18 November 2023 19:12
Beberapa kali ke sini liat2 tas yang ready stock soalnya kalau transaksi via ig kalo kurang gercep dikit langsung sold out untuk masuk ke tokonya dilimit, soalnya emang crowded sih. Tapi kalo lagi season tertentu kayaknya model barang yang availablenya kurang ok. Karyawannya banyak dan gercep, dan kalo ditanya2 juga ngerti.
01 Oktober 2023 16:04
Ambil paket gosend reguler.disuruh nunggu lumayan lama sambil dgerin karyawan cekikikan aja.tiba² karyawan dateng bilang kalo paket/tas yang dipesen cs sudah habis. (gimana ceritanya itu)
ko bisa? Alhasil dikasih goceng, katanya buat parkir.engga lagi² dah boss.kaya gak punya dosa
20 Agustus 2023 7:03
Tempat beli tas-tas MK, Coach dan kawan2nya dengan harga lebih murah dari di store nya dan yang penting barangnya itu Original.
12 Juli 2023 0:13
Authentic branded item store with competitive price. Staff are helpfull with plenty of payment option. Make sure to check their ig before coming. Item flying fast from their shelf, pick, choose, and pay. Once you hesitate someone else might already grab it
03 April 2023 23:03
Waktu aku ke sini sekitar jam 3 bulan ramadhan dan di sana antri bgt, barang yang mau di beli juga udah di beli org. Pdhl udah ngincer bgt dr ig nha storebagus
01 April 2023 20:15
This shop always get so crowdy especially during weekends, they have to limit the customers inside the store due to a limited space. Actually it's a good thing, so you still can shop comfortably inside a small shop

They always limit the type and qty of bags they displayed, and mostly each item only one. So when you see something you have your eyes on but haven't decide yet, better keep it in your hand first, otherwise other people will grab it.

For payment they have 3 months 0% installment with BCA credit card with min purchase 1 mio
04 Desember 2022 0:31
Beli ke 2x nya, pertama beli tasnya bener2 bagus & baru msh ada plastik bagian tutup logonya, pembelian ke 2 agak sedih karna tasnya kyk bekas bagian logo tidak ada penutup plastik udh ada goresan huhu apa emg semuanya gt ya.
04 November 2022 15:01
Parah sih. Di WA dari pagi. Sampe siang ga dibales. Padahal online. Ga peduli barang lo bagus (gw dah beli) tapi kl hospitality lo kayak gini. Wah two thumbs down
28 Oktober 2022 15:37
Beberapa kali beli disini.model cpt ganti karna super laku.toko rame terus aplg sabtu/minggu.staff super ramah semua
03 Mei 2022 6:55
Seneng ih belanja disini.harganya lebih murah dr tempat lain.barang original dan kalau pembelian pakai cc bisa cicilan 0%
06 April 2022 10:57
Kesini gak sempet foto. Bagus sih protokol nya di tahan kalau di dalem masih penuh. Misal 1 customer keluar 1 customer masuk. Utk menghindari Kerumunan di dlm.

Disc nya kapan hehehe.
05 Maret 2022 18:05
One of the most well known store for authentic outlet items such ad Coach, Kate Spade, TUMI and Michael Kors.

They have both offline and online store. When i went there, there was a very long queue to get inside the store. Coming to the inside, everyone was rushing to buy stuffs.

You can only purchase the goods that are being displayed in the counter. Once it's gone, it's gone. Unless they have other stocks at home.

My suggestion was to look at the item online and kindly wait for them to reply your messages. Saving a lot of your time
03 Maret 2022 7:41
Mau barang2 branded.harga nyaman aman di kntong pada ke sini aja dah.recomended bgt.di jamin ori semua.ak langganan da lama di sini so yg pd belum.cek ig bag'us ya.jgn lupa follow juag biar tau updatenya yuhuuu
10 Januari 2022 12:23
This shop located at the 2nd floor at ITC Permata Hijau, Jakarta.

Crowded by women looking for bags, shoes eyeglasses or wallets from famous brand, such as Coach, Tumi, etc. Found also several men, lo9king for branded products here. I wasnt so familiar with hehe.

They said the price was way below the price offer at the big mall, but the products was genuine, direcly imported discounted products.

I dont know, not my thing anyway
18 Desember 2021 14:00
Koleksi di store beda sama di online, ruang cukup besar, ramai sehingga ada aturan antri masuk bergantian, harga jauh lebih murah daripad toko lainnya, owner dan staff ramah dan pelayanan cepat.
27 Februari 2020 8:52
Good collection of original branded stuff (mostly kate spade, coach, longchamp, michael kors). Go follow its IG (same name) to receive updates of new stuff.
The price is good, bit cheaper than the stores. Most of the stuff brought from the outlets.
05 Januari 2020 1:26
A bag store, not really good cust.service. Provide mostly Coach, Michael Kors, some Tory Brunch and Kate Spade
13 Oktober 2019 21:23
Tempat favorit cari tas FO branded. Tas Disni original tp FO ya, makanya harga nya agak jauh kalo beli di outlet Indonesia. Jual tas original kyk coach, Tory burch, MK dan masih byk lagi. Ada dompet juga. Udh 3 kali beli disana. Cuma saran follow IGnya kalau posting dan suka lgsg DP dulu Krn barang cepet bgt lakunya. Kalau pesen ke admin dg nomor yg di posting di IGnya ya. IGnya cuma 1.
27 Februari 2019 12:33
Nemenin istri beli tas branded di ITC permata hijau, tepatnya di Bag'Us. Tokonya kecil tapi pengunjungnya banyak banget, yanh cowo2 pada nangkring semua di depan nunggu pasangannya belanja.harga tas2 brandednya memang jauh dari harga di pasaran, bisa 500K - 1jt lebih murah, tapi ga biasanya 1 jenis tas hanya ada 1 stoknya.

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