at Avtech, you may want to open their official Instagram, said the store clerk. Also the price is rather cheap compared to the other outdoor brand, of course with dependable quality
22 Maret 2021 15:28
Bagi anda yang senang berolahraga.tempat ini cocok buat anda. Peralatan lengkap. Tempat strategis. Mau tas.sepatu dll.
07 Oktober 2019 17:07
Selalu jadi pilihan pertama untuk perlengkapan Mendaki.

Ada toko Offline juga Online.
Lengkap untuk harga lumayan terjangkau.
15 September 2019 23:52
Produknya lumayan lengkap, dan kebanyakan merek avtech sendiri, waktu saya kesana saya tidak nemu merek lain, jadi klo nyari berbagai merek itu kurang lengkap. Smoga saat ini lbih lengkap.
19 Juli 2019 16:46
A large parking area, comfortable, very clean, so many option & various colour of bag, jacket, apparels, tent, shoes, t-shirt, etc. I love to buy jacket & t-shirt here. Good air conditioner. Nice fitting room. Over all, we love this place.
19 Juni 2019 22:53
Di sini nih kalok mau hunting perlengkapan naik gunung, ada banyak pernak-pernik yang dijual. Ada harga ada rupa lho. Masalah kualitas coba langsung ke tkp saja, untuk baju dan celana kualitas butiklah.jempol 2

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