08 Oktober 2023 22:34
Ortu murid Mau beli cymbal dan chines cymbal (saya sarankan ke melodia) krn lagi ada promo, beli Cymbal stagg SH 16" dan Chinese Cymbal Stagg 16" yg bundling (bonus) dgn Splash 10" di bilang splash 10" nya gada stock? Saya sih cm berfikir ini permainan oknum kah? Agar splash cymbal nya jd di jual terpisah (di luar toko). Dan sebenarnya saya juga pernah beli datang lgsg utk murid di awal di bilang splashnya kosong tp kata staff nya "coba saya carikan di gudang dulu" dan ada.
06 Agustus 2023 10:55
Huge investments, great line ups of instruments and accessories, terrible customer service.

I wanted to buy this Korg Synth but they couldn't find a power adaptor.

Does owner have any idea what is going on?
01 Agustus 2023 1:48
I recently visited Melodia Musik and here's my feedback:

Areas for Improvement:

Customer Service Approach: My experience with their customer service was reminiscent of high-end luxury stores like Hermes, where it seemed that preference was given to a certain segment of customers, especially those spending significantly. An inclusive customer experience, irrespective of the purchase amount, would be appreciated.
Product Pricing Knowledge: While the sales team is commendably knowledgeable about the products, there were instances where they seemed unsure about the prices. Given the extensive range they carry, perhaps more regular training or a handy reference tool might help.
Positive Notes:

Product Knowledge: I was genuinely impressed by how well-informed the sales team was about the products. Their expertise was evident, which is a valuable asset for customers seeking guidance.
Product Range and Pricing: The products available at Melodia are indeed rare and hard to come by, so the pricing seems justified. It's evident that they offer unique items that cater to specific musical needs.
Final Thoughts:
I believe the primary area where Melodia Musik can further excel is by upscaling their customer service to ensure a consistently high-quality experience for all visitors.
05 Juli 2023 7:09
This place is your go-to shop for all musical needs. There is enough variety in products and types for you to search.
25 Januari 2023 17:06
The customer service is horrific, I have no words. The fact that I bought my distortion pedal here a few years ago. And when I got back I feel not welcomed.
03 Oktober 2022 1:28
Tempatnya nyaman banget, lengkap, dan pelayanannya bagus ramah santun cerdas.
13 September 2022 3:32
New look, much better ambience, much better instruments being sold.
In the old days, old rusty instruments are displayed. Now, all instruments are in pristine conditions.
Two thumbs up
09 September 2022 12:31
We recently purchased the Electro-Voice ELX 200 15''A FOH PA system and the ELX 200 18'' subwoofer from Melodia Musik. The sales team was extremely helpful and knowledgeable when I asked questions. I arrived at Melodia thinking I was going to buy the LD ICOA system speakers but I was quickly told by the sales team that Electro-Voice was a better option for what was required. I am so thankful for the help they gave because the speakers are really clean and easy to use. I would 100% recommend texting and going to Melodia Musik before buying any products.
31 Agustus 2022 21:40
Right place to find music instrument. The collections are various & sale only a good staff. The staff is helpful & friendly
19 April 2022 18:03
This place have a great selection particularly for peoples whose looking for audio and music instruments. In addition of that they have small café section and place to chillax while you browsing or discussing musical instruments with your fellow musicians or audiophile.

They also have lots selection for electric bicycle, go-karts, one wheel scooter that give nice addition for the store atmosphere and vibes.

