17 Oktober 2023 1:48
Semua berjalan baik dan lancar. Semua hal di sini memang terlihat casual, tapi untuk setting meeting kantor yang sangat corporateataupun dgn tamu juga proper.thank you
17 September 2023 5:47
Gowork sangat nyaman untuk bekerja, tempatnya sangat bikin fokus dan fasilitasnya sangat lengkap
15 Agustus 2023 14:48
Jujur jarang kesini tapi setiap kesini slalu disuguhi tempat yang adem, nyaman, cocok banget buat belajar soalnya sepi dan ga berisik.lain kali bakal sering sering2 kesini buat belajar
27 Februari 2023 11:15
Awesome work location as it is near major train lines, MRT and bus stops / exchange intersections, so it's really convenient for us and the team to go. Work!
07 Januari 2023 7:15
Pindahan jadi warga Gowork, hari pertama Hub Manager nya hadir juga nggak. Ada tour juga nggak, ngajarin ini itu juga nggak penggunaan printer.

Bayar kayak di perlakukan gratis. Lucu juga sih, berbeda banget sebelum covid perlakuannya padahal bayar dedicated office.

If you are thinking or Gowork read this should be ashamed with their bad service!
30 Desember 2022 11:29
Wifi was good and stable, common room is not too big and not too many desks available for hot desk daily reservation. There’s smoking area on the same floor. Working here also convenient since they have food court in the basement area and parking lot as well if you bring your own vehicle. Place is strategic at the central of Jakarta
20 November 2022 13:34
The wifi was very unstable, and I never had these problems in previous co-working spaces. They tried to fix it but it didn't work well. The room looks quite nice like a café and in the building are also shops and restaurants.
22 Maret 2022 16:47
This the first time i use GoWork for deskwork,
I booked hot desk via mobile apps, the payment process is fast & easy.
GoWork at ChubbSquare is Fascinating, i am really enjoy the time working there.

it would be great if you provide print facility for non member (its okay if charged), but i think it will more efficient if user could print on demand, and charged based on used (Currently i have to email my documents, which is a confidential, to hub associate to ask for print).

*you can contact me if you need such a solution.hehehe
17 Juni 2021 0:27
Ac nya kurang dingin, office boy nya perlu ditegur karena.sendok kopi teh diumpetin di lemari bawah.not helpful enough.gowork harus belajar dr cohive yg IDR 50k/wholeday tetapi teh kopi freeflow engga dipirit2.
15 Mei 2021 17:38
Pelayanan baik, tempatnya juga instagramable, enak sekali untuk WFH, internetnya juga cepat, dan kebersihannya terjaga.
04 Mei 2021 1:45
Tempatnya nyaman bangett. Staff nya juga friendly banget! Sukak vibe nya. Bisa cepet fokus juga jadinya.
18 Maret 2021 18:39
Tempat nya nyaman banget dan customer servicenya juga helpful. Fasilitas lengkap dan disediaiin air mineral gratis. Pokoknya keren gowork UOB
04 Maret 2021 22:22
- go work selalu menjaga protokol kesehatan dengan baik
- proses untuk keluar masuk juga terstruktur jadi kita merasa nyaman
04 Maret 2021 6:54
Tempatnya bagus. Ac nya dingin. Mbak nya ramah ramah. Prokes nya juga oke. Kalo panas tidak boleh masuk.
16 April 2020 4:10
Salah satu cafe terbaik untuk mengerjakaan tugas.tempatnya cozy dan sangat nyaman, bisa meningkatkan produktivitas
09 Maret 2020 15:45
Dekorasi menarik dan bagus, tempatnya sangat nyaman.saat saya masuk, pada awalnya kebingungan.untunglah ada para petugas dengan ramah memberi petunjuk.jadi, saat kamu tidak tahu jalan. BERTANYALAH:)!
orang lain akan siap membantumu
07 Maret 2020 13:46
Good option co-working space at central jakarta, near to Grand Indonesia, cozy and helpful staff.
24 Februari 2020 7:28
Keren banget konsep tempatnya, cocok untuk kegiatan diskusi atau rapat.tempat yang menyenangkan jadi bikin betah ga mau pulang haha
01 Februari 2020 9:51
Dunia professional dan bisnis di Indonesia pun sudah memasuki era officeless.

