04 November 2023 8:29
Pengiriman cepat, gratis ongkir.in all honesty, the end results speaks for themselves. Terima kasih untuk pengiriman cepat dan gratis ongkirnya, beserta voucher belanja nya
27 Agustus 2023 13:10
Setiap gambar punya makna tertentu bagi seseorang.sebuah tato bukanlah gambaran tentang seseorang yang nakal.karena tato merupakan seni yang memiliki arti bagi pemiliknya.bukan tentang bergaya melainkan makna dibalik setiap garis nya. Phoenix merupakan simbol mitologi yang sangat dalam arti nya khusunya sinkron sekali bagi hidup ku dan yang telah aku alami dan lalui dan masih bertahan sampai sejauh ini.setelah sekian lama akhirnya memantapkan diri untuk membuat garisan itu bersama ku selamanya.tetaplah hidup seperti lambang favorite mu karena sejatinya hidup kita masing-masing sudah punya cerita dan garis nya sendiri. Terimakasih kepada @luckylamz tattoo studio Jakarta kamu luar biasa, aku sangat menyukai dan menikmati setiap guratan jarumnya dan hasil akhirnya.tidak bisa aku ungkapkan dengan kata-kata bahwa aku sangat kagum sekali dengan pekerjaan mu.
06 Juli 2023 1:07
Everything was perfect! The hygienic conditions are top, we have exchanged long hours on different subjects, Chris is incredible! He was also able to combine the new tattoo with my arm to create a magnificent fusion, the result is beyond my expectations. I recommend 1000x. Thank you again for your work, and your exceptional kindness
02 Mei 2023 19:38
Today i getting my very first tattoo here, in my opinion the service is perfect 10/10. Starts from discussion about the design, the artist really put neat on understanding about the origin of the design so he didn't change any meaning of the design.

He still willing to finished my tattoo even its almost 12AM, its very honorable to give such service for me.

And also the place is pretty comfy and proper, the equipment is sanitized. The place have a bed for the tattoo, and sofa if u need to wait for someone.

The result is outstanding atleast for me, i dont have anything to comment. He managed to keep every detail from the design reference.

Definitely recommended, five star from me, keep it up bro.
22 Februari 2023 22:20
By far the most memorable and best experience with a tattoo studio I’ve ever had. I’ve had so many laughs and now such great tattoos that I have on me. The father and son duo of Krish and Nelson are so kind and the service I’ve got was really good. I’ve now made two new friends and I highly recommend this studio.
P. S don’t accidentally touch your tattoo artists balls or he’ll make the needle painful (just kidding haha)
28 Januari 2023 13:32
The best tattoo place I’ve ever went to, I got my laurel tattoo on my shoulder and I could not have been more happier. The service is incredible and he treats u like family. Gets good for you and makes the best ideas to benefit you. Everything he does is for you l, and that is why I support him and his business. Will definitely come back again with my friends
15 Desember 2022 9:40
Studio tattoo ini aku rekomend kerna tattoo artist nyaa baik hasil nyaa juga bagus Dan tempat nyaa bersi Dan tattoo artist yg paling muda aku ke temu
03 Desember 2022 3:47

Saya datang ke sini untuk tattoo cover up dan bertattoo ulang desain aslinya. Nelson bikin konsep yang bagus untuk bekerja dengan desain aslinya, hanya menghitamkan bentuk yang sesuai dengan roda gigi. Saya kurang senang dengan pengerjaan garisnya. Banyak garis yang tidak rapi dan tidak mengikuti desain aslinya. Saya menyertakan gambar-gambar sehingga kamu bisa menilainya sendiri.

Sesi ini memakan waktu total 3,5 jam dan saya membayar 2 juta rupiah. Kamu bisa menjadi penilai apakah itu harga yang pantas.


I came here for a cover up and some reworking of the original design. Nelson thought of a good concept to work with the original design, only blacking out a shape that fits the gears. I'm less happy about the line work. Many of the lines are sloppy and don't follow the orginal design. I included pictures so you can see it yourself.

