24 November 2023 12:50
Ada di lantai 5 senayan city. Servisnya oke. Informatif dan ramah walaupun datang sudah jam 5 lewat alias sudah mau tutup.
02 November 2023 8:48
Friendly staffs, large space office in Jakarta located in the middle of the city. Recommend it
19 Juli 2023 19:05
I arrived today and was served by the staff. Indira lacks knowledge and is very unhelpful, a waste of time, I'm far away
28 Januari 2023 2:17
Untuk pengurusan surat pengganti boarding pass memerlukan waktu 1 bulan dikenakan biaya 50 rb dan harus ada surat dari instansi terkait jika untuk keperluan klaim kantor, tidak bisa by online harus ke ktr cabang terdekat sangat ribet
23 Januari 2023 20:20
Nice ticket office inside the mall, very helpful staff & easy to access. Keep maintaining the service.
19 Januari 2023 17:14
Not all staffs were helpful & there was at least a staff who was not as supportive as the other one, so I even had to come back there twice because she was not informative & did not cater my request in single visit.
12 Oktober 2022 4:55
Riana is one of the best officers here. I have been handled by Riana so many times and she deserves to be “the best Employee of the year. ”

Basically The GA gallery in Sency needs more staffs here.
22 Agustus 2022 20:06
Visit this place karena ada hal yang harus di urus. Dan setelah kontak ke Garuda indonesia dimana lokasi Garuda office terdekat. Akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk kesini

Ini lokasinya di Lantai 6 Mall Senayan City yaa.

Saat kesini, lumayan banyak juga pengunjungnya
09 Agustus 2022 7:53
Saran.klau bisa di depan atw dkt pengambilan no antrian ditempatkan petugas utk menyambut pelanggan spy merasa di service dgn baik (contoh: selamat siang bp/ibu ada yg bisa kami bantu?). Masa sekelas Garuda Indonesia pelayanan ke pelanggan kurang memuaskan.pelanggan ambil no sendiri dan tidak ada yg mengarahkan kedalam.thx
08 Oktober 2021 22:23
Rajin rajin deh dateng ke sini kalau mau plan a trip, kadang mereka suka punya harga harga promo yang ga terpublished.
29 Juli 2021 16:35
Customer service ramah, suasana nya santai, tempat nya luas dan sejuk. Buka mulai jam 11 wib di lt. 6
21 Mei 2021 2:19
Pelayanan nya baik dan selalu memuaskan, tiap naek pesawat pasti pilihan nya selalu Garuda Indonesia.
06 Mei 2021 5:43
Saat awal Maret 2021 kesini, counter Layanan Platinum atau Executive tutup.hanya buka 2 counter saja yang pelayani calon penumpang. Saat itu, ada 5 penumpang. Walaupun begitu, butuh 40 menit untuk dilayani.
21 April 2021 6:10
Very nice and comfy place. Located inside senayan city mall sixth floor. Can get a bit crowded sometimes but the service is fast and the staff are very helpL
11 Maret 2021 14:29
Tempat bersih, well organize, pelayanan cepat, karena sedang pandemi jadi customer service nya cmn 2 yg sedang tugas.
08 Februari 2021 21:19
Lokasinya di senayan city mall lantai 5, gw klo ngurus Garuda selalu kesini soalnya bisa sekalian shopping
Klo weekend jam 6 sore udah close ya gaes
07 Maret 2020 4:21
Karyawannya ramah2 n baik2 dlm melayani pelanggan dan memberikan informasi yg jelas2 pokoknya pelayanannya memuaskan
19 Februari 2020 9:22
Di sini anda bisa melakukan urusan yang terkait dengan penerbangan Garuda serta mengurus hal yang terkait dengan keanggotaan anda di GFF. Lokasi di lantai 6 Senayan City.dimana tempatnya cukup representatif serta pelayanan yang prima dari staf Garuda Indonesia.
10 Februari 2020 12:48
Pelayanannya menurun, terutama di lounge Platinum, biasanya klu kita naik pesawat pagi ada omelet.
Skrg sdh tidak ada.

