27 Desember 2023 18:02
Had an amazing experience here. I brought my family to Tiga Dari Lounge and we’re all satisfied with the foods & also services! Especially service by mas Rizki Darmawan (sorry ya kalau namanya salah, seinget ku pokoknya namanya mas Rizki). Service nya oke banget makanannya pun enak! Hehe
17 Desember 2023 18:22
Visited Tiga Dari, the Ambience was good but the food was not that special. Sop buntut was too light and the oxtails were not tender. Ayam bakar manggarai was good and spicy. Nasi goreng cakalang, the rice wasn’t suitable for fried rice, a bit sticky and salty. Ice tea plataran is a must try drink in this Resto.
16 Desember 2023 12:02
Superrrbbbb nyaman banget dan masakannya Indonesia emang keren terbaik untuk resto nusantara

Cocok buat family gathering
12 Desember 2023 18:40
Pelayanan Mbak Rahma bagus bangettt, dia ngomong tu matanya ikut bicara (bukan lebay) tapi u guys just try it, visit dan minta di serve mbak Rahma
21 November 2023 15:04
I don't know why the restaurant name is "Tiga Dari", but
It's such a wonderful place. I want to know what it means
The interior is very luxurious and the food tastes really good.
Koreans probably like Indonesian food.

I heard that this is a place where heads of state from many countries come and eat.
In general, the food is salty but delicious.

The garden outside the restaurant is very beautiful, especially the night view.
PUB also looked good.

The downside? I think Koreans might find it a bit frustrating. The speed of serving beer and food is much slower than expected.
That seems inevitable.

Recommended as a great restaurant in Jakarta!
17 November 2023 6:41
Tempat nya bagus, nyaman, makanannya semua nya enak², pelayanan super ramah, mushola nya bersih, aesthetic banget semuanya, very recomended
22 September 2023 12:14
Nice and unique ambience, great place to hangout with friends, various choice of dish from indonesian to western food
10 September 2023 6:49
Tempat yg representatif utk acara2 keresepsian spt pernikahan. Suasana yg lapang tercipta konsep ruang yg memperhatikan aspek kenyamanan individual.
06 September 2023 12:45
Had a very very pleasant experience dining at Plataran Hutan Kota.

We made a reservation for the table days ahead, as we were hosting some overseas guests, and ordered some dishes ahead. The reservation process was smooth and as we were already ordering some, the lady kindly asked for a down payment of 500k, and we were more than happy to do that.

Greetings and services were immaculate from the time we got escorted to our table, ensuring all our dishes are served timely and until we enjoyed the last of our desserts.

As we drove back from dinner, the lady from the reservation suddenly called and explained that there had been errors on the billing system. So the 500k down payment that we made ahead was supposedly deducted from the total bill that we paid, but it didn’t.

And honestly, if the lady didn’t call we wouldn’t really realized the hiccup. Thus we really appreciate the honesty and the effort that the staffs were putting to refund back the down payment. Hospitality at its best
07 Agustus 2023 22:26
I was there for an event @Pidari lounge in the morning. Great ambience, suitable for semi formal event / gathering
23 Februari 2022 21:44
Saya datang dengan teman2 saya, karena mobil saya ganjil saat itu saya tidak bawa mobil dan saya harus naik taxi untuk pulang. Saya bilang saya mau pesen taxi bisa diarahkan? Saya disuruh tunggu karna akan di antar pakai bagie saya tunggu selama hampir 20 menit diluar dengan kondisi yg cuaca panas tidak kunjung datang. Teman Sy minta security untuk panggil bagie tapi pura2 pakai HT tapi gak ada info sm sekali akhirnya saya jalan kaki ke depan untuk cari taxi FYI grab/gojek uda kita coba tapi selalu minta Cancel alasannya karena muternya kejauhan. Tempat makan sampah bener2 gak menghargai tamunya, padahal gak semua orang mampu untuk makan disana. Isinya juga bukan orang sembarangan tapi sevicenya kaya seolah2 gue gak ada duit! Emosi gue
22 Februari 2022 5:35
Okay food, came here for a wedding reception during pandemic. The portion isn't that fulfilling, though.
17 Februari 2022 17:03
Food was very average. A bit disappointed with the food. I think they could have been done much better. Service was good. Venue was nice, semi outdoor and alfresco dining.
12 Februari 2022 14:33
View 9/10. Dateng buat foto bagus nih ️ Dekorannya totalitas.

