19 November 2023 2:30
Rame banget.makannnya enak. Harga lumayan mahal. Menu pilihan Seafood sedikit. Hrs di tambah menu seafood nya deh
06 November 2023 21:25
Toast nya mantap
Selai nya khas
Kopi mantap
Iced coffee nya mantap
22 Oktober 2019 14:02
Tolong tukang parkir nya agak sopan dikit sama costumer.jgn liat penampilan costumer nya.jgn mentang" gua pakai sendal japit and celana pendek.dikira gua ga apaan.gua bayar parkir 20rb dia baru mikir.payah
26 September 2019 6:54
Lovely place. Good food and good ambience. Varieties choice of foods and beverages, with affordable price. Love to dinning here.
19 September 2019 16:14
Tempatnya nyaman.laptopan ga pake ribet krn charger tersedia hampir tiap table ada.design interiornya cozy.namun untuk menu serupa dgn cafee lain pricenya agak sedikit kemahalan untuk saiaa hehe
08 September 2019 8:34
Taste: the food is delicious, ich habe abendesen mit einem freund.

Price: the price is relative fair

Place: very cozy, the atmosphere is good and comfortable, wish my house were like this interior set

Portion: standard normal

Fave: you should try the malaca toast bread, simple yet delicious.das brot schmeckt sehr gut

Parking: easy to park you car in here

Staff: the staff helpful and friendly.sie sind freundlich
07 September 2019 11:30
The bread's fine and almost all of the coffee is good. Atmosphere's great, especially at sunset.

But 1 thing really upsets me. The parking officer ask for IDR 5000 (I've lived in sunter all my life, and the range is IDR 2000 - 4000. Well, I dont mind at all, but when i ask for the goverment issued ticket (official parking ticket), the guy stared at me rudely and said he ran out if it. We stared for a while, this guy got some attitude and more.

The wife said to let it go, so i did.

Sorry to give you a 1 star over this, but I think this isn't a good precedent and a right thing to do. Please discipline whoever it is that's in charge of the parking. Its gonna be a pity that people leave with bad impression over some parking dude who's only purpose is to corrupt the goverment's money.

Thank you. I hope the next time i visit, this little -but- disturbing thing already sorted out.
21 Agustus 2019 3:51
Used zomato gold here. But house rules say you must pay cash if you use zomato gold. So, make sure you guys have enough cash available.

Food here is OK. The toast is superb, but the chicken in chicken rice is quite dry. Well, according to the price, the quality is once again OK.

The service here is a little bit slow, so make sure you have some patience to wait to be served. I think the service should be improved for better experience.

The only thing I really love is the coziness and the atmosphere of the place.
01 Agustus 2019 15:03
Dulu pernah coba sebelumnya di kelapa gading dan menurut saya makanan nya enak-enak cuman pas saya coba yang di Sunter kok biasa aja yah tidak seperti yang di kelapa gading? Menurut saya yah
29 Juli 2019 11:06
Best place to hang out and chill with friend. Food price is not expensive and taste good too. I've ordered french toast and viet am coffee. They also have compliment snack for you to enjoy while waiting for main course.
20 Juli 2019 23:03
Not my kind of taste. The Laksa was plain and Nasi Campur was too sweet for me. Compare to its price I won't recommend this place to my friend
17 Juli 2019 2:38
Sayaa pernah pesan untuk rombongan kantor +- 35 org, untuk reservasi, pembayaran DP cash dan list makanan yg dipesan serta jam keluar makanan nya sudah saya info H-1.

Tetapi ketika hari H pesanan belum juga muncul sesuai perjanjian di saat H-1.

09 Juli 2019 20:47
Kurang okke yaaa pelayanan.kita belum selesai alias diusir alasan sdh book.lahh emg kita kgk bayar yaaa.pelayanan buruk ya.
Menu lama sekali.pesen cane kgk ada.no recomended.
06 Juli 2019 8:43
Came here few days ago, I ordered the Iced Thai Tea and some ice cream dessert. The Thai Tea is not as thick as I would like them to, plus the ice! So maybe make thicker Thai Tea in the future?

But what bothers me the most is the ambience. I came on a Saturday, hoping to chillax and have good conversation with my boyfriend, but a group of moms were sitting and happily chatting with their friends WHILST their children run around. Screaming, yelling, playing around the whole floor, and making other table's conversation impossible. Some kids didn't even had shoes on and were rolling around on the floor. There were like 5 to 7 kids, maybe? Running around screaming and rolling on the floor, barefooted. Very disturbing and the servers didn't do anything about it. The other tables were visibly annoyed as well. Some are trying to have lunch with their family, some are trying to work and have a meeting.