Klu mau makan. Kita harus Mengambil makanan Ke lounge yg di sebelah, terlalu jauh.
23 Desember 2019 14:54
Well as a business class client, and waiting more than 40 minutes, NO there is no other passenger in front of me. My no A011 and A010 has left for a while now.so my assumptions is that just because you are a business class passenger you are not priotise.
24 Oktober 2019 0:18
Good service, comfy lounge. You can buy ticket, do some complain and also redeem your GFF here.
12 Oktober 2019 6:38
Pelayanan customer servicenya sbnrnya oke. Cuma kurangnya, tdk sedia materai. Pdhl utk mengurus kehilangan boarding pass ternyata butuh surat bermaterai. Untung tny ke bank BCA disebelahnya, mrk msh baik mw jual materainya. Coba klo tdk mau jual, bisa2 kami kerepotan hrs nyari materai dmn. Bintang 3 bwt garuda gallery, 2 bintangnya utk BCA krn lbh prepare.
29 Agustus 2019 12:45
Tempat andalan untuk mengurusi problema pertiketan Garuda Indonesia.
Pelayanan cukup cepat dan ramah. Sambil menunggu antrian bisa liat ke jendela dengan pemandangan lapangan golf senayan dan skyline Jakarta. Adem
15 Agustus 2019 1:11
Pelayanan Ekonomi class suka dilewati panggilan bisnis class bisa 4-5 nomor antrian, not fair. Kadang yang ambil antrian bisnis class Tidak selalu urusan bisnis class, hanya mereka sdh tahu CARA dapat antrian lebih cepat saja, celah nya sdh diketahui. System Antrian perlu di pelajari lagi
24 Juli 2019 14:00
Good service bit too slow too my liking. And really ridiculous procedures. If they made a mistake on your name you better insist on your ticket being changed immediately, otherwise you'll have to go back there and have it changed. They won't let you change your name over the phone if you create a booking over at their office, if for whatever reason you are doing it there, i.e. Redeeming your points.
09 Juli 2019 19:17
Sering banget kesini ngurusin tiket~ over all kalau kesini pake surat tugas instansi bisa diskon 20% dan kalao yang lansia bisa dapet potongan harga lebih banyak lagi!
24 Mei 2019 19:39
I’d come here if I had to change a flight, if there’s an issue purchasing tickets online or your internet connection at home/hotel sucks. Otherwise, don’t bother coming here because they’re slow. It was honestly a frustrating process for such a seemingly simple purchase transaction.
01 Mei 2019 9:17
Service quality has declined since it moved from previous location at a lower floor of Senayan City Mall. (Compared to its previous location) It is now less-spacious, less-comfortable and staff members are less-responsive. Even the Platinum lounge has one unattended desk.
12 Maret 2019 20:30
Pertama kali kesini dan pertama kali mencoba datang langsung ke kantor garuda untuk penukaran poin. Begitu sampai tempatnya rame. Datang telat, antrian sudah panjang, jadi kalau kesini mending datang pagi kalau memang terburu-buru. Pelayanan ambil nomor antrian ramah, begitu juga dengan pelayanan di bagian customer nya. Akan ada perbedaan antrian antara untuk member silver dan gold dengan platinum tapi itu tidak membedakan cara mereka memberikan pelayanan untuk pelanggan, hanya beda ruangan saja.
25 Desember 2018 19:31
Waiting time is extremely long. We've been here since 2 hrs ago and still 6 in the line. There are 6 counters but only 3 counters are opened. One of the counter was left unattended for around 30 minutes leaving only 2 counters available. The problem we can't change our ticket date by phone and has to come to Garuda office for date change and payment. It would be much time efficient if Garuda could improve this service over the phone. It saves our time and they don't have to spend extra expense to rent such a big lounge with minimum service. We spent 2,5 hrs for our turn to be called. Spent another 30 minutes at the counter. All together 3 hrs to change the date of my flight including executing payment. Feeling exhausted. The staff is very friendly though.

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