01 Desember 2023 12:22
Got the cutest nail art done here! Everyone was very professional and so helpful. Booking process and experience was very smooth. Highly recommend to everyone!
30 November 2023 8:11
Got lash tint, lash lift, and nail gel at this place:

- Excellent results!:)
- Friendly staff
- Very clean/hygienic place
- Bonus: easy to reach location:)

Highly recommended!
10 November 2023 22:48
Pertama kali dtg Aku treatment eyelash double mix.hasilnya baguss banget gak perih sama sekali serasa gak pake eyelash.terapis2 nya ramah2 juga
07 Mei 2023 19:55
Pertama kali eyelash extention di sini dan hasilnya puas banget. Ga perih, pengerjaannya telaten. Staff super ramah, tempat super bersih dan nyaman. Keep the good work lebelle art.
21 April 2023 13:49
Eyelashnya details dan ga ngerasain sakit sama sskali. Yg penting staffnya semua bener bener ramah dan seneng banget eyelash disini
11 Maret 2023 20:01
The place is very clean and tidy, the services was good and the result was amazing.highly recommended to anyone who wants doing menicure pedicure or lash extension
05 Maret 2023 0:13
Really love the service here, the therapist very kind and the result beyond expected, also the good deal 15% discounts
30 Januari 2023 13:04
I have no idea how this place rated 5 stars. I booked this place because the 5 stars and turns out dissatisfied.
I did manipedi cure for 2p last week.
1. She accidentally deep cut my toe and caused bleeding. Even until now I can still feel the hurts.
2. There is no sterile practiced to the tools. From what I can see, all tools being mixed and I even can see dirtiness from the nail clipper. I am so afraid of bacterie from prev customer.
3. The were not put any lotion to my heel, so I have to asked for it.
4. When it’s a bout to do hands, we have to move to the table and OMG this table and chair 100% not comfortable at all. By looks is pretty but by functionality is zero. The table and chair are not in a comfortable height. So I do have to really hunchback. And the edge of the table glass really uncomfortable for my arms.
5. When it’s about to pay, there is extra “disposable” of 20k IDR? Like what’s this. No information whatsoever earlier. And this is for the mat that they placed on the chair and seat that I even don’t care of. If the place want to practice corona thing or whatever, please don’t charge that to customer and included on the price or don’t do it.

The only positive thing is the staff are friendly. Thats it.

I 100% will not be back and so many other much better place.

Thank you.
22 Desember 2022 19:28
Pertama kali kesini, nail art nya bagus. Pengerjaan rapi dan teliti, rekomen banget kesini untuk para bestie yg rumahnya daerah jakpus ataupun jakut ️
12 Desember 2022 21:12
Suka sama hasil nail art nya ️
Tempatnya bagus, stafnya friendly dan sangat professional. Harga juga terjangkau. Will be back next time. Thank you!
02 Desember 2022 22:39
Best place to do nail gel, waxing and eyelashes.good technician and the place is so nice, clean and well prepared to serve the customer.when i come to Jakarta, i always come back to this place.please call to make appointment
05 November 2022 21:02
Puas banget sama pelayanan.mba nya baik banget.tempatnya juga bersih.terus baik banget pedicure dapet diskon karena ada sedikit keterlambatan pengerjaan.padahal mah gak papa tapi mba nya maksa hehe jadi enak.thank you la belle!
03 November 2022 20:43
Appreciate buat all about Le Belle.
Mulai dr admin untuk tanya2 pricelist dan booking yg ramah.
Tempat yg sangat bersih, rapih dan estetik. Pelayanan yg sangat memuaskan.
Terapis mau mengikuti request cust. Jadi hasilnya bagus bangett, natural dan ringan banget malah ga berasa pake eyelash extension.
Harganya juga oke.
Top bgt dehh
28 September 2022 21:18
Trying the eyelash extension service. Staff are very friendly and professional. The result is also satisfactory, did not feel any pain at all
25 September 2022 1:56
Tempatnya nyaman, pelayanan primaaa. Bru pertama kali ke sni dan akan balik lagi untuk coba produk yang lain. Terima kasih.
24 September 2022 8:00
Pelayanannya bagus banget, ramah, affordable price juga. Hasilnya juga memuaskan sekali.
Will be favorite place to have a treatment here.
24 September 2022 1:40
This place is so clean n comfort. Petugasnya ramah2 dan service nya memuaskan, teliti dalam pengerjaan. Thanku Le Belle, will come back soon
21 September 2022 20:28
Great job. Kakak yg ngerjain nail artnya sabar dan gercep banget, sampe dicobain design dan warnanya 1.1. Dapet minuman jahe + dicuci kakinya dlu sebelum treatment. Final design looks sooo pretty.the colora pop on my skintone
18 September 2022 15:24
Tempatnya nyaman, staffnya ramah2 dan telaten, hasilnya juga bagus dan rapi suka bangettt senang sekali bisa menemukan Le Belle Art, cukup dekat dari rumah pula
18 September 2022 1:04
Selama proses pengerjaan sangat nyaman dan gak ada rasa sakit sama sekali, petugas ramah dan tempat sangat nyaman. Sukses selalu semuanya?
15 September 2022 16:03
Just did my lash extensions with them. The place is spacious and comfy. All the staff were really kind, courteous, and helpful. Loved the result too. I’d definitely come back if I live in the area. Thank you Le Belle team!
13 September 2022 5:46
Tempatnya nyaman, terus kakak2 nya juga ramah banget. Good experience sih, will come back soon! Hasil lash sama pedicurenya juga oke banget?
28 Agustus 2022 16:42
Pertama kali eyelash disini bagus banget nyaman juga pilihan bulumata nya banyak pelayanannya ramah tempatnya bersih pokoknya the best deh thank you le belle art
02 Januari 2022 2:13
Bagusss bangettt wedding nail art nya sangat recommended, rapi, sabar, dan telaten.puas bgt, waxing juga oke bgt, ga sakit
11 Desember 2021 9:02
First time kesini. Overall tempatnya nyaman banget, ga jauh dari stasiun Cikini. Disini juga bisa custom buat nail artnya, cuma aku tertarik sama logo love yourself answernya Bangtan
Bakal kesini lagi sih?
12 November 2021 20:41
Pokoknya keren, pertama kesini dan sangat memuaskan. Saya dari kota Padang dan hampir tiap bulan dinas ke Jakarta. Next akan kesini saja terus, gak nyoba nyoba ditempat lain yang biasanya saya lakukan, karena selama ini belum menemukan tempat yang pas spt Le Belle. Nyaman, pelayanan maksimal, hasil sangat memuaskan. Good luck ya. Therapisnya juga profesional.

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