Bekerja tidak lagi hanya sekedar memenuhi tuntutan rutinitas semata. Tetapi kontribusi dan prestasi sudah menjadi tolak ukur nya.

Kehadiran GoWork sebagai space work, tentu saja mendapatkan sambutan yang sangat hangat.

Nyaris semua cabang GoWork sudah full booked.

Let's Work, Go Work
15 Oktober 2019 16:50
It's clean, it's well lit, it smells nice, the people are very nice and welcoming. I really had a great time spending my day here. You could ask also for executive toilet key, and it's super nice. I drank tea nonstop here and it's free refill. The wifi is also very fast. Also every Thursday they held a lunch gathering, and they gave free lunch too, so nice.
07 Oktober 2019 18:18
A nice place to be Co working space. But unfortunately the access is confusing since it's on 8th floor of CHUBB Square & the CHUBB Square itself is located behind UOB Building
12 September 2019 12:36

GoWork by far is the worst co-working space that I ever visit.

Before going there I checked the website and saw that they have 1 day pass; but as soon as I got there, it's clear that it's very difficult for people who only looking for 1 day pass to sign up and/or have access to the space.

There's no clear information to where new potential customer can sign up (they have 2 floors, no sign whatsoever on how to sign up or where to sign up in front of their space), no way to come into the co-working space (they required access card) and no way to come out too (they also required access card to go out as well?). It's a trap.

On that day, I had a very important meeting at 1pm Jakarta time with my client who has different time zone and need internet as soon as possible. One of the staff let me in and told me to wait until someone in the front desk come back from the lunch break, meanwhile, at that time, I also have no idea that I can't go out without the access card (? , super confusing), I ended up being trapped, no staff is trying to help us (instead they asked me to wait without listening). Ended up being trapped in there for about 30 mins and missed my important client call.

My suggestion is that please have a back up staff in your front desk and put a clear sign on how and where new customer can sign up.

02 Agustus 2019 0:05
A beautiful cowork space in one of the newest towers in SCBD. Excellent security.
Bathrooms on each floor are rather small. The carpark is shared with 2 other towers one of which is not yet open so it is difficult to locate and navigate as more signage is needed.
26 Juni 2019 22:26
After Blora road underpass closed since February 2019, access to Go Work or UOB Building became not easy as before, since we must refer our car plate number to even or odd traffic arrangement.
Co-working space as offered by Go Work was very helpful for people just starting business.
27 Mei 2019 13:27
Premium but worth every penny. They are new but they are well managed, proper facility and great infrastructure! Won't go wrong with Go-Work.
14 Mei 2019 2:16
Fast Wifi, comfortable and neat. This place has 2 seperate meeting rooms. The room in the middle is large enough for approximately 30 persons. There are snacks and beverage with some extra charges (they a bit more expensive than usual). The air conditioner turned off when I was at the middle of workshop, but still have an electric fan as backup. I love the Japanese green tea btw.
02 November 2018 13:44
The facilities and the environment are just really good to be true. Like literally! Keep up the good work, GoWork!
13 April 2018 17:47
Baru pertama kali ke sini ikutan workshop, tempat ini nyaman untuk kerja, namun parkiran agak susah karena kalo weekend gedung ini sering dipakai untuk kondangan
30 Maret 2018 15:22
Suasana sangat kondusif untuk fokus. Tempat nyaman, tapi pilihan tempat mungkin kurang banyak (untuk non subscriber). Servicenya baik dan ramah. Sangat pengen balik lagi.
09 Maret 2018 20:33
I was expecting spacious hall but this is big, but not that big. Music in background is good. I like the big signage with encouraging words! I would give 5 stars if they provide nearby praying room.
02 Maret 2018 2:03
Cobain free day plan disini (lantai 9) dan cukup nyaman.
Lampunya warna kuning jadi nyaman banget buat baca.
Belum cobain lantai 8 yg khusus member tapi kalau dilihat dari luar sih lantai 8 bagus banget.

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