Parents, please. Your kids have the right to have fun anywhere, but so do other customers. We are entitled to enjoy a public restaurant in peace. Restaurant managers also have the right in telling those parents to control their kids IF the kids are indeed VISIBLY and VERBALLY annoyed the whole restaurant.
21 Juni 2019 9:45
Hari ini tanggal 12 juni 2019
sikap tukang parkir yg memakai baju parkir berwarna biru di malacca toast cabang sunter yang tidak sopan kepada customer berani meneriaki customer dan marah2.saya baru pertama kali kesini.saya masuk dari arah agung permai dan parkir dari arah dalam.waktu parkir tidak ada yg memarkiri mobil saya dan saya tidak tau ada tukang parkir disana.jam 21.30 saya pulang, ketika saya keluar pun tidak ada yg memarkiri mobil saya sampai saya keluar.ketika saya berjalan beberapa meter ada yg teriak -teriak di belakang mobil saya sehingga saya berhenti dan berbicara tidak sopan sambil menagih uang parkir seperti preman sambil berteriak-teriak.apakah petugas yg bersangkutan resmi dari pemda? Dan memberikan karcis parkir?

sayang saja.makanan enak.pelayanan bagus.tapi hanya karena tukang parkir yg macam preman meneriakki customer saya merasa perlu dibenahi.tolong yg bersangkutan diganti saja.karena menurut saya tidak pantas yg bersangkutan meneriakki customer.terima kasih
19 Juni 2019 6:42
The place is nice and comfy as well. At the day, the light comes into this restaurant very nice. Thanks to large windows thay rounding thos restaurant. There is a karaoke spot to at 1st storey. At the second floor, there is indoor with nice air con. Soo if you bring babies or someone who hate smoke, you can bring them here at second floor.
Foods are great. Taste very Indonesian actully and worth for money too. Drinks are not expensive too. Soo thats the plus one. And this restaurant serve some snacks that looks delicious (unfortunately i didnt buy that). But i bet they taste as good as the main course.
But, this one thing that you should note, foods come out takes very very long time. My food comes first and until i finish eat (takes around 20-25 minutes) my partner's food come out then. And you know, i must wait around 25 minutes until my food come out. Soo i recommend you that if someone between ya'll food come out first, just finished it, don't wait for another food.
But thanks to the free snack, because it can kill some time to wait your foods to come out.
Overall its nice.
06 Juni 2019 8:21
Recommendeat untuk meeting kecil dan hangout dengan anak2 pun juga oke. Toast malaca nya nyumm sangat. Wanginya selalu mengiurkan. Lupakan diet sejenak
05 Juni 2019 20:10
Pelayanan Super Slow.
45 menit nunggu makanan.
Alasannya kompor rusak.
Tapi Orderan Meja Lain datang terus.
Akhirnya Makanan kita Cancel.
Dan pramusaji nya ga ada say Sorry dengan enak enaknya "sudah kita cancel yah kak"

Orderan Nasi Goreng Chicken Chop jg semua sudah dingin.
Tidak ada tanda2 di masak baru.

100% Kecewa.
30 Mei 2019 8:47
Parkiran agak susah karena sering ramai, makanan dan minuman cukup variatif, waktu menunggu makanan lumayan lama, suasana hommy, ada balkon di lantai 2 juga.
Overall lumayan lah
20 Mei 2019 8:34
Totally not recommended.the only allow payment by cash if you are using zomato gold and they said it was zomato's rules and regulations which is not true at all.
17 Mei 2019 2:19
Kopi vietnam enak. Tapi mereka sajikan telor 1/2 matang di akhir dan lama, setelah makanan utama dan kopi datang. Akhirnya minta tidak dikeluarkan telornya walau sudah jadi krn akan aneh makanan pembuka di sajikan sbg penutup. Mie tidak enak dengan harga yang terlalu tinggi di badingkan rasa makanan dan pelayanan. Mie gorengnya juga bukan fresh digoreng bentuknya seperti mie instan goreng.
14 Mei 2019 12:42
Tempat yang nyaman untuk nongkrong bareng teman, kopi vietnamnya pas enak banget apalagi disandingkan dengan singkong goreng sambal. Hmmmm
02 Mei 2019 13:33
Untuk tempat sih cozy, enak untuk nongkrong, di bawah ada ruang AC VIP, di atas itu ruang full AC dan kayaknya juga ada utk VIP. Utk segi pelayanan agak kurang. Waktu pertama kali dtg, ga langsung di kasih menu, tp nunggu sekitar 3 sampai 4 menitan padahal kondisinya lagi sepi, tp waiters nya ga ready. Dari segi makanan menurut ku cukup pricy sih, dr minuman teh tariknya cuma berasa susu nya aja, lalu pesen single malacca toast itu filling dalemnya berasa kayak selai moca gitu dan butter nya agak keras, lalu salted egg nya menurut ku sangag kurang, sebenernya enak, tapi entah gimana mreka masaknya, aku berasa gula nya belom halus, jadi waktu makan saus nya itu masih kasar tekstur nya dan rasa nya kemanisan, lalu di sajiin sama selada dan timun aku liat timun nya rada kotor, jd aku ga mau makan timunnya.
02 Mei 2019 13:19
Drinks are too sweet, try the green.health drink, syrup are too much, the laksa soup taste a bit fishy, good place and ambience for hanging up with friends, should try the baked bread kaya toast

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