12 Juni 2023 14:20
Kepada: ibu maya
Pelayanan service nya sangat tdk profesional, janji nya molor terus
dichat & ditelpn ga diangkat2

Tolong dipo diperbaikin lagi kinerja nya, terimakasih
06 April 2023 12:39
I took my car to this service for Service B and to have the weird noise coming from engine and coolant checked. After their service, my car never has been the same again. Never ever take your car to this service. They are not qualified to be an authorized mercedes service. They will charge you 4 times more and you will end up with a car that doesnt work even as good as before it was fixed by them. Stay away!
18 Maret 2023 7:33
Tolong itu receptionist yang bernama wivit dyah anifa, kalo kerja jangan judes2 sok kecantikan, jangan ngeliat orang dari penampilan, tolong diperbaiki lagi karyawannya.
12 Maret 2023 10:29
Kalau mau claim asuransi mobil Mercedez. Jangan di Dipo Motor. Karena waktu penyelesaiannya ngambang. Tak ada kepastian. Saya kapok. Urusan bemper lecet saja butuh waktu 3 minggu.seharusnya satu minggu sudah cukup.
25 Februari 2023 1:30
Showroomnya bersih dan stock jenis mobil yang tersedia cukup lengkap, pelayanan ramah dan informatif, highly recommended.
25 Februari 2023 0:58
Horrible service! My GLE went in for minor maintenance service and got out with BOTH of the front seat belt broken. Their service center said this sometimes happen? On a 3 years old car and both of the front seat belt at the same time right after the maintenance service?
is there a problem with the quality of the car or?
26 Juli 2022 17:10
Pelayanan nya
Sangat ramah2 & baik.
Security sigap dlm melayani tamu, termasuk receptionist nyapun sama.
08 Maret 2022 10:02
Karyawan dipo sangat ramah dan baik, fasilitas yang disediakan dari mulai kopi dan snack gratis sangat baik dan enak.free wifii lagi keren sih dipo
23 Desember 2021 8:04
Datang 07.53 karena booking jam 8, tetapi sudah antri bbrp org sehingga baru terlayani jam 8.30, ga masalah sih
Yg jadi masalah adalah estimasi waktu 2 jam, sampai 3 jam lewat tidak ada info, penasaran karena yg sesudah saya saja sudah diinfo selesai, akhirnya saya tanyakan, ternyata sudah selesai tetapi tidak info alasannya karena ada pekerjaan lain jadi disambil2
17 November 2021 23:55
They give out good service, i see there were lots of customers coming to tune up their cars.

The customer lounge was kind of okay, they make good coffee and give out food in boxes. They could upgrade their place by putting more entertainment in the lounge area.
02 November 2021 14:05
Karyawannya ramah dan sangat membantu sekali.
Protokol kesehatan dan servicenya bagus
21 Oktober 2021 15:15
Lokasi strategis dan pelayanannya sangat profesional.
Untuk kondisi showroomnya sangat bersih dan nyaman.
24 Juli 2019 16:51
No positive respond against customer insurance complaints, after retour for painting result still worse and on the car got another new problem and some more damage to the window list by reason of the risk of demolition
05 Maret 2019 5:39
The worst place to service your car. They will glue their big logo on your window without even asking permission.

Jual mercy seperti jual motor second hand.

Orang yang kerja juga tidak professional.

This place doesn’t even deserve one star.

Tulis Ulasan

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