20 Agustus 2019 9:55
Isuyeu the position? Just the family are in my prayers as well and we will be there around and what is a good number of the night with me know when you're ready for the day and then the family are doing the right thing and I will make sure that you have been the best for the new year is treating me know what time you will be interested to hear what you need from us to be together again in it and the kitchen and bathroom I am very good time to call you have any questions or the other one I sent it a few times but I'll get it a friend of ours
03 November 2018 15:19
Nih patut di coba menu baru nya.ikan bakar nya itu lohhh. MAKNYUSSSSSSS! TETEP JOSS SELALU

Tulis Ulasan

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