20 April 2020 11:53
Strategic location. Right in front of MRT entrance. Nice cafetaria for lunch in weekdays. Cheap and clean. Not too crowded. Also has some coffee shops.
11 Maret 2020 12:11
From outside, this building looks like it was built in the 80's, outdated. Hence, I surprised to know it has Starbucks inside. The interior is clean and nice, even a little bit luxurious. It's not hard to find a parking spot and the workers of the building are very nice and helpful. It's easy to access either by car or MRT.
10 Maret 2020 19:59
Gedung tua tp foodcourt basement nya juara bgt, murah meriah, porsi banyak dan bs cashback pakai gofood
01 Maret 2020 20:31
Dulu kampus A ku disini bagus gedung nya adem banget enak, lokasinya pun strategis. Apalagi di lantai dasar Ada tempat hangout yang asik banget sambil ngerjain deadline tugas tugas kampus haha
18 Februari 2020 17:46
Visited the food court. Good eating space with +/- 10 food vendors. My favorite is Bakwan Malang Pak Aris.
18 November 2019 7:14
Met a friend.hei I knew exactly this site used to be wisma dharmala shakti b4 they change it to intiland tower cause
Right behind it lies anz tower that used to be stanchart tower happened to be my office.and they take good care the building very good, both are in jl sudirman
13 Oktober 2019 0:45
Dulu tahunya wisma dharmala, sering main ke food courtnya karena ngantor di gedung sebrang, meskipun gedung tua tapi sangat well maintenance
07 Oktober 2019 12:12
Masuk bisa melalui pintu putar arah lewat underpass langsung masuk gerbang, ada security akan membantu menyebrangi kendaraan masuk ke gedung.
06 September 2019 19:14
From an architectural design point of view, this is one of the more interesting buildings in Jakarta.the interlocking volumes and integration of greenery makes this building stands out among the steel and glass jungle that is Jakarta.
28 April 2018 0:43
Gedung ini digunakan untuk perkantoran, tiap lantai tersedia toilet, ada mushola di lantai 2 dan ada kantin di lantai 1
08 April 2018 4:19
Praying di P2 Level, kecil sih tapi terpisah ikhwan dan akhwat. Wudhu ikhwan langsung di luar, wudhu akhwat akses sebelah kiri Musholla.

Parkir 2 meter sajah, bisa parkir diluar jika beruntung.
04 April 2018 15:12
Wow.kebetulan ke situ karena ada bazar baju sport anak, yg kebetulan size nya pas buatku krna badanku kecil, so happy, bisa nambah koleksi buat jogging.akses masuk terlebih dahulu dgn menukar ID di lobby.blm sempat mampir ke cafe atau restonya.
22 Maret 2018 21:39
Tata letak posisi gedung yg sempurna, pemandangan dari segala arah yg berbeda tetap indah. Lapangan GBK pun terlihat dari sini.
Setiap jam pulang kerja saya selalu menikmati indah nya sunset di sini.
12A floor @intilandtowerjakarta
20 Februari 2018 2:13
This place is an office tower with a lot of companies inside including AMINEF. Inside, there is an Excelso coffeeshop in the 1st floor. So, you could actually go inside and enjoy the building without any particular reason and enjoy a cup of coffee.

The architecture of this building is pretty unique and I believe there is one building with similar architecture in Surabaya. I think it was also an Intiland Tower, but I am not sure. The size of the stairs in this building is actually quite nice. It doesn't make you feel tired after a lot of steps so it is comfortable. However, if you are not a big fan of stairs, there are a lot of elevators which make you convenient to move around the building. Don't worry.

Other facilities in this building include some food stalls in the basement. Also, there are a lot of toilets. The toilets in the building are clean and comfortable. However, the ones upstairs (near the offices), not so much. If you are Muslim, there is a praying room outside. So, you don't have to worry.

The best part of this building is: it is OPEN 24 HOURS. So, if you feel really tired and can't get home, you might want to consider staying in the tower. After the Excelso coffeeshop closed, we could take a nap in their sofa until morning. The security won't tell you to leave.

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