25 Oktober 2022 13:18
Siang pak masih ada lowongan obe ga pak ijaza saya SMP, saya butuh kerjaan
09 Maret 2021 18:12
Assalamualai kum.pbk / ibu apakah msih ada lowongan kerja buat wanita asisten rumah tga
07 Februari 2021 21:10
Siang ibu/BPK apakah masih ada lowongan kerja pengalaman saya cleaning sudah 5thn bisa komputer
28 Januari 2021 8:46
I have a really disturbing complain in using JobsIdlD as an employer in which several of its functions are confusing and not working well. However there is no response from their support line e-mail and when I try to call the company's number and being directed to the operator, the operator seems to not notice that a call is being directed to them. He's in the middle of chatting with others as well. Won't recommend this platform for anybody
22 November 2020 9:24
- Jarang ada loker
- Loker yang di share kebanyakan ga jelas
- Loker yang muncul di berandanya slalu ada nama PT Rifan Financindo dan itu bikin bosan liatnya
24 Februari 2019 22:17
Selamat sore, maaf mau tanya, untuk info loker apa masih ada,? Makasih
Pengalaman OB dan AKTIVATOR

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