26 Mei 2023 22:47
The shop had quite a good variety of pet stuff (cats, dogs) but it's very frustrating to shop here cause they don't have the price labels on the product. Everytime you want to check the price of an item, the shopkeeper has to check on her tab. Worse, there's only one shopkeeper to assist the customers in the entire store. Definitely not coming back here again, too frustrating to shop.
19 Mei 2023 12:07
Selalu belanja kebutuhan anabul disini. Selalu dibantu dan pelayanannya sangat ramah dan memuaskan.
09 Maret 2023 7:17
The shop was well set out, and items looked interesting. However, upon entering the unmistakable stench of urine was unbearable. They had sharpeis upstairs, but the smell was overwhelming.

There were 6 employees at 5pm, maybe they were at closing time or something.

I hope this review reaches the management and something must be done to avoid this situation again.
15 Januari 2023 5:52
Rating ini bukan untuk tokonya ya. Tokonya sih udah langganan lama, btw ini buat Jukir liarnya sangat meresahkan. Kita berhenti sebentar buat jemput Pet malah dipalak duit parkir. Padahal tidak sampai 2 menit minta 5000, gk dikasih malah marah2, dikatain gitu. Giliran mau parkir gk dibantuin alesan panas jadi tunggu di seberang jalan. Sebenarnya daerah sana ada retribusi parkir atau tidak? Karena ini jukirnya sepertinya dari Alfamart yg beda 4-5 ruko di sebelah. Kalau memang ada retribusi ok kita minta karcis parkir saja si jukir liar gk bisa nunjukin. Sudah terlalu banyak Pungli yang tumbuh subur di negri Wakanda

*sering juga kadang pas kesini mau pulang gak ada tuh jukir. Jadi ya emang pas lgi suek aja disamperin jukir liar yg cuma mau UANGNYA saja
12 Agustus 2022 3:29
IT IS SUCH A SHAME HOW YOU CAGED THE DOGS IN the 2nd FLOOR … Dogs is not barang merchandise
20 Agustus 2021 15:54
Gerai petshop yang cukup ternama di jakarta. Storenya besar di market place Tokopedia. Tempatnya besar, tersedia berbagai kebutuhan hewan mulai dari anjing, kucing, hamster, reptil, serta hewan air. Harganya relatif terjangkau dan tempatnya comfy sekali untuk grooming pet disini, belum pernah coba tapi sepertinya menarik.
Pelayanannya baik dan komunikatif. Dan ada reward member juga, cara mendapatkan poinnya juga mudah. Suka ini!
21 Juli 2021 14:54
This is basically you pet paradise! Various pet food, pet treatment. Cozy place and nice service, and there's coffee shop just beside the store.
26 Juni 2021 11:50
Produk perlengkapan hewan lengkap tersedia, baik buat doggie, kucing, Reptil & juga kura darat. Pelayanan Ramah & Cepat.
25 Juni 2021 6:16
The attitude of the groomer is very unfriendly.suddenly rejected on the grounds of only 1 groomer.the admin helped me to find another groomer but I was already annoyed because of the long wait and the attitude of the previous groomer.please fix the groomer's attitude and certainty after receiving the order
20 Juni 2021 19:57
Karyawannya cantik cantik
Baik baik, dan murah senyum.sukses selalu PET REPUBLIK
salam buat mba fara
20 Juni 2021 1:31
Duluu happy bangett kalo bawa doggy ku grooming kesini, karena mbak kasir nya friendly, truss hasil grooming nya juga bagus bangettt deh potongannya rapih banget & cakep. Setelah beberapa kali grooming kesini, yang terakhir kali pulang” doggy ku kutuan mungkin ketular doggy lain yang ada disana? Menurutku sebaiknya mungkin sebelum terima doggy utk grooming sebaiknya di cek duluu apakah doggy” ada kutu nya, biar ga nular ke yang lain.sedih banget padahal seneng kalo bawa grooming kesini, tapi jadi ga berani deh ️
13 Juni 2021 2:10
Pakannya lengkap buat anjing, kucing, sg, hamster, landak mini, reptil sampe burung juga ada. Perlengkapan lengkap juga bagus bagus. Oiya disini juga jual ulat hongkong kering, ulat jerman kering, sampe jangkrik kering
12 Juni 2021 4:29
The best pet shop in Jakarta, ramah pelayanannya, cepat pengiriman online nya,
Barang2 tersedia cukup lengkap dan murah
08 Juni 2021 14:46
I've been visiting for the dog leash collection. They had wide range of Zeedog leashes and others to choose from. Lots of dog treats and toy that you couldn't find anywhere. PetRepublic also had online shops with their own website+apps and point rewards collection too. The location was on the main road in Pluit area, very easy to access. Although it was not a "mega pet store". The store was clean and the staffs were very friendly and helpful. Check out process was fast with multiple payment options. Very recommended for pet supplies

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