10 September 2022 4:29
Berganti nama menjadi Ahmei. Makanan KWETIAU dan DIMSUM nya enak. Utk minuman: JUS KEDONDONG, TEH SUSU, dan teh tarik nya enak. Yang kurang: TIDAK ADA WIFI, PELAYANAN LAMA.
23 Juli 2021 23:22
Suasananya cukup nyaman dan cozy, pilihan makannya agak terbatas selama pandemic covid19 tapi menu favorit tetap tersedia. Bakerynya dalam satu ruangan yang sama. Pilihan rotinya banyak dan terwedia frozen food.
06 April 2020 8:03
Looking for a small, cozy, no music where u can visit daily, waiting for a rain passing by. Or.u want to dine in with family.well its my favorite place. But its not about the place actualy, the singaporean style food here is good, really good for me. Specially the kwetiaw singapore fried or "siram". They are different from other kwetiaw arround here. The down side is they only had a few waiter so, its a bit tough when we order at peak hour. But hope u'll enjoy it.
17 Maret 2020 15:31
Enak kwetiau nya lembut. Cuma agak lama penyajiannya, kayanya pesanan sy kelewat 1 krn dari 3 yg dtg duluan 2 kemudian wktu sy tanya witresnya kelihatan bingung yg kurang menu apa. Hmm untung g sampe 30 menit lagi keluarnya okelah
15 November 2019 20:58
Delicious foods but long time service because very crowded. Good place. Price worth it. There are new menu, pork. Previously this restaurant served halal foods but now it has changed. I love it
25 Oktober 2019 10:25
Pelayanannya masih sangat low respon.terlalu lama menunggu.karyawannya harus ditraining kembali.agar lebih ramah senyum dan cekatan.saya juga pernah order by tlp tidak bisa.mungkin terlalu takut tidak di ambil dan di bayar.banyak sekali yang harus di perbaiki pelayanannya menurut saya.terima kasih.
01 Oktober 2019 21:32
The food is still very nice, though its lacking the oomph of its yesteryears. Something is missing here and there. No more chili oil, lacking polish in they used to be famous kway teow.
20 September 2019 19:41
Hari ini, arround 1400 servicenya sangat amat buruk sekali. Mulai makanan bersalahan, pesan tidak di input, so many mistaken.nggak seperti biasanya. So please, management take improvement.

12 Juli 2019 7:48
Good selection of chinese food, service is quick. You can also get choices of bread in this store.
08 Juli 2019 12:01
Sangat sangat mengecewakan respon dari karyawannya baik yg pemula maupun yg senior karena sama sekali tidak mau mengakui kesalahan. Permintaan maaf pun tidak ada, yg bersalah menghindar dan pergi. Ketika saya bertanya, smp beginipun tidak ada permintaan maaf dr eaton, saya hanya dijawab, ga tau bu bukan saya smbl senyum.
Bisnis bidang service ga cukup hanya makanan enak, tempat enak, tapi yg paling penting adalah bagaimana merekrut karyawan dan memberikan training bagaimana menghadapi customer. Saya ckp sering datang ke sini, br kali ini terima perlakuan seperti ini.
03 Juni 2019 16:42
Tempatnya nyaman seasanya di lantai 2 juga asik, masakan Brokolinya enak. Untuk lahan parkir luas, di lantai 1 ada bakerynya dan enak
31 Mei 2019 8:45
Love to be here to find the best and super yummy butter cookies with the choco in the centre and their oatmeal bread is the best one also the delicious redbean mooncake and taro bread and chasiew pao dinsun is awesone.one of the restaurant that keeping me coming back.a bakery and restaurant in a place! Awesome
11 Mei 2019 12:37
Like this place. Many parking lots available. Good service and cleanliness too. Tried their babi hong and kwetiaw nyonya (something). Small portion of babi hong, taste good. Really like the kwetiaw, its less greasy. Crowds mostly adults and family
04 Maret 2019 15:39
Love all the food here. You can buy some bread and dessert too beside the main dish. It is comfy place to eat. Recommended for those looking for chinese culinary experience. The location is also close to a supermarket and ATM.
28 Januari 2019 13:06
Good Food and Bakery & Good Place for Meeting while enjoying your drink like coffee, ice flavour or Juice

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