08 Januari 2024 0:36
Semua bunga ada lengkap.keren2.cuma ya itu parkir klw gak bawa sopir ya ampun2 deh.hrs nya mie tarempak gak boleh disitu jd lbh luas tmpt parkirnya.ini lokasi gedung bersama bnyk beberapa perusahaan juga disana.amat susah parkir
06 Desember 2023 8:20
Flower decor shop with extremely COLD service first, I asked for a new bunch of flowers and this sales rep took a bunch out and laid them Al on the floor and asked me to choose, Upon realization that she was rude, she picked it up and gave it to me. Secondly, when I went to the cashier FIVE minutes after I paid it, realizing that I bought the wrong product the cashier (young lady in pastel green jilbab, Dec 20 2023 3: 30pm) she hastily tapped on the piece of paper vigorously that says “no returns no way “ no “maaf ya Bu” NOTHING “ ini sudah tulis kalo resi sudah dicetak enggak boleh dikembalikan enggak bisa enggak bisa “ she said, Hastily. I understand the No returns concept, sure.but she tapped the piece of paper as if to swat a fly, completely arrogant, and irritated. These types of rude and ugly qualities should not be in sales or customer service. Once in a while, I forgot how horrible they are and will come back to shop, but I will save my money this time and leave an honest review. 3 rd RUDE encounter. Shoppers, expect cold service and oh, their products are available on other online merchants for approximately 50% less for the exact same thing. Decor and flowers too. Other reviews about slow response via WhatsApp, and keep referring you to other staff, all true
Good Luck.
16 Maret 2023 12:46
Flowers arrangements for every occasion. I bought 3 artificial arrangements with Europe style, Korean style and Japanese style. I was satisfied for Ari as florist and all staffs.they are very helpful. They have an import fresh flowers too.
10 September 2022 12:32
Barang lengkap, parkir agak ribet klo pas lagi rame. Klo kesini better jangan jam pergi/pulang kerja, krn macet banget
22 Agustus 2022 23:08
Saya merasa sangat senang dengan pelayanan mas agung sebagai sales nya ^^. Beliau dengan tulus banyak membantu saya dalam pemilihan bunga2. Sukses terus mas agung.
01 April 2022 19:35
Bangunan kumuh dan sempit dalam ruangan tempat penjualan tdk nyaman, kasir nya lambat tidak sigap.parkiran semrawut dan kotor tdk nyaman
25 Desember 2021 0:12
Store that sells various Christmas decoration and Christmas trees. Price is a bit expensive, but that comes with quality. Recommended to visit this store early November as goods tend to be sold out fast closer to Christmas.
20 Desember 2021 17:32
Tempay yg bagus utk mendapatkan fresh flower, rangkain bunga, pajangan dll, terutama utk dekorasi natal, selalu unik dan menjadi trend setter
15 Desember 2021 7:24
Kalau dari segi produk memang lengkap, bagus-bagus dan cukup ekonomis Tapi dari segi keamanan di masa pandemik sedikit minus yaa.mungkin bisa tlg diperbaiki.selama saya 30 menit di dalam toko sudah ada lebih dari 10 karyawan mondar mandir tanpa masker, ada 4 orang karyawan non stop batuk2 tanpa masker.ditegur.dipakai sebentar maskernya.lalu dicopoy lagi ngak lama kemudian ketika saya menjauh.tolong dibantu diperhatikan yaa.demi keamanan bersama Habis batuk tangannya lalu beres2 produk display.itu mengerikan sekali ya di masa2 seperti sekarang diluat ditulis customer dibatasi jumlahnya.kami masuk wajib pakai masker tp bagaimana dengan karyawan di dalam kok malah begitu ya? Ironis rasanya.
25 Juli 2021 23:40
I wanted to buy flowers online, so I contacted them via WhatApp. But the response was not informative and very slow. I asked for the price of two different types of flowers bouquet and whether they could do the delivery or not, and yet they only told me the price for one bouquet. I even had to phone them to ask, and they asked me back to contact via WhatsApp (since I asked for the availability of the flower of the day).
I was very disappointed by their service, if they don't have enough time and human resources to do the WhatsApp service, then better to not have it. You may have a good review for the flowers quality, but I don't even bother to buy any flowers here if the service doesn't improve.
16 Juli 2021 6:36
Sy driver ojol.pertama yg d cari adl alamat pastinya. Ttik lokasi di maps d jl kartini. Tempat tokonya di jl raya mangga besar. Pantes aja gda yg tau sy nanya" Di jl kartini. Bolak balik 2x d jl kartini gada tuh toko bunga bina flora.
Apa susahnya sh d benerin tuh alamat
08 Juli 2021 21:06
Very satisfied with the flower bouquets here. They have everything from fresh flowers to decorative assortment. Price point is ok.
23 Januari 2020 5:34
Tukang rangkai bunga 2x janji 2x bilang lupa. Janji hari Kamis sudah selesai, sampai Senin bilang lupa. Kasir juga gak ramah. Padahal bukan jual bunga murahan, ratusan ribu harganya tapi pelayanan parah. Kapok. Gak akan kesana lagi, susah juga parkirnya.
25 Maret 2019 13:21
21 Februari 2019 13:18
Tempat nya besar. Banyak pernak pernik、 terutama untuk imlek. Bunga nya juga banyak. Cuma kali ini datang aga sumpek dan berantakan. Barangkali baru masuk barang.

The Place sells so many souvenirs and spacey. Especially Chinese New Year Knick Knacks. It was a little bit messy when i came in. Probably cause of the logistics came at the same time

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