The session took 3.5 hours in total and I paid 2 million rupiah. You can be the judge if that's a fair price.
16 November 2022 1:09
Amazing service and the tattoo artist are extremely friendly. Very good choice for first timer if you want to have your first tattoo to be here
02 November 2022 12:10
One of the nicest persons, I met on my Indonesia journey. It is not just about getting a tattoo, we connected very good to each other, had a great conversation amd a great day!
29 Oktober 2022 8:06
Krish is an intelligent and knowledgeable person. He knows the ins and outs of the tattoo business and is surprisingly modest. He is charming and funny, and I recommend anyone for their first tattoo to come visit him as you will assuredly have a pleasant experience. I can't wait for my second visit!
26 Oktober 2022 19:47
Very nice and friendly person! It was my first tattoo and he helped and support me the best way he could! Thank you, looking forward to meet u again!
05 Agustus 2021 17:01
Harga tato sangat masuk di akal.tato pertama saya di lucky lamz tattoo. Hasil tato memuaskan. Keep it up brother.
16 Juli 2021 22:16
Tempatnya nyaman sekali, orang yg buat tatto nya juga ramah friendly, yang pasti sangat bersih pengerjaanya Aku recomend bnget untuk yang mau buat tatto ke sini thanks lucky tatto
16 Juli 2021 13:22
Did my first tattoo here as a present for my birthday.the artist is very friendly and gave me a small little tattoo as a gift.thank you so much!
13 Juli 2021 2:14
Cozy places. Nice owner and artist. Friendly person. Great facility and service. Best studio for tattoo in Jakarta area. Highly recommended to get new tattoo in here. You gonna be love the result. Thank you ko Kris Lama.
11 Juli 2021 18:15
Mantap bener tato di sini.orgnya asyik dan santai.pokok rekomendasi bget tato di Lucky Lamz tatto.
05 Juli 2021 16:25
Tempat nya sangat nyaman dan bersih apalagi di tambah lagi tatto artist nya sangat welcome dan profesional org nya. Mau konsultasi mengenai tattoo jgn pernah ragu untuk datang ke tempat ini d. Sangattt2 rekomendasiii pokoknya.
04 Juli 2021 10:09
I really really love his artwork. Like HELL YEAH! ITS SO COOL. I followed him on his IG for a long time, and finally today i met him and made 2 in a time. The way he encourage me (got scared of the needle) to keep looking at the needle and everything is gonna be ok, this man is really really make others satisfied. For sure gonna come back for him again.
16 Juni 2021 5:21
Thank Ko Khris, Tattoo pertama dan hasil nya Luar biasa plus pake banget. Ko Khris nya asik buat d ajak tuker pikiran ide n masukan, hasil nya Puas Banget. Jadi mau lanjut yg kedua ahhh hehehe. Sekali lagi Thank Ko
26 Juni 2019 14:45
If you are ever looking for a new tattoo or getting a cover up done Kris is your man. These days tattoo artists are everywhere but Lucky Lamz is not just about commercialism, they really believe in the art. The tattoo i did was a cover up in my upper arm and the result has been amazing. Surprisingly there was little blood too. Kris’ attention to detail is amazing and he the whole experience is elevated by very meaningful and fun conversations. We bonded so well that we ended up having dinner together: D am getting my next ones done with him for sure
05 Mei 2019 4:29
Saya buat tatto full di kaki saya.
Setiap prosesnya saya suka sekali dengan hasilnya yang sangat memuaskan dan bagus.
Seni yang di tampilkan di setiap pembuatannya membuat saya merasa bangga memiliki tatto ini.
Dan menambah kepercayaan diri saya karena hasil tatto yang ada pada kaki saya itu bernilai.
Hay guys, jadi jangan binggung lagi mau buat tatto dimana.
Saya rekomendasikan di LUCKY LAMZ TATTO semua bisa.
Dengan harga yang sesuai dan hasil yang luar biasa banget.
Untuk pecinta seni boleh mampir ke sini ya.

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