27 November 2023 4:10
A very quality 4S property. The staff and service and attention level to the little details are impeccable. Very kind and helpful concierge, stayed here twice during my travels and will 100% stay again should I be traveling through Jakarta.
18 November 2023 1:46
Saya menginap di banyak hotel bintang 5 Jakarta
Fairmont, raffles, Kempinski, intercon, dkk
Tp hotel ini yang paling buruk dari segi layanan, makanan, kamar, dsb

Bapak security yg bawain koper sangat setengah hati, dia hanya mau bawa 1/3 barang bawaan saya. Pdhal sya berdua sama anak sya yg masih balita.
Kamar mandi, air dr shower merembes membanjiri kamar mandi
Kami baru bsa check in jam 7 malam krna ada masalah d kamar. Tp sepertinya mereka tdk memperbaiki masalah d kamar dgn baik, dan malah merugikan kami.
Tdk ada kompensasi akan hal ini dr pihak hotel
Pilihan makanan super sedikit
Mungkin target pasar mereka adl orang dgn perjalanan bisnis yg makan hanya sekedar pelengkap
Tp sangat2 tdk memuaskan
Food stationnya cuma 2 (noodle, pastry). Sisanya kami bsa memesan menu yg ada dalam daftar yg itupun tdk ada perubahan. Begitu2 saja tiap harinya. Dan rasanya B saja.
Waitersnya kurang membantu
Saat kami datang, mereka hanya menyisakan 1 peralatan makan untuk saya saja. Sementara anak sya tdk dikasih. Sudah req tp malah tdk lengkap, tdk ada sendok. Dn tdk dikasih air atau ditawarkan hal lain. Sangat buruk. Totally bed.
If you have more money, don't spent to this worst hotel
Looking for another worth hotel. Masih banyak dijakarta.
Pelayanan sangat tdk ramah.
Tamannya penuh dgn nyamuk, tdk ada Playground disini. Tempat check in juga sangat sempit. Poor of you
17 November 2023 22:27
Fasilitasnya nyaman sekali
Nggak heran juga banyak orang yang berkunjung kesitu
Dan dari segi harga juga lumayan pass dengan keuangan orang lain
Layanannya sangat ramah juga semoga kedepannya bisa di tingkatkan lagi
14 Oktober 2021 22:27
Rekomendasi, Mantap hotel bagus bgt, sesuai sm harganya untuk sy sebagai fotografer puas bgt sm tempatnya. Buat yg minim budget bisa foto didalam kamar aja udh cukup bagus dr dalam kamar sampe bathtub. Krn untuk foto di sini ada fee yg harus dibayar #dikuar kamar.
07 September 2021 14:59
Kesan menginap yang sangat nyaman dan mewah, disertai dgn service yg sangat memuaskan, special thanks utk mas stefano yg telah membantu utk mengabadikan hasil foto yg sangat memuaskan. Bakal nagih kesini lagi kalau ada rejekinya
11 Agustus 2021 16:28
Hotel bagus, dan masih terawat, walau sudah lumayan juga umurnya, gampang di akses. Serta lokasinya juga strategis
05 Agustus 2021 19:58
Great hotel! Karyawannya sangat membantu sekali. Ramah. Snacknya enyak.martabaknya walaupun sepotong super kenyang.mantul!
05 Agustus 2021 8:15
