07 November 2023 2:47
It was a pleasant experience, ordered long black and was pleasantly surprised. Spent the day WFC-ing here and there’s little to no complain about the ambiance as its not really a “family” cafe? At least when I went it was conducive for a wfc. Very limited parking space.

Ordered the salted egg, not bad but the salted egg flavor was nowhere to be found. Also ordered sirsakee and when i read the description, it has orange jelly and nata de coco but theres no jelly! Not even a sliver. Too tired to complain and the barista who served me wasnt as friendly as the one who welcomed me and served on the afternoon.

Will try the Bintaro branch!
22 Oktober 2023 16:33
1st timer try Dua Coffee, I'd say the cold brew which are mixed with apple juice and hints of natural sweets, are one of the best coffee-based sweet drinks I've ever tasted in Jakarta. While the banana bread/cake is also pleasing to me, especially with the melted butter on the top!
13 Oktober 2023 17:03
Their peach tea is nice.plenty of seating both smoking and non smoking.great place to have a nice conversation.
29 Agustus 2023 9:35
Mau berbagi pengalaman sedikit, tempo lalu orang tua saya numpang charger hp nya di dua coffe Cipete Raya, tapi saat hp nya mau diambil ternyata hp orang tua saya mengalami kejadian seperti di foto itu.
Layar hp pecah sebelah seperti di getok pakai suatu benda, pelayan dua coffe bilang nya hp tersebut jatuh. Tapi kenapa kondisi nya separah itu padahal ketinggian tempat charger hp nya tidak lebih dari 100 cm.
Dan di pinggiran layar seperti ada lubang atau dent bekas di getok benda tajam.

Tolong itikad baik nya dari pelayan pada hari itu, karena saat di tanya tidak ada yang mengaku!
26 Agustus 2023 5:39
Satu tempat recommended yang sebenarnya sudah cukup lama existing, namun akhirnya baru sempat terkunjungi hari ini. Ada di jantung Cipete raya membuat tempat ini selalu tampil dan terasa memanggil dengan segala keriuhannya.

Sajian Japanese coffee yang pas ditambah sepiring egg benedict atau Apple Pie saya jamin bakal bisa menyederhanakan persepsi pagi anda dari sebatas fantasi menjadi imajinasi yang butuh segera dieksekusi.

Ambient asyik dengan kombinasi spot indoor dan outdoor yang santuy khas teras tetangga cukup bisa diandalkan. Services dari para crew juga cukup menyenangkan dengan senyum kooperatif dan workflow yang sudah terkoordinir dengan cukup baik.

Penyajian pun sudah cukup cepat sehingga tidak sampai merusak mood. Apalagi buat anda yang pace kerjanya cepat. Oya, kelebihan lainnya adalah jarak antara Dua Cipete dengan MRT station yang cukup dekat. Bahkan bisa dijangkau dengan berjalan kaki ringan.

Sebagai non smoker, saya cukup bisa menikmati spot outdoor tempat ini. Karena space-nya cukup terbuka dengan banyak plant and trees di sekeliling. Apalagi di saat pagi, jelas bikin kerja paru-paru agak cooling down.

