28 November 2023 12:46
Wao prosesnya cepat dan bisa di tunggu, ditambah lagi setrikanya rapih dan wangi banget dan di tambah karyawan nya ramah".
17 Juli 2023 9:57
Laundry express oke, 3 jam selesai, respon adminnya cepat rekomendasi pokoknya utk org yg butuh cepat baju bersih rapi dan wangi.
10 April 2023 20:00
Cuci di BannaWash laundry deh. Insya Allah amanah, hasilnya bersih kinclong. Mbak2nya ramah pula.
24 Februari 2023 8:38
One of the greatest challenges after having long holiday is the dirty laundry. As your energy or at least most of your energy consumed during the holidays, you need to spare some to take care of the laundry.
BannaWash can give you a big relief. It is super easy and the result is so that you are now worry -free after the holiday.

Easy means that the staff can be reached easily through phone or Whatsapp messages to discuss about your dirty laundry stuff and give some suggestions for you to decide.

The t-shirts, under wears, trousers, all of them are properly ironed and folded!

So yeah.free of after-holidays-problemo
08 Februari 2023 21:30
Baru sekali cuci disini baju sampe daleman ilang bener bener deh ga lagi lagi laundry disini
11 Februari 2021 15:53
Baju nya bersih, wangi dan rapih walaupun tanpa setrika, pelayanan nya juga baik bangett, terbaik deh
08 Januari 2021 14:34
Recommended laundry.clean & fast.comfortable in use, Pemiliknya insyaAllah amanah

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