Pelayanan 3/10.
Pelayannya menarik, dipanggil langsung dateng sih, dengerin konsumen ngomong, tapi habis itu hilang ga tau ke mana. Mesti manggil 3 pelayan yang berbeda baru makanannya keluar.

Ambience 1/10.
Menikmati makanan di bawah AC yang menetes sampai air AC masuk ke piring makanan. Lantai tidak rata riskan terjatuh.

Rasa 2/10.
Spaghetti ala Ragu (aka Blognese) rasanya plan banget dan nanggung". Maaf udah banyak nyobain pasta di luar yang lebih enak
Minuman Fat Belly literally teh celup dikasih daun mint dan lemon nothing special. At least nambahin sesuatu gitu yang beda.
Bambino Arrostonya pake ayam kering kerontang dan tawar, ga gurih ga manis. Side dish friesnya dikasih garam dikit boleh yak.
Baramundinya juicy empuk. Terongnya gede gede cocok buat yang suka, yang ga suka makin ga suka. Saucenya ad a hint of bitterness
08 Februari 2022 6:55
Makanan enak dan fresh, tp saat pesan menu tdk ada gambar tampilan menunya seperti apa, jd buat orang yg pertama kali datang pasti bingung pesan menu
06 Februari 2022 16:32
Mahal. Tapi worth it lah. Suasana nya enak banget. Hijau. Enak Dimata. Instagramable banget. Cocok buat anak muda dan keluarga. Mantap
04 Februari 2022 22:36
Love the ambience.
The place where you can enjoy your meeting/discuss outdoor.fusion tradisional food, the taste is average.
03 Februari 2022 17:38
Resto ini yang unggul hanya di desain dan suasananya aja. Rasa makanannya biasa, bahkan waitressnya kurang sopan karena ambil piring kotor tidak pakai izin atau basa-basi
03 Februari 2022 5:39
Best service. Visit Hutan Kota by Plataran in a big group for breakfast with reservation and order prior arrival due to PPKM regulation that stipulate restaurant maximum occupancy and dine-in time (max is 1 hour). The reservation staff is friendly and informative. The Pidari Lounge staff who received our order very helpful.

If you want to visit this place, I suggest you to make a reservation and place your order prior arrival because they apply strict health protocol.
29 Januari 2022 18:36
Tempatnya bagus, rindang, cantik sekali
Memang cocok buat acara-acara atau mungkin selepas dari hirukpikuk Jakarta bisalah main-main kesini
27 Januari 2022 21:35
Nama Hutan Kota sangat lah tepat di sini. Berada di kawasan Gelora Bung Karno, dipenuhi dengan banyak spot foto yang instagrammable… sayang sekali saya berkunjung di saat hujan angin… sehingga saya tidak bisa menjelajahi “hutan” ini. Makanan yang disajikan memang premium, dengan cita rasa lezat dan ditata cantik. Resto nya sendiri sangat luas, terdapat beberapa bagian terpisah. Jarak antar meja juga cukup jauh. Oya jangan lupa untuk reservasi sebelum berkunjung, karena sebelum masuk area parkir akan ditanya reservasi nya
23 Januari 2022 11:03
The best sih ini dari mulai pelayanan, makanan, sampe tempatnya aku suka bgt.fasilitasnya lengkap ada mushollahnya.nyaman deh
22 Januari 2022 7:43
Beautiful restaurant from the inside and outside. The service, foods and drinks quality are superb.
21 Januari 2022 15:43
This place wonderful, beutiful place. Delicous food good drink.
This its good! Saya datang bersama keluarga kami satu gereja #JPCC. Baru pertama kali saya datang kesini.
Saya pikir ini salah satu tempat yang menakjubkan.
Saya memesan menu breakfast memilih Banana Waffle Forest Berry, adonan waffle yang empuk dan rasanya enak bercampur dengan syrup strawberries di tambah potongan pisang. Hmm bentuknya cantik sangan fashion banget! Ohya saya jg memesan 1 gelas ice Coffee Latte. Seger banget.
Well harganya cukup mahal, tapi dengan tempat dan pelayanan yang ramah cukup enak dan bagus.
Pidari Lounge by Hutan Plataran! Rekomended!


