12 Agustus 2023 11:59
Isian utk ukuran reguler & big sama saja cuma beda di kulitnya yg big kulitnya lebih panjang tpi isinya ga full spt di gambar isinya jauh ada di tengah atasnya kopong.sy ukur isinta sama dng yg reguler tpi harga lebih mahal big
09 Agustus 2023 16:28
Mahal, masih jauh enak kebab pinggir jalan di utan panjang, serius gue!
najis masih pake daging merah olahan
26 Januari 2023 11:27
Prtma kli dtg dpt smbutan hngt dri kasir. Menu y bnyak rsanya enk Tempatnya brsih. Meja ny bersih dn pelayanan ny super ramah
26 November 2022 17:35
Terparah, dicomplain para servernya gaseneng pdhl memang ga sesuai sm yg saya makan di tempat lain (gajah mada dan PIM) penyajian super lama minum di kasih belakangan dan yg paling parah ada lalet dagingnya aga mentah jg
16 November 2022 4:55
Beyond expectation. Its great! And affordable price by following the package offered. The unique packing is innovative. Make sure to order the big size instead of regular size. Since the price gap is short but the size is matter
23 Desember 2021 13:07
I don’t eat a lot of Kebab, so I don’t know the authenticity of the taste but based on the Kebab they served me, I quite enjoyed it.

I had a la carte Supreme Kebab and I asked for spicy but it was not spicy at all. The beef has a Smokey taste, which is good and the portion is generous, but again I ordered the big size.

That said, on their menu, it supposed to have mushroom but I couldn’t taste it. Personally I don’t like the mayo they put on the kebab (Does kebab supposed to have Mayo?)
12 Desember 2021 0:12
Akhir ga usah pulang ke bandung kalo pengen beli Kabobs
thank Kabobs sudah hadir di basura mall

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