13 November 2023 18:58
Kasir lama cuma buka satu, saya tinggal dulu untuk belanja yg lain.

Pas balik lagi saya di selak kasirnya diem aja.
13 April 2022 17:26
Toko perlengkapan olahraga lengkap terletak didalam mall kelapa gading.
- sepatu mulai merk nike, hoka, adidas dll.
- kaos kaki
- sendal
- dan lain lain.
10 Maret 2022 6:57
Tetap saya beri 5

Saran saya, mungkin untuk pelayanan lebih ramah lagi ya (crewstore cowok). Memang pas dateng saya agak lusuh karena diperjalanan saya pakai motor dan kehujanan, saya juga tidak bawa jas hujan. Jauh-jauh lho saya kesini dari Cikarang. Masa iya dilayanin pake tatapan sinis, tenang saya bawa uang kok, tunai atau debit saya ada.

Mungkin next time saya pake mobil kali ya, pinjem dulu lah punya bapak
23 Desember 2021 19:15
Waktu ke sini ada 1 petugas laki yg gak patuh protokol kesehatan nggak pakai masker. Kalian taruh tulisan wajib pakai masker saat masuk tapi petugas seenak udel nggak pakai masker lalu ada petugas lain saat melayani pakai masker nggak benar, hidungnya nggak ketutup masker. Ini bosnya kemana coba.
10 April 2021 4:18
Tempat luas. Diskon nya jg sama dgn online shopnya, lebih baik liat-liat dulu produknya di situsnya, klo udah ada yg ok baru hunting ke tokonya, tinggal liatin ke penjaga produk yg mau diincar.
07 April 2021 0:26
Tidak disediakan hand sanitizer di lokasi masuk, namun tersedia di kasir. Pelayanan sangat ramah dan memuaskan.
03 April 2021 1:07
Tolong dong itu pegawainya di training lagi. Ngomong ke customer aja nyolot. Ga tau tata krama apa ya
19 Februari 2019 12:05
Feel being dissapointed at all. I bought New Balance and asked for US12 but the seller convinced me that US11, he said US11 is big and good enough and it will be adjusted by itself. (I forgot to wear socks that night). And after 1 day, I felt that my toes was not comfy enough. And then I called them for exchanging the shoes, they said okay as long as I swap with the more expensive one. But when I got there, I got rejected with bla bla bla. Wasting my time and my money. This will be my last time buying shoes at this place. For planet sport pls train you seller for not just making selling numbers but consider also the skill for recommending and choosing the right shoes, as FYI the customers that reside in Kelapa Gading are upper middle class and above, they are the customers that buying Rp 2-3 million above (>=100 USD) shoes won't matter at all. I don't mind to buy the pricey one. Lastly, pls appreciate ur customer money. This 700rb price is nothing to me as I could make more than that in just one single day but the satisfaction of good service couldn't be replaced by money.

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