05 November 2023 4:05
SUCH A GREAT PLACE! I got a random toy from this gachapon machine outside and it was exciting as if I was in Japan. I got my manga I wanted <3
There is English and Japanese books top quality and the service is the best i definitely recommend this place!
05 November 2023 2:22
I thought Kinokuniya is gone, until I stumbled into one here in Grand Indonesia! It's been a while since I've visited this mall but the best part is having to see this lovely bookstore. It's located on the basement right next to foodhall in West mall, loved browsing through the options of books they have here.
04 September 2023 0:39
Koleksinya lumayan lengkap, petugasnya sangat cepat tanggap jika cari buku yang tidak ada bisa order
01 Agustus 2023 16:30
Good choice for searching a books, if u can't find it a books what u needed u can also ask to staff for Pre order
04 Juli 2023 7:58
Koleksi buku terbaru walaupun belum lengkap dan cepat update komik terbarunya, tapi di bandingkan toko buku lain lebih unggul
25 Juni 2023 17:29
Amazing bookstore! The vibes, lighting, book selection are wonderful.

Personally Kinokuniya (Grand Indonesia) is better than the one in PIK central park. The staff are helpful, the book selection is definetly much more updated here at Grand Indonesia.

The place is very beautiful:)
Recommend visiting this bookstore!
25 Juni 2023 15:31
The place is very nice comfortable and it's probably the best place to buy lot's of Manga/Comic's and the atmosphere is really Nice and the Service is really great
Really good Quality of Books and although the price of the books are a bit pricey I think it is still reasonable because some of them are from Japan or another country,
Lot's of high quality books and very complete both in English And Japanese
If you have time to go to Grand Indonesia Definitely check this place out cause it's amazing 10/10
04 Juni 2023 21:05
Toko buku Japan no 1 di planet Jakarta buku2nya pilihannya banyak, lengkap, versi terbaru serba ada, penataan buku rapih, harga mahal bisa dapet diskon jika bukunya yg tertera aja, & pilihan kemauan juga ada Saya sangat senang akhirnya libur lebaran ini bisa datang untuk mengunjungi dan membeli buku pertama kali di sini moga bisa ke sini tiap hari love you kinokuniya:) thank's
29 Mei 2023 13:03
Mungkin saat ini satu-satunya toko buku-buku asing terbesar di wilayah Sudirman Jakarta. Sayang sekali orang-orang sudah tidak membeli buku, dan lebih suka main social media. Padahal buku adalah jendela dunia.
24 Mei 2023 7:15
Untung Kinokuniya gak hilang 100% dari sini, pas denger berita Kinokuniya PS tutup sedih banget rasanya, tapi ternyata masih ada toko yang di GI
15 Januari 2023 15:06
Tempat yg menyenangkan buat anak2 sambil menunggu mereka belanja, di depannya ada tempat ngopi juga
30 Desember 2022 1:28
Jika harus membandingkan kualitas dan kelengkapan buku import yang tersedia, maka toko buku ini lah yang terbaik berdasarkan pengalaman saya
16 November 2022 14:02
Go to place jika mencari buku-buku impor, art book, komik, manga, majalah, visual novel, children's books, paling banyak manga-manga yang masih original bahasa jepang, ada figurine juga dan stationery, cukup lengkap dan suka sama vibenya
17 Agustus 2022 5:51
Great bookstore for people who look for imported books, especially from japan. There's a lot of variety of books to choose from.
17 Mei 2022 21:25
Toko buku yang sebagian besar menyediakan buku import. Tempat nyaman, tapi harga buku agak mahal.
02 Januari 2022 8:04
Cocok bagi kolektor buku-buku import, yang lumayan lengkap. Terletak di dalam mall Grand Indonesia. Jadi bisa sekalian belanja atau nongkrong makan dan minum dengan pilihan melimpah.
15 Desember 2021 7:24
While I was at the West Mall, Grand Indonesia, I purposely came here to see the books in foreign languages, especially those in English. This is one of the best places that sells a large selection of imported books, Marvel action figures, manga, etc. The prices are rather upscale, except those on discounts which become more affordable.
14 Desember 2021 7:42
Tempat yg bagus untuk berburu manga dalam bahasa Inggris terutama yang tidak terbit di Indonesia, namun saya lebih sering beli dari kinokuniya online karena lebih sering memberikan discount.
30 November 2021 14:08
Sudah lama tidak kemari, dan sepertinya tempatnya mengecil. Saya jadi was-was. Kinokuniya PIM tutup, Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan mengecil, dan yang disini juga mengecil. Hadeeeeh.
31 Oktober 2021 11:21
Toko buku yang cukup lengkap dengan spesialisasi buku jepang. Buku berbahasa inggris juga ada disini cukup lengkap. Sangat disarankan untuk yang mau belajar bahasa jepang karena disini sangat lengkap untuk buku belajar bahasa jepangnya
26 Juli 2021 1:34
One of the best places to get imported books in Jakarta. Cozy, wide collection, a little pricy but worth it.
18 Juli 2021 4:37
Toko buku dengan koleksi judul judul buku internasional dari berbagai Genre yang lengkap.

