15 Oktober 2019 5:07
It apparently consists of few kavling stores. Each kavling offers a lot of orchids on fixed price. They also sell pots, fertilizer, and other plants too.
01 Oktober 2019 13:11
A nice place to visit, look around and enjoy the view of orchids and other plants. The prices are not cheap as I expected. And all prices are fixed. One unit was closed, another unit with the seller who was not eager to sell any of his products. They are not sales people, but just passive sitters. I think this place should be upgraded, learn from other Taman Anggrek in Taman Mini, probably. But good to know there is one orchid garden in the south.
31 Juli 2019 9:57
Menjual berbagai macam ikan hias n tanaman hias juga tempat sangat strategis harga relatif murah.
24 Juni 2019 20:23
Buat yang seneng atau hobi ikan hias segala macam pernak-pernik nya silahkan datang ke tempat ini.
18 Juni 2018 7:15
The right place to see various orchids, indoor plants and outdoor plants

Tersedia beragam jenis tanaman anggrek, baik anggrek dendrobium, anggrek Cattleya, anggrek phalaepnopsis, anggrek renantherata, anggrek Vanda.

Beragam anggrek spesies maupun anggrek hybrid dipajang dan dijual disini.
Dalam ukuran bibit seedling, remaja, dewasa: spike, knop, mekar.

Jam operasional relatif lama, buka dari pagi hingga tutup di sore / malam hari.

Beberapa kios menyediakan beragam pot pilihan yang cocok untuk dijadikan pajangan di rumah tercinta atau menjadi kado buah tangan bagi saudara, kerabat dan relasi bisnis.
26 Februari 2018 16:12
Liat tanaman serta ikan hias tp sekarang penjual ikan nya dh gd jd gak mampir main liat ikan hias dah
17 Desember 2017 17:15
Ini jalan tembusan ke arah kebagusan.untuk menghindari jalan macet di lampu merah perempatan pertanian
04 Desember 2017 21:23
You can find most of orchid variants here with good price. You can ask for advice on how to grow orchid correctly from the orchid farmer, buy some fertilizer, vitamins, and other materials too. Some farmers can help you to manage your orchid garden weekly or monthly at negotiable price too.
02 Desember 2017 9:33
Terlihat tertutup untuk umum jadi kita sungkan untuk masuk sekedar melihat indahnya bunga2 anggrek

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