06 September 2023 5:19
Cari perlengkapan elektronik? Disini tempatnya, lengkap dan murah, wajib d save location ini mah
04 September 2023 17:08
Peralatannya oke punya. Lalu baik pelayanan nya. Kalau kita ga bisa nelp dikarena kan sihnal, itu bisa dibantu dengan WiFi dilokasi tersebut.menyenangakan
28 Januari 2023 13:23
The hardware supermarket has a lot of goods, and you can buy a lot of hardware supplies, and they are all relatively large
27 September 2019 8:01
Terbantu sekali dengan adanya toko jameson ini, saya mencari spare part yg di luaran tdk ada disini ada, thx jameson
16 September 2019 21:21
Very complete equipment store. You can find any of your house needs here but the price consider higher than others.
12 September 2019 3:38
Lengkap Apa Luh Mau Die Ada, keder cari barang U tanya ke karyawan piketnya pasti dibantu dah.
20 April 2018 2:23
The Component and accesoris were fast complit there what the people need it; many choice and the service were friendly, make a good job and the price is o.k.

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