21 Maret 2023 10:05
Smooth experience, very accommodating in terms of finding the right class for my 4yo beginner daughter. Class is interactive and the piano lessons are easy to follow. So far we enjoy the lessons and would recommend this music school to our friends.
26 Februari 2023 17:41
Nice place, competent teachers and good music education for kids as well as adults. Curriculum is designed for ABRSM International standard and most sudents pass with Merit or Distinction results. If you want good music education in Kelapa Gading-North Jakarta, you must visit this music school.
09 Februari 2023 9:48
Our daughters, aged 3 and 6, have joined Sanggar Musik Indah for around 2 years. Both have enjoyed learning music especially piano in Sanggar Musik Indah. The teachers are not only passionate but they also have the patience to teach our active children. They also included reading book, dancing and playing other instruments during the lesson which made it more fun esp for younger children. We are also very surprised to see how my 6yo could recite solo piano during the annual concert that they held. By far, I recommend Sanggar Musik Indah music school to anyone looking for more fun ways to introduce music to young children:)
02 Februari 2023 7:06
ABRSM Standard with competent teachers. Located ini North Jakarta near LRT Boulevard. This is one of the best music School.
30 Januari 2023 10:59
Memainkan satu lagu blom bisa, tetapi sekolah music di Sanggar Musik Indah blom ada setahun sudah bisa memainkan lagu dan tau not balok, jujur, menambah kecerdasannya jg disekolah mungkin krn terlatih otak kanannya, thx to miss Lilis
28 Januari 2023 13:13
Saya pernah les di sini. Tempat yang sangat baik untuk belajar musik. Rasa kekeluargaan juga kental di sana. Terima kasih SMI.
26 Januari 2023 18:17
My 3 years old son has joined Sanggar Musik Indah for about 6 months now. It was very difficult at first to make him sit on the chair for the whole hour, but after few months he was able to sit and enjoy more. It is very interesting in seeing Sanggar Musik Indah makes the music class to be as fun as possible, not just a regular music class; by making the class into a story the children could relate and develop some interests in following the class. The teachers are also very patient and passionate in delivering the material to the children. Definitely a good place to learn piano, even at such a very young age.
11 Mei 2020 11:43
Great teacher and fast learning program. Makes piano in easy ways to understand and so much fun
30 April 2020 10:35
Superb piano teacher.entering my little one third month of study, now she can play various songs with different finger combination and she's able to start learning to play by ears under his guidance
27 April 2020 22:53
Salah satu tempat kursus piano privat anak terbaik di Jakarta, metode belajarnya mudah di mengerti dan tutornya asik. Sekarang sdh dipegang generasi ke 2, Ko Nico Rekomen banget deh ngajarnya
14 April 2020 13:28
Metode mengajar bagus, to the point, dalam 3 bulan sudah bisa main lagu. Cara mengajarnya efektif dan mudah dipahami
12 April 2020 14:04
Mas Nico adalah guru terbaik, teramah, dan paling mengerti metode yang paling baik untuk muridnya. Akan selalu jadi murid mas Nico sepertinya. Terima kasih Mas Nico
04 April 2020 14:17
Easy and great way to learn piano music, in 3 months i can play more than 10 songs of my choosing.depending on how much we practice by ourselves with his guidance we can learn to do more varieties and more complex for a song
29 Maret 2020 8:15
Recommended banget! Gurunya ramah, sabar, and always brings up the best of you untuk jadi pede dan jadi lebih gampang untuk belajar pianonya
09 Maret 2020 8:45
Mantull banget Mas Bro Nico, teacher yg top bgt.
Bener2 kilat kita nangkepnya.recomended bgt bagi pemula maupun yg mau melancarkan.
Kangen belajar k sana terus nih.nyaman euy
07 Maret 2020 2:49
Salah satu tempat kursus piano privat terbaik di Jakarta, metode belajar nya mudah di mengerti dan tutor nya asik. Dalam waktu singkat kita sudah bisa mengiringi orang bernyanyi, rekomen banget deh pokok nya
04 Januari 2020 12:25
Best music education in kelapa gading, just try your kids to follow their proven syllabus. Enjoyable and Fun.
02 Desember 2017 15:16
Best Music Education since 1984, Creating Musician and Instructor!
Pasti Kompeten, Pasti Unggul!

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