16 November 2023 16:06
The newly reopened Gramedia in Grand Indonesia has taken on a fresh look, embracing a simple and minimalist style that's quite pleasing. The store now features a lot of white themes, giving it a clean and modern feel. What's great is they've added seating areas where people can take a break while browsing through books or after shopping. It's a nice touch, offering a space to rest and enjoy the atmosphere. The simplicity of the design makes it easy to navigate the store, and the white theme adds a sense of calmness. While it's not as crowded as before, it feels more open and inviting. It's a great spot to explore books, grab a seat, and relax amidst a serene setting
15 November 2023 20:59
Re-open gramed di GI. Ada spot buat bisa kerja, belajar ataupun mau foto ketje. Suasana nyaman n tidak berisik. Ini ga ad jual makanan san minuman ya cuma untuk kerja atau belajar aambil menikmati suasana berbeda aja.
14 November 2023 4:42
The redesign is an improvement. It feels more spacious and there's seating if you want to just chill. The cashier line is still a bit of a bottleneck, though.
02 Februari 2020 12:23
Tempatnya nyaman, bersih, harga dr menengah ke atas, buku" disusun sesuai kategori, jd gampang carinya
29 Januari 2020 23:55
Tempatnya lengkap, bisa lewat lift dari menara bca. Tempatnya nyaman dan buku bacaan, alat tulis, meja lipat, dll
13 Januari 2020 17:44
Good place to visit. But, too many ornament. Sign utk tiap kategori buku kurang tampak, jd klu nggak keliling nggak bakal nemu. Harus muter2 dlu gitu.
07 Januari 2020 7:26
Been here a few times. Very good place to get book especially comics. Their staffs are friendly and informative. I wish I apply for their membership cause the discount is irresistable
04 Januari 2020 16:02
Tempatnya cukup besar dan cukup lengkap untuk cari buku buku terbaik.dan berbagi alat tulis.bahkan sampai ke komik, majalah dan buku pelajaran.top dahh
29 Desember 2019 20:41
Gramedia has been known as one of the best bookstore in Indonesia. It has complete collection of books and accessories
28 Desember 2019 17:25
Gramedia uda kayak tempat favorit dari jaman SMP.kalau pengen review buku sebelum dibeli, bisa minta tolongpetugasnya untuk bukain segel.
23 Desember 2019 13:21
I dont know why i love visit gramedia. It's not bcoz i like reading many books but bcoz i like seeing many kinds of books. And if im lucky, i would get an open sealed book (not me who unboxing it). Here, u will sight seeing 2 floors of gramedia if im not mistaken. So how happy me!
18 Desember 2019 18:20
Well known bookstore providing tons options of books. It also sells many kinds of office supplies and fancy kids stuff, the kids also can read the books there
11 Desember 2019 9:32
Buku buku masih tidak tersusun tapih, terutama bagian Al Quran. Petugasnya pun kurang perhatian. Kurang cocok untuk sebuah toko buku di Mall Grand Indonesia.
10 Desember 2019 6:20
Pelayanan lama! Telepon ke gramedia grand indonesia tidak ada yang angkat2! Ini toko masih buka apa sudah tutup ya? Saya telepon tidak pernah diangkat?
26 November 2019 17:13
Very comfortable place.
Interior and arrangement of the things inside was very awesome.
Staff also very helpful.
06 November 2019 23:15
The legendary book store, stationary, and a lot of fun stuff here. Large range of book, school and office supplies, etc
19 Oktober 2019 23:56
Salah satu gramedia terbesar di Jabodetabek, sy pikir mungkin lebih besar daripada gramedia di PIM. Betah aj kalo di sini.
13 Oktober 2019 20:22
I went to gift wrapping area and found out that all the sales person are very helpful. The store is also clean, tidy and spacious.
25 September 2019 4:10
I've always like bookstores. Gramedia Grand Indonesia has various kind of stationaries, gifts, arts and crafts, toys, miscellaneous, and of course books. I wish they have more books though, especially children books. The staffs are nice and ready to help too.
