27 Oktober 2022 12:33
This market is very convenient next to the hotel. It has everything you need in it. When you come to a country, you should visit the local market to experience the local culture. From the outside to the inside, from the first floor to the second floor, it really makes you feel amazing, and the local taste of the market, really endless aftertaste
12 November 2020 8:31
Walaupun kelihatan sepi tetap berjalan seperti biasa
13 April 2020 23:42
Sebal makin bau asap rokok.selalu sesak nafas kalo mau belanja disini
21 September 2019 20:17
Gak sekomplit di pasar muara karang.tp lebih murah.jgn lupa kalau week end kesana.lantai 2 ada kwetiau goreng, nasi uduk atau lontong sayur asiok must try, cuma week end baru jualan.
06 Juni 2019 5:03
Wet market has been there for decade and no renovation has been made. Outlets are very run down. Floor is always dirty and wet in the market. The 2nd floor for food area, have some nice food to eat but ventilation is very bad and very stuffy. Once you go up, your whole body and clothes smell bad. The worst is the rubbish area opposite the wet market is giving very strong smell to the surroundings which need to be improved greatly.
11 Mei 2019 3:59
Kalau ke sana saya hanya ke suoermarket nya saja. Barang nya murah murah banyak bonus
12 Januari 2019 15:54
Regular wet market with wide variety of basic needs.

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