Gery Makin Tau

See yeah GBU!
17 Januari 2022 14:57
Recommended banget si tempat yang satu initempat bagus cocok buat acara keluarga, staff nya ramah2, thanks mba putri udah bantu buat reservasi
rekomend bngt pokoknya
17 Januari 2022 14:30
Great place, food, and environment. There are tons of great places for photo. However, the service was lacking. We visit for dinner and it was raining. We have booked since 2-3 weeks before. But when we get there, there were no table for us. We had to wait around 10 minutes and then we got the table at the back.then the server was kinda weird. We asked for knife and tissue, both didn't came. But overall it was a great experience!
15 Januari 2022 14:37
Ambience was great, very beautiful, although the food was meh, service was okay, they forgot some of our order.dont get your hope too high when dining here
13 Januari 2022 1:51
Good food, good location. Quite expensive but worth it

-editing my review. 4 stars because vintage car on lobby blocked disabled ramp access
02 Januari 2022 13:22
The owner can't plan the appointment for reservation pretty well, they suddenly cancel our appointment because another meeting eventho we had our appointment long before that
31 Desember 2021 6:17
Located inside GBK. Better enter from FX gate. Have outdoor, semi outdoor, and indoor area. Nice place to have fine dining and gather with family and friends. Quite expensive.
27 Desember 2021 9:58
Nr pertama kali kesini si, tp makanan nya mulai dr main course, dessert, ampe minumannya enakkkk untuk rasa dan penyajian topppppp
24 Desember 2021 1:46
Tempat yang menarik untuk santai, karena ada outdoor yang menarik tuk dikunjungi. Pelayanannya pun okelah.
22 Desember 2021 21:25
Makanan enak tp harga termasuk menengah atas ya. Tempat asik utk hang out brg keluarga. Bisa ngasih makan ikan juga, anak-anak suka sekali. Banyak spot bagus utk foto-foto.
09 Desember 2021 15:20
Tempat makan mewah sih ini, dari segi harga, tempat yg harus booking dlu, suasananya juga semi outdoor, bagus bgt, makanannya juga enak2, cocok untuk ngumpul keluarga besar
21 Mei 2020 23:53
It was amazing to the max^^
The foods were delicious although the presentation was pretty much the same if not less then its peer.

I have noticed that they basically have 4 main areas.
First, after the entryway was Tiga Dari Restaurant, which was elegantly classical with its high ceiling and traditional warm color all over, love it
Then to the right side was Pidari Lounge, which was cozyly intimately laid back to sit loungingly
On the backside was Melati Glass House, which was whimsically upbeat and exclusive
And last but not least, Hutan Kota, the outside area, surrounding the buildings, it consists of many instagramable spots or to be most hyped NKOTB, tiktokable spots, hey, who doesnt play it nowadays?

The staff were attentive and helpful, ask them about the meaning of Tiga Dari, Pidari and Melati - ask them about the names of the pond, the bridge, the boat, the stage, the stone, the wall, the alley
So much fun
29 April 2020 12:54
Hello Foodies. Kali ini aku ada berada di tempat yang sudah terkenal akan stadion mewah nya yaitu Gelora Bung Karno. Tapi bukan ke stadion nya, melainkan ke restaurant nya. Nama restaurant nya adalah Hutan Kota by Plataran (Plataran Tiga Dari). Ambience nya dari dalam maupun luar juara banget. Seolah-olah tempat ini mewah banget dengan dekorasi yang super mewah. Selain itu, pelayanan nya super-super ramah dan responsif dan sangat bersih tempatnya. Tetapi apakah makanan disini enak? Yuk kita review makanan yang kami pesan. Karena aku perginya bersama keluargaku.

1. Bola Bola Senayan (Rp 89.000)
Crispy nya dapet di luar. Isian nya padet juga. Udang sama cumi nya lumayan berasa. Saus kacang nya enak. Jadi rasa antara Bola-bola Senayan dengan saus kacang nya terbalut di dalam mulut.

2. Tumis Daun Dewa (Rp 89.000)
Simple dish, but delicious. Daun Dewa nya masih segar, bumbu nya enak, crunchy nya dapat pada saat makan. Udang nya juga enak.

3. Soups Buntut (Rp 215.000)
Buntut nya sendiri tidak bau pada saat aku makan. Cuman kuah kaldu nya saja bumbu nya kurang berani.

4. Nasi Goreng Kecombrang (Rp 89.000)
Nasi kecombrang nya kalau untuk porsi sharing max 3 orang. Aromatic dari hidangan ini sangat menggoda. Rasanya juga enak, kecombrangnya juga berasa.

5. Gurame Saus Mangga (Rp 440.000)
Aku suka dengan Ikan gurame nya. Crispy banget pada saat aku makan. Saus mangga nya enak sekali. Gurame nya juga tidak bau lumpur.