Lahan parkir, sebenarnya cukup lumayan, hanya memang animonya aja yang mungkin berlebih. Karena tempat bagus biasanya emang rame terus. Overall Dua Cipete sudah cukup bisa diandalkan baik buat nunggu anak sekolah, meet up, breakfast ataupun sekedar ngopi pagi
17 Agustus 2023 19:10
This is a nice place to hangout. Table arrangement is not too crowded, and the interior is rustic & homey. The food was okay. I didn't try the coffee, though. Maybe I should try next time. They also have cakes. Lovely!
17 Agustus 2023 1:29
Spacious Musholla which is essential for Muslims that is looking for work from cafe places all day. During lunch time could get crowded, maybe due to weekends. Foods are great with friendly staffs. I ordered the nutella cheese cake, black squid, and the famous petik mangga. Really pleasant experience for reading book or work.
10 Agustus 2023 18:17
Kesana buat bukber, banyak paket bundle makanan n minuman, jadi bisa hemat. Overall makanannya enak, cuma kemarin pesen aglio olio berminyak banget terus kerasa banget bawangnya, kl yg kurang suka bawang sepertinya kurang cocok. Petik mangganya enak bgtttt, memang signature.
08 Oktober 2019 0:06
Nice coffee shop, pretty spacious, they also have prayer room and their playlist selection is super cool
29 September 2019 21:27
Comfy cafe, good food and coffee too.a bit crowded inside as well as in the parking lot during busy hour.
22 September 2019 10:21
If you're looking for a great coffee with affordable yet reasonable price, then this is a perfect place to have one. They also served tea, snack and meal.
04 September 2019 9:12
Saya mencicipi kopi piccolo yang espressonya keluar dari lamarzoocco. Pekat kopi seimbang dengan freshmilk. Kopi blend nya juga kesukaan saya nih.
Karena masih kenyang, saya memilih egg benedict. Poached egg bagus dan kuning telurnya meleh sempurna ketika dinpotong lalu diatasnya di kasih hollandiish yang hmm berbeda darrii biasanya tapi enak banget. Sayuran segar juga oke. Oh tapi rrotinya yang kurang pas kayaknya, hanya roti biasa di panggang.
Piccolo dan egg benedict, Well brunch yang sempurna!
03 September 2019 8:16
Great coffee, great baristas. Good separation between smoking and non-smoking area. Can be hard to get seated for big groups, but reservation is possible. Nice and clean restrooms and mushalla.
11 Agustus 2019 10:15
Great place to work or catch up with friends. It has a comfortable smoking and no-smoking spots so it will suit almost everyone.
08 Agustus 2019 15:50
I ordered a cheese cake and a cup of flat white. It was okay, not great but it’s enough. A bit pricey but then again it’s the average for coffee shops around cipete. A little bit too busy to work in here.
07 Agustus 2019 4:16
Tempat hangout berlokasi di jakarta selatan hanya 200m dari stasiun MRT cipete raya, menawarkan kopi yang nikmat dengan berbagai varian
04 Agustus 2019 14:11
Suka sekali kopi dan cheese cakenya tapi kalau almond cheese pie (kalau nggak salah) itu terlalu sweet, lebih suka yang newyork cheese cake. Aglio olio spaghettinya meski agak pricey tapi worth it sama rasanya. Tempatnya yang ada mushollanya bikin betah seharian.
23 Juli 2019 15:04
Ordered: Picollo 28k
Taste nice, good service, good ambience, and they have indoor and outdoor for smoking area. They also have main course menu.
Their parking lot quite big.
21 Juli 2019 15:19
Well ok, i like the place and the atmosphere, they keep it clean. The food was okay and the coffee was good.
19 Juli 2019 8:25
Good coffee, great crowd. Nice ambience. Choose here if you want to meetup and hangout with friends or family. Friendly waiter and barista.
24 Juni 2019 17:12
Letaknya dekeeettt banget sama Esmod dan kalau beruntung bisa ketemu sama babang hamish daud. Kenapa? Karena kafe ini punya doi dan istrinya (si raisa) haha. Gue pas baru keluar dari toilet dong tau2 hamish dateng dan ponakan gw ngebisikin kalo hamish barusan lewat dibelakang gue dan dengan begonya gw gak denger. Gue dengernya dari "abis", " Aiiis" Sama "amis. " Hahahahhaa
16 Juni 2019 22:01
Kopi tidak terlalu kuat. Yang paling Saya sukai, musholla yang luas dan nyaman. Suasana dalam ruangan juga sejuk. Bisa melihat proses pemanggangan biji kopi
13 Juni 2019 21:08
2x kesini dan 2x dipuaskan. Harga reasonable buat anak baru kerja. Tapi rasa mantab sjh. Paling tempat smoking area aja kurang oke sirkulasi udaranya.
12 Juni 2019 13:32
Great place to get a cup of coffee, and food too.

Good selection of coffee, and western and local food. So not just snacks, we can get full here. The inside is surprisingly spacious, with large size tables to make it easy to eat. They also have a nice outside smoking area with lush plants.

The overall service and place are great, although it'd be great if it has more parking space.
04 Juni 2019 2:31
Makanan + Kopi enak. Harga murah meriah meskipun pemiliknya salah satu artis. Suasananya nyaman. Parkir mobil luas bisa 4 mobil besar. Staffnya ramah. Penyajian cepat
04 Juni 2019 1:13
One of happening coffee shop in Cipete area. Spacious comfy place with great coffee and food selection. Quite packed during brunch in weekend.
01 Juni 2019 1:02
Price $$
Mushola available. Outdoor for smoking and indoor for non smoking. Coffee and non coffee available. Brunch, light meals, and heavy meal available
25 Mei 2019 14:36
They will put reserved sign on some big tables. It's actually a trick to avoid one or two customers sitting there. So, if you come with some friends (at least 5 people in total), feel free to ask the waiter for one of those reserved big table. You're welcome,
18 Mei 2019 6:14
Coffee is so-so but the establishment is neat, full aircon, free wifi and young crowd. Parking is limited. Price is slightly higher but still affordable
01 Mei 2019 13:58
Tempat nya seperti di rumah sendiri coffenya mantab dan masakan nya seperti masakan rumah kebetulan saya coba ayam sauce mangga.ini enak sekali.
25 April 2019 9:16
There many coffee beans selections. The environment inside is very nice, roomy and not too noisy. Recommended to chill out while reading a book.
15 April 2019 16:32
Payment cash and card. Debit without any minimum payment.
It is 6mins walking from MRT Cipete. Parking space is limited.
Toilet is clean.
03 April 2019 18:03
Tempat ngopinya nyaman dan bagus, kopinya dan aneka makanan dan minumannya juga ternyata enak dan puas. Sangat recommended kalau mau santai didaerah Cipete Fatmawati. Selalu penuh parkirnya tapi selalu dapet kok. Sangat santai dan suara musiknya benar benar tidak mengganggu, cocok sekali untuk santai sambil ngopi dengan teman teman.

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