13 Oktober 2023 1:42
The facilities are great, the location is perfect, but the staff is not so nice, especially the sales representative from Singapore. Not really recommended.
18 September 2023 6:36
Office tower yg nyaman.strategis ditengah mega kuningan.keren pemandangan dr atas liat sekitarnya
18 Juli 2023 8:09
Tgl 27 Juli 2023 Jam 01an, Petugas kasir parkirnya tidak sopan, saya tidak bisa bayar tapcash, disuruh cari emany dan tukar uang pas
05 Juni 2023 18:16
Sukaaaa bgt disini ambience nya
Hehehe semoga nanti bisa tour setiap lantai isi kelas pound aamiin
04 Februari 2023 6:18
Worst front office service ever. Not helpful and grumpy, not nice. The place is good just like any other coworking space. You guys need to provide a better training for them
29 Maret 2020 14:03
Gedung prrkantoran yang sangat rapih.selain fasilitas nya nyaman, pelayanan sekuriti dan parkir nya juga sangat mendukung.
22 Oktober 2019 20:58
Located in the busiest district in all around Jakarta. Carefull for rush hour. Never really pleasant time in traffic.
13 Oktober 2019 2:52
Terletak di lantai 30 di gedung Noble House. Ada meeting room yang nyaman dengan akustik yang baik. Tersedia ruang doa, toilet dan bar untuk memesan minuman. Setiap meja dilengkapi dengan soket untuk charger laptop smartphone. Tersedia juga jaringan wifi. Sebelum.memasuki tempat ini sebaiknya melapor dulu kepada petugas keamanan dilantai satu untuk menitipkan identitas pribadi untuk ditukar dengan kartu tanda pengenal bagi tamu di gedung ini.
30 September 2019 22:23
Quiet and nice because people there is also working, have separate cubicle for conference call, so the atmosphere is different from cafe and my office I sit in the common area, but the wifi for guest can only open few website, cannot for access email or whatsoever required your data
22 September 2019 4:51
Love it soooo much!

Coworking space paling wueenak di jakarta.

Banyak kegiatan seru disini perminggunya jadi bikin gak boring
19 September 2019 21:40
Best co working space in Kuningan.

Selama saya kerja disini saya ditawarkan pengalaman kerja yang nyaman dan asik.
Tiap minggu selalu ada event2 keren buat ciptain pengalaman kerja yg gak boring dan juga bisa buat cari koneksi baru dengan tenant lain
11 September 2019 2:58
Customer Service of Sequislife at 22th floor are very patient, friendly and smart in their job.
12 Agustus 2018 6:45
The security is good since all visitors need access to enter the building. The building is quite new, about 2years built. The location is perfect, since it's in the middle of Mega Kuningan district. There are some hotels, apartments, malls, restaurants nearby. Public transportation is easy to catch overhere.
09 Agustus 2018 10:03
Gedung dengan karayawan yg tidak punya manusiawi, masa orang pake jaket, sepatu jelek ajah ga boleh memakai lift utama, malah d suruh barengan sama lift barang
13 Juli 2018 13:08
I think it's new buildings, the designs very modern and what I love the most is so spacey~, the security quite lacking. But so many facilities near this building.
No smoking area so, the smokers gathers at the front park, as the person who really hates the cigarettes smokes, I think this is quite problems
02 Juli 2018 20:27

Noble house is quite a new building. It's located in Mega Kuningan, a business district in South Jakarta.

If you drive a car, you may enter the gate at Jln Anak Agung Gede Agung.
Your parking ticket, and drive 10 metres until a security guy do a quick metal detector thing.

I parked at the basement. The basement is larger than usual building parking area in Jakarta. It also has more lighting.

It saw an area for drivers at each floor with toilets that looks clean and neat from the outside.

Parkir rate is IDR 5k per hour and will be charge at no maximum limit.
08 Juni 2018 6:35
Noble House is a premium office tower, located at the center of mega kuningan circle and closed to JW Mariot hotels, Ritz Carlton Kuningan, Belagio Boutique Mall and Belagio Residence.office tower with high security standard and premium facility. You can fine a good dine in resto and caffe such as, Hurricanes Grill and Bar, Sparrow Cafe and Bar, Belly Bandit, and others premium restaurant
30 Mei 2018 1:30
Tasty! I like the panacotta and sliced steak with curly fries. So sad they no longer have those baby squid tapas.
15 Mei 2018 19:54
Deket kemana2 sih mall, stasiun, angkutan umum jalan dulu sih. Tp cr makan yg biasa2 aja agak jauh, dan cuman itu2 aja
11 Mei 2018 3:59
Baru pertama x kesini, untuk masuk harus tukar ktp dulu dgn card visitor yg bisa dipakai buat akses masuk daaaan liftnya eng ing eng.lift langsung terbuka kalo kita sdh berhasil tap masuk.jd ga usah mencet2 angka lagi.buat yang nyari kantin disini ada di lantai B3.makan disini pake ayam penyet dpt lalapan dan 1 tahu/tempe goreng seharga 25 rb per porsi belum sm minum.tempatnya enak cuman agak sempit.buat yang mau shalat ada di lantai B2.dan buat yang nyari alfa, disini ada alfa express yang langsung terlihat ketika pintu lift terbuka di lantai B1.pengamanan ok banget.security selalu terlihat dimana mana dan siap sedia jika diminta bantuan.good job sir

Tulis Ulasan

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