The staffs also friendly and nice, overall its amazing place if you were looking not just only music instruments, also short range electric transportation.
16 Februari 2022 10:47
Bermacam alat musik dijual disini juga alat olahraga. Tempatnya menyenanglan dan dilayanin dengan baik. Securitynya friendly.
01 Februari 2022 10:49
Bermacam alat musik dan olah raga tersedia disini. Pelayanan friendly. Tempat Jaksel. Anda bisa test alat yang anda ingini. Harga standar tergantung barang dan kualitasnya. Recomended untuk dikunjungi.
11 Desember 2021 13:40
Tempatnya nyaman, harganya kirain bakal agak lebih mahal dari toko2 musik lainnya tapi ternyata harganya cukup kompetitif. Pelayanannya bagus banget disini
21 Juni 2021 14:13
The right choice for those of you who are looking for musical instruments such as guild, fender, PRS, pedals, etc.
10 Mei 2021 5:54
Ada barang yang saya cari tapi sayang ga di rawat, ga di rawatnya parah.hardware worn + corroded, string putus ga di ganti, ada dent+chipped
27 April 2021 5:23
Waahh, ternyata aku ketinggalan teknologi, mantap untuk yg tak mau ketinggalan bab Audio-video & sejenisnya, borong aja skalian
08 Maret 2021 19:25
Pelayanan cepat - tanggap - ramah. Area parkir luas. Barang cukup lengkap. Harga kompetitif. Kualitas barang bagus. Tempat nya juga cukup nyaman untuk belanja dan cari kebutuhan musik
20 April 2020 8:24
Cuma disini yg stok Orangenya banyak.
Pegawainya pun cekatan.
Saran, sabtu sampe jam 7 jg dong.
06 Februari 2020 22:07
If you are a musicians, you can go here to find music stuffs. Guitars, basses, amps. They also sell soundsystem, speakers, microphone, and audio mixers. The price is okay, not really good, but okay. I usually came here to buy my bass string. Good vibe, now they have coffee shop on the first floor. They also sell a electric scooter, a gocart, and some more stuffs.

The good things, they often held a music seminar, shoewcases. Last time i came here to see Gugun's from GBS showcase. It was great!

And they also have music school at the 4th floor (if im not mistaken). If you interested, go check this place out.
30 Januari 2020 10:37
Tempatnya lengkap dengan alat elektronik, musik, mixer dan insta one.

Ada panggung, kayaknya bisa bikin akustikkan atau manggung.

Semoga sukses ya dengan usahanya.
05 November 2019 5:32
Tempatnya modern dan sangat nyaman untuk melihat-lihat. Tidak hanya menjual alat musik, tapi mereka juga menjual segway-ninebot dan juga sound system.

Alat yang mereka jual:
keyboard: hammond, kurzwell, moog
drum: kyre
cymbal: stagg, istanbull
cajon: kyre

yang lain belum sempat lihat, tapi mereka punya banyak jenis gitar yang didisplay 1 lantai penuh.

Dilantai 1 juga ada cafe untuk duduk-duduk kalau letih muter-muter
16 Oktober 2019 10:53
Gedung 5 lantai dengan produk alat musik yang lengkap banget dan kualitas terbaik, berbagai macam merk dengan standar tinggi tersedia dengan harga yang wajar.
Pekayanan ramah banget.tempatnya keren dan ciamik. Ada lift dan tangga, lantai bawah ada mini caffe nya.
27 September 2019 19:19
Toko alat musik yang lengkap, melayani pelanggan dengan sangat ramah. Penempatan barang-barangnya juga apik, dibedakan per lantai.
24 September 2019 18:28
An unique assortments of items ranging from custom musical instruments to electronic gadgets (ex: scooters and segways), this is what heaven looks like for musical enthusiast and people who loves up-to-date gadgets.
08 September 2019 1:44
Tempat nya bagus, barang2 tertata rapi. Untuk cymbal pilihannya stagg dan istanbul. Untuk gitar, bass dan audio equipment banyak pilihan
27 Juli 2019 14:45
Melodia Musik right now not only selling music goods but also there are things like segway, electrical scooter etc. For Guitarist this is a good place to find your guitar supplies such as strings, cleaner, strat, cables.there are also lots of guitars brand and amps.
01 Juni 2019 7:13
4 storey building with cafe and exhibition place on 1st floor, melotronic (segway distributor) on 2nd floor and melodia on the remaining floors.
27 Februari 2019 22:35
2 efek yang gua beli 3 taun terakhir, semuanya akhirnya musti di kirim balik ke toko karna rusak. Berhasil dibenerin lagi, tp rempong aja bolak balik anterin, bawa kartu garansi.
13 Januari 2019 17:27
The only issue is limited parking spake for car.but other than that, this is a recommended music store at south jakarta

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