25 Januari 2020 1:13
Belajar lbh banyak ttg kasih Tuhan dan apa kerinduanNya utk kita disini.
11 Januari 2020 4:37
Feel the presence of Holly Spirit comes when you kneel down to God with full heart singing beautiful song of praises
27 Oktober 2019 21:04
Ini tempat benar2 penuh blessing.di sini tempat kita boleh dengar FIRMAN TUHAN.tempat doa dan bernyanyi dan kekeluargaan disini sangat kental dan bnyk yg hadir dn mengalami kasih TUHAN.mksh mami irene yg sdh menyediakan mknan dan rmh nya. GBU all
01 Mei 2019 4:17
Kemurahan Tuhan bisa mengenal Mami Irene, pertolongan tepat pd waktuNya
29 Maret 2019 22:47
Great.it is important to have a community.u get many friends who will support you when u r down.
19 Januari 2019 0:34
“[W]hatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men” (Collosians 3: 23). The verse of Collosians becomes the motto of Blessing Bible Study.

What is the Blessing Bible Study? Blessing Bible Study is a community who has a thirst for the Words of God. Classes open on Wednesday every other week from 7 pm to 9 pm. We are located in Green Garden, West Jakarta. You can contact our blessed Mami Irene for details.

I came in to the Blessing community about 2 years ago. It was around 2016 when I was privilaged to know the people of the Blessing Bible Study. Privilaged how? Other than learning more about the Scripture, I too learn a lot about how to forgive others and myself. Once I understand forgiveness, I slowly understand the Lord’s mercy. I also got a chance to serve people. Last year 2017, I serve on a second group that distributed foods to the needy in West Jakarta. Our community helped to raise the fund needed, and I just did the labor of distributing goods.

Why this community exist? I think it is only by the Grace of God our community still exist today. That and of course by the moderation from our parishioner pastor of St. Andrew Kedoya. We sincerely wish we can “fish” more souls to work in the field of the Lord. As for me, once I felt healed of my burden, I do feel an urge to give back to help people in any way I can. If you do have a calling to know more about the Scripture, come and join our community. God Bless you.

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