Been Staying with Four Seasons for quite some time now, 9 years to be exact, and I must say the best service I had was in Jakarta, I don’t know if it’s the people or the culture. But AAA Plus Service
01 Agustus 2021 19:56
Tamu berhalangan saat tgl checkin, mau digantikan oleh teman tapi diminta yang berhalangan itu untuk tetep hadir
Gimana sih orang berhalangan datang, kalo bisa datang ngapain digantiin
Hotel lain ga ribet kaya gini
21 Juli 2021 0:09
Nice big bed room, nice pool, great view from restaurant at level 20, great hospitality from the staffs
16 Juli 2021 3:29
Hotel langganan, sangat recommended, service in room nya sangat tanggap, cepat dan 24 jam. Seluruh Pelayan staff nya sangat sopan sekali. Saya masih bingung ada orang yang masih memberi 1 bintang, sangat tidak sopan sekali
08 Juli 2021 10:07
Ada tempat duduk teraso yg indah dan nyaman buat istirahat sejenak bagi pejalan kaki ataupun pesepeda tapi tidak diperbolehkan alias dilarang keras oleh management hotel via security (padahal sudah terpasang CCTV arah Timur dan Barat).
Pedestrian & tempat duduk permanennya ditrotoir itu jadi tidak ada kemanfaatan nya bagi orang banyak.
Baiknya dibongkar saja. Tidak ada kemanfaatan yg dapat dinikmati masyarakat!
18 Juni 2021 0:45
Such a lovely, luxury & comfort Place. Nice to stay here with best service, facility & location.
07 Juni 2021 18:59
Awalnya saya kesini karena pingin merasakan sensasi hotel mewah dijakarta.tapi setelah masuk lobbynya ngak ada mewahnya sama sekali. Untung Kamarnya bagus dan besar. Kemudian kolam renangnya imut2.kayak kolamnya hotel bintang 4.terus breakfast ya ala kadarnya sampai bingung mau makan apa.secara keseluruhan jauh dari harapan.semoga kedepannya hotel ini lebih baik
19 Maret 2020 13:08
Ajib.bersih dan nyaman ruang parkir nye.terutama Musholla nye.ajib utk beribadah. Syukron sang Owner.
18 Maret 2020 13:56
Hotel bintang 5 yang tentunya baik layanan, rasa/variasi makanan, kamar hotel, ruang meeting dan fasilitas lain yang sangat sangat mendukung.sangat rekomendasi buat para penikmat hidup
15 Februari 2020 9:39
It's awesome! The place is luxurious and modern. The service is good, the food is tasty enough. There are some restaurants, a bar and I really like Italian restaurant in the 20th floor which is Alto. The price is worth it and it's good hotel to stay for a while especially for business trip because the location is strategic and close to SCBD. It's recommended 5 star hotel in Jakarta!
Ini mengagumkan! Tempatnya mewah dan modern. Layanannya baik, makanannya cukup enak. Ada beberapa restoran, bar dan saya sangat suka restoran Italia di lantai 20 yaitu Alto. Harganya sepadan dan hotel yang bagus untuk disinggahi terutama untuk perjalanan bisnis karena lokasinya strategis dan dekat dengan SCBD. Ini sangat direkomendasikan untuk hotel bintang 5 di Jakarta!
14 Februari 2020 10:20
- the room was incredible! One of best hotel room in indonesia.

