30 Januari 2022 1:39
Pelayanan kurang profesional cs di hubungi g pernah balas, pas di datangi lagi laptop belum di apa apain, minta update dan instal ulang windowo, malah di saranin nambah ram, gak nyambung.
02 Januari 2022 6:56
Gak ada yang terima. Orang ngantri nunggu gak jelas. Tempat servis plg parah yg pernah sy kunjungi
16 November 2021 20:24
Hanya sebagai tempat pickup barang yg sudah selesai di servis. Tempat drop barang servis nya pindah ke cideng (antara alfamart & maxx coffee)
12 Februari 2020 11:01
Tempat byaman, cs ramah. Tp untuk service sangat mahal, untuk problem keyboard tidak berfungsi bisa mencapai -+1,5.
24 Januari 2020 22:33
Tempat dan pelayanan nya memuaskan lokasi parkir motor lumayan luas hanya saja untuk parkir mobil masih sempit.
09 Oktober 2019 17:31
The reason I give it 1 star is that the ONLY good thing is they have a nice security officer and the one customer service who handle me when I get my laptop back were friendly which I really grateful for.

The other services were bad. The first customer service who got me is so-so, didn't even pay attention or take notes for what I need from my laptop. The service result was nothing close to satisfying. It makes my laptop go slower, the windows crashed, the internet explorer pops-up often. I request for windows 8.1 and she said, she'll have it but no they give me wind 10 that could be downloaded for free. I even have a problem with the update and internet explorer. I try to disable the update but it still there.

I'd say, it's like they just CHANGING THE WINDOWS OPERATION but NOT REALLY LOOK on my laptop condition to REALLY REPAIR it! My keyboard, the cursor can't even active nicely after the so-called repairment they've done. I pay for 165K for seems nothing. It's not about the money only but about the services, professionalism, and trust!

So if you want to service here, I'd say REALLY make sure that they WILL do a great job. So that, you won't come back disappointed. I hope this review could better them also. Thank you.

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