Tempatnya enak, tenang dan cukup luas, staffnya ramah dan siap membantu.
02 Juli 2021 11:03
Sering nyari buku disini buat bahan belajar. Sayang sekali buku bahasa /buku berbahasa Jepangnya kurang lengkap. Semoga kedepannya makin diperbanyak buku buku dari Jepangnya. Kalau dari harga memang cukup mahal karena kena pajak, tapi worth it lah karena gk harus ke Jepang
16 Mei 2020 12:40
One of the best bookstore in Jakarta in term of ambience and book selections. They also sells other stationary items and trinkets
19 Februari 2020 4:48
If you're looking for imported book, this is the place. They have a great selection of imported books. They also have toys and figurines
24 Januari 2020 23:12
Lokasinya ada di dalam food hall. Cukup luas dan penempatan bukunya rapih. Untuk kelengkapan kayaknya masih lengkap yang di Plaza Senayan. Kekurangannya mungkin saya tidak menemukan komputer untuk mencari buku dan lokasinya jadi cukup menyulitkan saya untuk mencari buku.
23 Januari 2020 20:36
Needs a bit more variety for English books, after trying for four requested titles that weren't available. But had some other decent backup books.
21 Januari 2020 1:25
They have good place and good books and more. But, I think the price is very expensive. So, I think you better look somewhere else first to get a cheaper price. But, if you want to buy comics or magazine in Japanese, I think you should go here.
25 Desember 2019 13:36
Nice place to look for imported books but the place is smaller than kinokuniya at plaza senayan, but this kinokuniya has a better collection of business and self help books thou
19 November 2019 2:24
A good place to find imported books on town, especially Japanese books. For a bookstore its size, it carries a decently wide selection of books, with an assortment of stationary and toys.

A complaint (compared to Kinokuniya abroad) is that the books are plastic-wrapped. This might seem odd, as plastic wrapping preserves the book, but customers can't peruse a few pages inside the books, while only relying on back-cover synopses and online reviews to see if a book tickles their fancy. A suggestion would be opening the plastic wrappings of a copy as a sample, while keeping the other copies wrapped.
23 September 2019 23:53
I like the contents there. They have a lot of good books, stationary stuff, cute bags, and the place is really neat
14 September 2019 3:01
Kinokuniya have a nice and wide selection of books (japanese, english, indonesia)
Customer service also response promptly when emailed
31 Agustus 2019 5:36
Tempat nya bagus. Semua novel dan komik Jepang bahasa Inggris yang aku mau ada di sini. Sayangnya kurang dana di dompet saya untuk membeli nya
24 Agustus 2019 20:40
Love this bookstore. Complete favourite books and remind me to my teenage life when buying japan magazine was an exclusive things
19 Juli 2019 9:07
Good place to find many imported book, located on the West Mall on level LG. Access can be from the Food Hall. After renovation, the place is better.
08 Juli 2019 11:10
Toko buku yang menawarkan suasana cozy dan memiliki koleksi buku import lengkap yang jarang ditemui di toko buku lain.

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