12 Desember 2023 22:00
If you make a reservation, you can experience pottery.
You can color it with glaze, but you can also leave it to us.

(Added in December 2023) A new building is being constructed in the courtyard, and the second floor gallery is also being renovated, so there are few works. There is also an experience space, but there are fewer molds. It seems that the renovation will take about half a year, so until then Depok seems better.
26 Oktober 2023 4:26
This is mainly a gallery where you could buy the work of art of pak Widyanto, but behind the gallery, there is a little space for their workshop.
They provide several types of workshop starting from the beginner one, which is the pressing technique up to the spinning one.

They have 3 dedicated hours for the workshop, which is 10 am, 12 pm, and 2 pm WIB.
The teacher name was kak Sandy, and he was so lovely!

Definitely a must try activities for a date or even a group activity!
27 Agustus 2023 21:38
My granddaughters took the workshop, it was fun experience. The gallery is conveniently located. The workshop fee is affordable. Highly recommended for people who like arts and want to try new experience with pottery
26 Juli 2023 15:04
Not only gallery, here you can also learn and try to make pottery. To join their pottery class, do reserve via WhatsApp. I strongly recommend to join morning/afternoon class as it might get a bit hot during the day. Instructors are nice and they are also generous with the material. Recommend!
09 Januari 2023 9:12
A great place to learn about pottery. You'll need to fill a reservation form first to take a class here. Although it's written that the class is specific just to a technique, the teacher will teach a bit about few other basic technique too. Recommended to try it with your friends or family
14 September 2022 16:05
Nice experience for beginner like me who wants to learn how to do pottery class. They have few classes for different techniques. Relaxing atmosphere, convenient location, It was therapeutic for me. The experience was better than I was expecting.
12 September 2022 1:25
Pottery workshop in Central Jakarta area, they provide Pottery class experience in an outdoor ambience. The clay and molding supplies are already prepared, participants can consult with one of the facilitators here for guide and tips.
05 Agustus 2022 0:57
Great experience. It is recommended to go there with friends or big group of people. They provided an instructor to guide you and give a short training at the beginning of the session.
Suggest to arrive early because they are pretty strict with the schedule
15 Juli 2022 9:29
Tempat keramik cantik2. Bisa belajar membuat keramik juga. Tempatnya bersih. Nyaman. Lokasi di sebrang sma 3 setiabudi persis. Untuk belajar membuat keramik harus isi link yg disediakan. Bisa hub dulu lewat dm IG atau lewat wa.
05 Juli 2022 14:43
Hidden gem!
It is hidden in house complex, looks small from the outside but pretty spacy in the inside
Inside of the house there are open spaces and pretty windy and the pottery class very nice
Totally recommend
24 Juni 2022 22:59
Good place to spend time with friends and fam but idk the people were not that nice like they hurried us too much (well thats to avoid overtime charge, but duh?)
07 Juni 2022 1:32
Tempatnya bagus, banyak pohon dan artistik banget. Ada galerinya juga dan tempat bikin keramiknya punya koleksi cetakan banyak banget. Bisa pilih dari beberapa kelas dan bisa diwarnai sendiri dengan tambahan biaya. Kalau minta instrukturnya warnain juga oke, hasilnya bagus kok.
29 Mei 2022 19:24
BENER2 RECOMMEND UNTUK ORNG2 YANG MAU BLAJAR POTTERY! Ini satu2nya tempat yang worth every penny. Saya ambil paket yang 145k, dpt instructor jg yg SUPER BAIK DAN SABAR TRS RAMAAAHHHH BGT (namanya Pak Yadi). Cetakannya banyak bgt dah diajarin pelan2, bahkan untuk orng yg ga bs seni sama sekali aja, NYOBA INI SERU BGT. Disamping activity ini, pemandangan sekitarnya keren2 bgt smpe speechless, banyak pohon2 yang sejuk (tidak membuat kesan serem malah) trs ada suara burung krn msh asri. Bahkan dari pintu masuknya aja BUAGUS BGT POOL2, ada panjangan keramik2 yg udh jadi bs kalian beli jd oleh2, pokoknya no comment, kalau bisa saya kasih bintang 10 bahkan 100 kalau bisa. Tetapi disamping itu, lokasi tempatnya yang persis di depan jalan besar makanya ga ada tempat untuk parkir (carport) kalau mau didepan bangunannya atau di sebrang jalannya, trs nnti turun aja jalan kaki ganyampe 1 mnt.saran dari saya, kalau bisa ambil di weekday karena udh pasti lebih sepi dan jdnya enak karena berasa jd private class gt hehe tapii balik lg ya sama hoki masing2 dan waktu kapan kalian punya luangnya. Ga bakal nyesel deh kesini, asli. Cobain deh!
28 April 2020 15:28
Berada di Pusat Kota Jakarta, galery ini benar-benar menjadi oase bagi mereka yang bosan dengan hiruk pikuk kendaraan diantara gedung-gedung pencakar langit.
Duduk di sore hari sambil menikmati keindahan keramik-keramik karya maestro F Widayanto.it's refreshing!
19 Februari 2020 0:11
Cozy place with ethnic ambience and you can buy the hand made product there with reasonable price. Recommended place for your weekend destination
09 Januari 2020 5:05
Love all the arts and crafts beautifully handmade by the F. Widayanto and friends. The staffs are very helpful and informative. The food (snack and lunch) are very delicious. The ceramic making is fun. I will definitely come here often
15 September 2019 23:41
Meskipun ini adalah galeri karya seni, tetapi kita bisa menikmati makan siang serasa berada di sebuah ruang makan mewah dikelilingi benda-benda seni yang artistik hasil karya seniman Indonesia ternama.

Aneka nasi pepesnya dikemas dan diolah dengan baik, rasanya enak dan melihat tampilannya pun menggugah selera. Sajian variasi minumannya juga enak dilihat dan menyegarkan.

Area dalam galeri ini juga bisa digunakan sebagai ruang meeting, atau kumpul2 bersama teman dengan kapasitas antara 20 sampai 30 orang.

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