12 April 2023 16:29
Hi, I am an alumni at this school and I feel like I have to share my experiences with anybody who reads this. There is one teacher in my final years that has been very hateful towards me. I grew up with autism and ADHD but she has always yelled at me and treated me in a cruel manner because I found it difficult to follow the task. As somebody who studied Fine Arts, I believe in the power of human creativity and freedom in expression as proven by some of the most successful people in history. Some Indian teachers don't believe in this because they like to make money. They only care about what works, and don't care about creativity. I remember another student as well who is disabled like me, but in hearing and a business teacher raised his voice at him because he could not listen. It is very pitiful what he has to go through although he did not hear his teacher yelling at him. I spoke about this to my friends, seven years later and nobody thinks this is an acceptable behavior among normal human beings, which is why I had to share my experiences here.
08 Januari 2023 6:47
Bapa bapa yang id card intercontinental school agak tolol yah, yang pake kemeja putih, gk sopan sama saya
08 Agustus 2022 13:29
Everyone who sas gmis is overprised is dum its a good school thats why its overpriced and the teachers are very proffesoinal ur just mad at them
25 Juni 2022 2:30
This place is very good because the teachers are nice there is an library and they won’t ask that much money
14 Oktober 2021 20:49
If we see from the building, this school seems a great international School. But actually, it doesnt!
Bad management. The principal won't care about parents' complains. The middle school supervisor is terrible person, the other section supervisors are more nice.

That M.school supervisor never look at the mirror everytime he blamed the teachers.

Never put your kids in this school or you will get dissapointed at all.

They say that this school is IB World School, international setting. But it is not true! They never upgrade the facilities. The labs, art room is messy, the music room without proper instrument, the classes properties mostly broken.

Find another school. Better you go to SIS, Raffles, or Penabur International.
22 Juli 2021 11:17
A very few teachers are good. They pick 1-2 best students from each class and only focus on them and when these students go to some good university they claim it their success!
All the other students are completely ignored. Although they claim it a IB school but no such trait is followed.
Exceptions are always there!
02 Juli 2021 21:08
Hello I am a student here at GMIS and I just wanted to say my views on this school but more particularly 5th grade, this is a wonderful school but the teachers sometimes indirectly INSULT the students especially if they "stand out". I used to love fashion but because I wore a few fashionable clothes people saw me as if I dressed like I was going to a Met Gala. According to them they said it was "TOO MUCH" well that's not the only thing I have proof of teachers publicly insulting me INFRONT OF MY CLASS! We were trying on our graduation uniforms, but the teacher said " (my name) isn't going to graduate, but she paid for the clothes so I guess she is" then the whole class started laughing except for me and few others that thought it wasn't funny. This wasn't the only time, there are other teaches who act this way they say its "constructive criticism" but too much of that can be hurtful, and I don't get why they aren't trying to focus on the children who don't have the same capacity as the "bright students" they give them more chance in the assembly's and its very unfair. Also would like to point out grade 6 teachers are amazing and much more accepting. Yes they are harsh but not insulting they act like the perfect teacher according to me even though I wasn't their favorite or as sharp as some students. I am going to seventh grade now as a new school year is starting and I hope these teachers are dealt with responsibly. I also didn't have enough courage to report this sooner.

Thank you
10 April 2021 15:57
Lol i just wanna say for those who went to this school your so lucky bec the school is good, I am in the school next to gandhi which is really bad and you shouldn't go there cause it is like hell it might be worse. Im just rating 3 stars random rate ok.
15 Maret 2021 11:31
Its a really good school, my friend was there for 6 years and he said he liked it and i am really impressed by him
12 Maret 2021 12:41
Highly overpriced with utterly poor quality of management and education (a few Indian businessmen running this to make money). I would say this school is one of the biggest scam in Jakarta (also this school was ranked among one of the biggest tax evaders in Indonesia). Ignorant parents are robbed least $7500 dollars in admission fee and another $6000 to 8000 per year. Also, teachers are woefully underpaid ($200-400 month). You have one good teacher in each grade and you have to be lucky if your child lands in that teacher's class. I deeply regret that our children landed in this school. As we paid through our nose, we cannot afford to move them to another school now.
08 Februari 2021 4:09
Sekolah internasional yg bagus, banyak orang india nya Orang Korea juga ada banyak, sekolah yg bagus
07 Februari 2021 5:17
This school ain't great. It's fees are very expensive. The teachers ain't great either most of them have a bad teaching style while some are good but those are really rare and you have to be lucky to be in that class. Students there smoke and other not so great things. It's as if they mostly hired random people of the street to be teachers. Basically this school is a scam
11 Maret 2020 9:04
It is an overpriced school with unqualified teachers, and will not reveal their ib average score. I do not recommend at all
01 Maret 2019 23:51
Update to previous review school has fixed the tables problem please take in mind this review may not be applicable from grades below grade 11

Most teachers are very nice and dedicated, but very few of them feel like they aren't very easy to understand due to their teaching styles. Very few things such as tables, chairs, and doors are not properly maintained which may make it a safety hazard or very annoying.

Previous review
The school that cant afford additional tables and chairs for the 11th and 12th grade. They seem to only care until 10th grade at that point it’s like you don’t have any tables? Not our problem steal some from the other class
10 November 2018 6:48
Sekolah taraf internasional, belom pernah masuk dari luar keliatannya mantap, kurang di penjagaan security kurang, kegiatan belajar mengajar good, saya baru tau ada sekolah setaraf ini, pas saya ada pekerjaan di wisma atlit untuk asian games 2k18, saya dari info pengajaran nya pun dari luar, kenapa harus luar? Padahal di indonesia banyak orang pintar kenapa gak dipekerjakan saja orang pintar tsb kan berguna dan bermanfaat ilmu mereka untuk anak didik sekolah tersebut, sayangnya minim anak didik mungkin karena bayaran yang waahh, pengajar di gandhi ini saya ada kenalan orang india dan dia bahasa indo nya fasih sekali good teacher

Tulis Ulasan

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