12 Desember 2023 6:28
Pernah ikut meeting disini dan tempat nya sangat bersih, wangi dan pasti nya membuat suasana kerja jadi sangat nyaman

Bulan ini mungkin sy akan berkunjung kembali
08 Desember 2023 20:50
Service office kesekian yg sy gunakan dan sejauh ini.ini yg terbaik.

View office yg bagus.ruang meeting yg bersih, team yg cekatan
30 November 2023 0:11
Fasilitas pantry kopi teh dan air mineral sudah tersedia dan free flow untuk semua tenant. Very nice
07 November 2019 5:09
Suka banget sama suasana disini nyaman, tenang fasilitas bagus dan lokasinya juga strategis dekat halte MRT istora. Nice:)
06 November 2019 3:45
Lokasi mudah diakses, fasilitas kantor yang modern dan sangat elegant, tersedia video conference diruang meeting ditambah dengan keramahan staff membuat suasana kantor semakin nyaman
01 November 2019 7:32
Came there as a guest for meeting with a client. Well. I can say it's nice office space with a nice view. Compare to other office space, I think they provide a better service as they looks professional for all the queries we need during our meeting.
31 Oktober 2019 22:17
Gak perlu ditanya lagi, area nya super strategis, secara di SCBD kaaann, Tempat nya nyaman banget buat kerja, pantry area nya luas lohhh. Trus tiap hari Senin mereka ada "Monday breakfast". Pas banget khaaannn buat qt2 yang males ribet nyari brakfast di Senin pagi gegara kesiangan bangun abis weekend.hahaha. Pokoknya dibanding Service Office lain, aq sih lebih pilih disini ya.
16 Oktober 2019 7:24
Service office terbaik yang pernah saya kunjungi, suasana nyaman dengan interior yang mewah dan didukung oleh keramahan pelayanan staff yang terjaga, highly recommended!
14 Oktober 2019 3:34
Spacious working space, has a competitive rate compare to other service office, and they served by the heart!
09 Oktober 2019 13:28
This would easily rate as one of the best. Everything is perfect from the overall ambiance, the suite room size - the decor, Comfortable place with sophisticated location to work with FREE hot tea or coffee for your guest. Nice rental office space. The rent value is affordable.
27 September 2019 20:05
Sewa ruang rapat sehari di ceo suite, kantor nya baguss, service nya cepat dan harga nya tidak mahal untuk ukuran prime location seperti pacific place
23 September 2019 18:42
Strategic location in Central Business District Area. Has a great facility, such as a comfy meeting room with a big window and of course great view, nice ambience, and even the toilets are high-tech with the Washlet! What a cool office facilities, isn't it!

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