6. Ayam Celengan (Rp 325.000)
Bentuk nya sesuai dengan nama hidangan nya dan kreatif. Ayam nya sendiri di presto awal nya. Kalau buat rasa enak cuman seasoning nya saja kurang kuat.

7. Lost Paradise Mocktail (Rp 69.000)
Kalau mocktail nya terlalu banyak buah nanas nya. Enak sih cuman alangkah baiknya buah nanas nya sedikit saja di gelas dan terlalu banyak kemanginya.

Dengan cita rasa makanan dengan harga nya menurut aku masih oke lah walaupun masih ada beberapa kekurangan dalam setiap hidangan.

Untuk info kuliner lainnya, bisa kunjungi my instagram: alvinjohanes18
Thank you
22 April 2020 4:00
Tempatnya bogus buat foto2, sayangnya makananya rasanta B aja, bagi saya sih overprice, tp klo yg kantongnya tebel pasti ok lah
21 April 2020 23:03
It's a cozy place to eat.but it's hard to make a reservation by phone.harus seminggu sebelumnya utk pesan tempat di sini. Tp worthed bgt sih krn makanan ind'nya lumayan enak2 walau lumayan di harganya.recomended lah.
18 April 2020 20:44
There is "pidari lounge" and "Plataran tiga dari" in Kota Hutan. You might want to be aware that the two open in different times of the morning. It’s beautiful outside but during the daytime, it may be too hot. Fantastic view from the 2nd floor. Wish I could come back during sunset hours!
11 April 2020 23:57
Kecewa dan emosi makan disini, @pl.hutankota ga welcome untuk diarea belakang.mungkin karena GW dan TMN2 gw cuma pake SENDAL and KAOS tapi boleh dicek loh harga sendal kita bisa buat makan berbulan2 kalian (jadi sombong kan gw), ga SERAPI tamu2 yang laen, yang cuma jajan CEMILAN and beli KOPI doang tapi dandannya mereka yang sok nyentrik entah dr atas itu KW atau AUTH (whatever) Mohon maap saya pesan ga cuma Cakwe loh mas, jangan suka menilai dari PENAMPILAN orang aja.coba di Training lagi itu pegawai2 yang dibelakang (area smoking) masih banyak tempat makan yang masih bisa menghargai TAMU and service yang oke, ga perlu gw capture kan bill Makan gw tadi yang mungkin tempat baru jadi rame namanya juga +62 tempat baru langs pada kepo pdhl sih service kurang
11 April 2020 4:02
Amazing semi open door resto in center of Jakarta. This resto is surrounded by city forest of Senayan, provide some fresh air and open space that desperately needed by Jakarta people. Beware that there are some other resto in this area, make sure before you get into it. Menu is mix of local and western dishes, and they also provides wide range of alcoholic beverages. Very pricey, but you get what you paid for. Their wine collection is amazing! We tried the local Indonesian dishes, and they were very delicious. Some people says that there are other resto that provides better dishes, but I think this resto offers one of the best luxurious dining experience in Jakarta. Very recommended!

Note: be sure to make reservation by phone before visiting this resto.
09 April 2020 17:36
Spacious location, friendly waiters (some are not very good with English) overall satisfactory food.
The lamb cutlet is especially noteworthy.
The single coconut jelly serving is plenty for two people.
06 April 2020 15:54
Seperti oasis di tengah hiruk pikuk Jakarta. Pemandangannya oke. Stafnya ramah. Sangat premium tentunya dengan harga premium. Mantap buat meeting bisnis sembari mencari cuan di tengah Ibukota.
24 Maret 2020 17:03
Just Decent food. But the area was nice. Service was not good as the price of the dishes. You only pay just for the interior design.
24 Maret 2020 11:46
Good ambience at tiga dari.
The food is just so so to my likings.

There are 2 area with 2 concepts.
Tigadari with Indonesian food and Pidari lounge with western food. I prefer Pidari lounge.

You better reserve before coming here.
22 Maret 2020 0:43
Great service, Great atmosphere and ambiance and Great food! We went there while dusk and have a great chit chat with my colleague. The price is at the high side but reasonable compare with all of those enjoyment!
24 Februari 2020 19:46
Masakan nusantara untuk resto depan, namun terlalu ramai, desain mewah, makanan cukup enak. Resto belakang lebih casual menyediakan menu western.

Tulis Ulasan

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