12 Januari 2022 8:49
Letaknya straregis.mau parkir mobil gampang.lengkap isinya bg yg mau bikin aquarium
06 Juli 2021 15:00
Complete collection of aquarium knick knacks. Well priced and the staffs are knowledgeable. Great service
18 Juni 2021 12:34
Tempat nya membeli ikan hias yang cukup komplit, warna warni ikan yang sangat menarik jaga ketinggalan bagi yang berkeinginan / hobies ikan peliharaan.tq
14 Juni 2021 22:47
Tempat nya bagus, perlengkapan untuk aquarium lengkap dan harga nya tidak termasuk murah, tapi sangat di sayangkan pelayan toko yg perempuan nya kurang ramah
29 Juli 2020 18:34
Fish and all accoseries store you can count on to shop for fish pet at home
09 Oktober 2019 1:31
The accessories of aquariums is aLmost compLete in there. Import Koi fish, red and pink parrot a Lot of in there, The 2 man staff was heLpfuLL and poLite too when customers coming. But i dissapointed with the owner, the price cannot be negotiabLe when i buy the aquarium with price 1,6 miLLion, and they not showing kindness with customer. What happened? Maybe u must often to go to maL for refreshing boss
28 Juni 2019 6:02
The owner seemed honest, I am not sure about the pricing. It feels good to be able to talk to someone who knows more than you. You know. Most of the guys in this stretch of aquarium have their nose somewhere up there. Definitely recommending a visit if you are looking for aquarium or filter part.

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