26 Juli 2019 13:15
Ini merupakan toko buku yang menurut saya sudah paling tua dari masa saya masih sekolah dia sudah ada dan sampai sekarang masih bertahan Emang saya bilang penataan display buku-bukunya sangat bagus kemudian pembagian per kategori nya juga sangat bagus hanya Terkadang ada buku-buku yang sudah dibuka Mungkin maksudnya untuk contoh tapi nyatanya oleh pengunjung benar Dibaca sampai buku itu terlihat kucel seperti buku lama
20 Juli 2019 11:40
Located inside grand indonesia east mall it is a one stop bookstore. The store carries books in both english and in bahasa indonesian. A large selection of children's books. Also a large selection of paper products. Also this is a pass through if going to either skye rooftop or the german restaurant.
15 Juli 2019 23:33
Lots of things from the stationery, books, magazines, cards, bags and some electronics such printer, mouse, usb etc.
02 Juli 2019 3:26
Saya menemukan harga pulpen2/ ballpoint/ fineliner high end yang dijual disini yang lebih mahal daripada di gerai utamanya. Kalau saya punya pilihan saya akan beralih ke gerai utamanya untuk mendapatkan harga yang bersaing.
30 Juni 2019 9:50
Paling senang datang ke Gramedia GI, karena storenya gede, pilihan bukunya update, dan karena karyawan sini helpful. Minta di bantuin cari buku, atau rekomendasi buku, semuanya welcome. Kasirnya juga banyak jadi ga perlu antrian panjang
22 Juni 2019 7:47
Dulu ini gramed dengan view paling keren kalo sekarang sih biasa aja kayak gramed lainnya. Bukunya sudah ga selengkap dulu juga sih.
20 Juni 2019 1:13
I worked at here. Whats a lovely place. You can find any books, imported books, or local books. Also for children, teens like novels or comic. Not only the books. There is a stationary like kokuyo etc. Bag, or school bag. Pianika, guitar, etc. Just come and look around, maybe I'll be there: D
17 Juni 2019 3:27
Always my favorite! Ini salah satu gramedia ternyaman dalam mall yang ada di Jakarta. Sayangnya, seiring dengan minat baca yang semakin rendah, kebanyakan outlet menjual stationery dan lain-lain. Tidak menyalahkan sih, toh toko harus tetap hidup
11 Juni 2019 14:54
Koleksi bukunya lengkap, tempatnya luas, suasananya nyaman, tersedia berbagai peralatan hobi (gitar, ukulele, outdoor stuff, game card, dll), ransel, alat2 tulis.
22 Mei 2019 13:38
Toko buku yang saya selalu kunjungi sejak pertama kali buka Di jalan Merdeka Bandung. Pokoknya sejak saya mulai kuliah.
09 Mei 2019 8:49
Place is big so you have a lot of access to plenty of books to shop. Books for children sections are nice. There are imported book sections.
25 April 2019 21:57
This Gramedia is very large and spacious. There's carpeted corner for children and adults alike to sit down and take a peek at storybooks or comicbooks. This corner provides good lightning because it is directly beside wide windows facing the somewhat panoramic view of "bundaran HI".

I came here to browse at the imported novels section and it may not be as updated (or as affordable) as other bookstore but this particular Gramedia will offer you other things beside what you came for. Namely homey corner to waste time.
23 April 2019 4:53
Not the most well-rounded bookstore or Gramedia chain in central Jakarta, but if you need an urge to buy stationery while shopping in Grand Indonesia this place is the cheaper option compared to the similar store in the mall.
20 April 2019 19:27
Better and more complete stuff than what in other cities. They even sell imported books here. Easy to navigate. Pretty crowded. Reasonable price.
03 April 2019 5:03
The best book store in town (or national), i think.you can find novel, comics, dictionary, economics, politics, cultures, or hobby books here.it often offers discounted books.

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