17 Agustus 2023 14:09
Tolong cs online s-26 lebih di tingkatkan, saya tanya cs nunggu 30 menit tidak ada respos, sedangkan pelayanan cuma sampai jam 17.00
16 Agustus 2023 11:32
Tempat yg refresentatif sekelas perusahaan nestle yg membawahi bbrpa kantor cabang.bisa dibilang kantor pusat nestle indonesia area parkir lega dan leluasa.
19 September 2021 16:19
Maaf sebelum yah kenpa bulan" in susu Dancow 1+rasa madu susah di cari si.sekali ada mahal harga yah. Jadi liyer sayah cari susu anak sayah
14 Agustus 2021 7:16
Customer service yg kurang helpful.mesin dolce gusto saya rusak.teknisi kurang komunikatif.tidak menghubungi dan tidak bisa dihubungi.donno what to do.so helpless
03 Agustus 2020 7:34
Keamanan nya ketat, harus masuk dg visitor untuk ID masuk dan naik Lift, tetapi saat jam - jam istirahat atau pulang kerja lift antrinya banget jadi opsi lain naik tangga, gk sendiri kok biasany karyawan -karyawan jg banyak yg gunain tangga klo lift lg antri panjang
26 Januari 2020 2:46
Karna dalam pembangunan gedung arkadia, ini sebagian ikut menyaksikan struktur sekarang udah wah
04 November 2019 0:31
Area perkantoran yang asri, namun bagi yang belum pernah kesini agak bingung karena ada area gedung, dan tempat parkir agak membingungkan
30 Mei 2019 0:38
Banyak gedung didalamnya.didepan ada mini mall yang menjual makanan.banyak terdapat beberapa cabang Bank disana.disign yang unik
17 Maret 2019 5:46
Aduh kalo arkadia dia tempat nongkrong baru di daerah tb simatupang. Pertama kali kesini grgr persemian awal dan sampe sekarang selalu kesana kalo ada waktu luang. Ada rooftop yang bisa dipake buat nongki-nongki. Asli bisa berjam-jam aku disini.
12 Maret 2019 12:33
Kolam renang mantaaap, nyaman, kamar mandi oke, air panas, sabun, shampo cair tersedia dan hair dryer
03 Maret 2019 15:52
Perkantoran yg di tata apik oleh taman & pohon2nya yg membuat teduh & nyaman. Setiap bulan puasa diadakam buka puasa bersama di lobby utama.
25 Januari 2019 4:20
Kangen deh tempat ini dlu pernh kerja di sini sekrng mah udah ga dan sekrng tempatnya makin bagus bnget iya
30 April 2018 7:03
Green and Shady Office Buildings environment. The complex consists of 6 independent office Towers with the exception of Tower B and C which are connected on level to level 7. They provide golf cart running connecting the different Towers. Finding a parking spot for your car could be a challenge. At the moment a few constructions are ongoing to add more facilities and convenience to all tenants. The plan is that Tower A will be converted to Food and Beverages place with a Gym and Supermarket. Tower G will be a new office Tower Promoting green concept.
All guests of Nestle Indonesia should enter from Lobby of Tower B and C and exchange their ID Card at the building reception desk at this Lobby. Then they should take the lifts on Tower B to Level 5 where Nestle Indonesia reception desk is located. Meeting rooms for guests are mainly located at 5th floor. Additional meeting rooms are available on all Nestle Flores 3 to 7, but guests must first change their building ID with Nestle Guest ID at Nestle reception. Then they should inform the reception who they are having meeting with. The host should pick them and accompany the guests if the meeting rooms are not in 5th floor reception area.
Mail deliveries or couriers should send their deliveries to the Mailing Room of Nestle Indonesia at 6th Floor Tower C. The steps are similar with guests with a difference that from Lobby of Tower B and C, they should take the lift on Tower C to 6th floor.
Occasionally fire and evacuation drills are conducted and guests should just follow instructions of the floor wardens.

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