- unfortunately, i had bad experience in check in at the hotel. I had to wait until 1,5 hours before i can enter the room. And it made me upset to the hotel’s staffs. However, i got some fruits as an apologize compliment from the hotel. That’s the standard compliment i think for the 5 star hotel.

- the breakfast varian menu was scrimpy if compared with any others 5 star hotel. The staff said its because the place capacity of the palm court restaurant is small. I don’t think its reasonable for the famous hotel like four seasons.

Overall rating: 7
18 Januari 2020 10:24
It’s really very nice hotel and the stuff is very friendly and the rooms are nice and clean, I like it
13 Januari 2020 23:43
Four Seasons sebagai Hotel Bintang 5 (katanya Karyawan Cowok yg ngelayanin Wedding Party tadi) tapi SANGAT TIDAK MENGUTAMAKAN KEAMANAN & KENYAMANAN ANAK2. Tadi kejadian ada jatuhnya Standing Tirai yg hampir menimpa Anak2. Karyawan Hotel bukan meminta maaf, malah hanya bisa menyalahkan Orang Lain (Event Organizer). Mana Bintang 5 muuu? !
Kejadian seperti itu Anda anggap ENTENG?
06 Januari 2020 16:04
Absolutely very beautiful and elegant. Wide, with a very large numberbof offers and facilities for the guests. Very elegant the insidebrestaurant, where it is possible to seat in very comfortable chairs, and taste a wide number of dishes, from makan padang to the continental cousine.
29 Desember 2019 7:20
Very clean, fancy and well managed establishment. Loved the high ceilings, posh rooms and great cocktail bar. Dio the bartender makes an excellent rum old fashioned!
28 Desember 2019 17:52
Excellent service. The staff at breakfast anticipate your every need and are there before you even call them. Just amazing. Rooms are luxurious and gorgeous. Loved my entire stay there. The staff made all the difference.
23 Desember 2019 16:20
This 5-star hotel has great staff who accommodated my children during our stay, great ambiance and service, easy check in and beautifully decorated interior. Breakfast is average. The pool is quite small. Children's pool is tiny with concrete edges, not quite safe. The gym is great. Spa is a bit pricey. Perks: small stuffed toys for my children, complimentary fruits and sweets.
23 Desember 2019 15:34
Hotel berskala international di tengah jantung kota jakarta. Akses menuju lokasi mudah, pengamanan di lokasi juga sangat baik. Lobby kurang luas, dan sofa nya sedikit jd kurang nyaman untuk menunggu. Kamarnya bagus, harganya ya lumayan mahal lah tapi memang standard harga hotel bintang 5 dengan kelas international. Makanannya enak dan bersih. Meeting room standard, toiletnya bersih dan nyaman. Keungguluan disini ketimbang hotel bintang 5 skala international lainnya adalah toiletnya menggunakan air, di hotel sekalas lain nya kebanyakan menggunakan tissue saja.parkiran di basement, luas dan baik.
07 Desember 2019 8:03
Ngeri banget jam 12 malam nyarsar di basemen four season padahal cuma di suruh ambil bunga mawar di lantai 1701 hotel four season gara gara baru sekali ke sini
04 Desember 2019 9:32
Spetacular service and acommodation!
Next to the Pacific Place Shopping Mall, an excellent option to shopping.
30 November 2019 15:25
The hotel was nice, i was attending a wedding invitation here. I gave 3 stars because the lift from the parking basement was experiencing problem. Could be something serious. The door lift was closing very fast, making loud bang while the lift was slightly dropped down and then go up.

The lift probably was overloaded, but still going without error sound. Other guest turns out had this experience too.

The lift was closed when we were going back to the car, so we had to find another lift.

I would give 5 stars if we weren't experiencing those problems.
11 November 2019 11:20
Definitely high quality!
Love the high tea

Price: 8/10
Vibe: 10/10
Service: 9/10
Food/drinks: 9/10

I came here for high tea. It was legit!
Service is amazing, calm vibe with beautiful view of patio with lots of orchids. They have indoor n outdoor space which that is so important yet u still feel comfortable n private. The distance from one table to the other is bit wide so u have ur own space. Exactly bringing the high level of service!

Definitely come back if I’m in Jakarta.
05 November 2019 8:29
The room was very modern, spacious and modern. It had a sort of a living room with a divan, a desk and a big TV. A separate room was the bedroom, the bed was really comfortable. The bathroom had a separate bathtub from the shower and a two individual sinks, really handy. Service and attention to detail were really good and made me feel taken care of at all times.
21 Oktober 2019 3:41
Room is spacious, excellent service, the Italian restaurant is very recommended, breakfast is good. We will definitely return!
10 Oktober 2019 2:37
The best in Jakarta I advice all to try at least one night because all staff speak english as well as the food prepared was tasty and superb in the breakfast buffet. I will come again
06 Oktober 2019 1:54
Orangnya ramah semua baik asli gaada yg songong, cuma buat yg sering part time banquet, steward siap siap keteter aja wkwk cape bosque lebih dri kuli #jgnterlaluserius
28 September 2019 8:14
This hotel is so nice. We came here for brunch on Sunday and had a great time. Service was fantastic and food was delicious and reasonably priced. The French toast, lobster and truffle pasta was especially nice
28 Januari 2019 10:27
A good place to work. The location is so strategic. You can access it by TransJakarta (stop at Gatot Subroto Jamsostek, and have a bit walk around 1 minute).
Very close to the shopping center like Grand Indonesia, Plaza Semanggi, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Kota Kasablanka, Pacific Place, etc.
This office building also provides the shuttle if the tenants would like to go SCBD area around certain schedule (mostly lunch time and after working hours). AND IT'S FREE!

Have a clean canteen, 2 minimarkets (MOR and Family Mart), 2 coffee shops (Kenangan and Dolceto), have high security system, have cafe as well.

They do have a lot of activities, such as: running, salon, etc. The decoration is also very thematic. The building management never get tired to decorate the lobby.

Tulis Ulasan

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