09 Oktober 2023 12:57
The place is luxury and located in central of the city. Good city view and the food is various.
17 September 2023 5:15
While I haven't had the chance to experience the Sheraton Grand Jakarta Gandaria City Hotel firsthand, the reputation and luxurious amenities it offers make it a top contender for my future stay in Jakarta. Can't wait to visit soon!
13 September 2023 19:56
One of my favourite hotels in Jakarta by far! Luxurious, comfortable and clean rooms, convenient location with a massive mall connected to the hotel, and great services such as gym, pool, spa and restaurants!
11 September 2023 21:55
I member of bonvoy,
one of the good luxurious hotel in South Jakarta,
Plus: luxurious, great location, good staff, good food
10 September 2023 8:03
All in one Hotel, Mall access, near the highway, near to the Airport. Everything perfect! All the staff I met there genuinely know what they do.
09 September 2023 7:05
Kemaren sempet ke jakarta trus nginep disini.sumpah ekslusif banget tempatnya.pelayanan oke.super ramah.fasilitas lengkap.makanannya top markotop.
07 September 2023 17:39
A great place, always a pleasure to stay here. Friendly staff and a refreshing atmosphere complemented by satisfactory facilities
26 April 2020 9:19
Tempatnya luas, fasilitasnya lengkap dan tempatnya bersih, mudah ditemukan dan diakses dengan kendaraan umum, cocok untuk mengadakan event.
07 April 2020 4:52
Asyik tempatnya. Cukup mewah, breakfastnya banyak pilihan dari berbagai penjuru. Nyaman untuk istirahat
04 April 2020 21:45
This is an extravagant hotel, that is located next to mall called Gandaria City. Sheraton hotels never disappoint, neither does this one.
01 April 2020 14:34
Tempat paling nyaman dan bagus buat adain event.spot parkir yang luas dan akses yang gampang bikin hotel ini cocok buat acara. Untuk yang nginep, ada akses ke mall juga langsung
21 Maret 2020 19:45
Ballroom luas, bersih dan cukup mewah, meskipun untuk mencapai tempat parkirnya sangat berliku, makanan dan minuman yg disediakan enak dan higienis.
26 Februari 2020 4:48
Great hotel great food great breakfast.pity ny party so ridiculous. ‍️
Nx year better the expert to conduct it.so our money is worthed
24 Februari 2020 17:01
I stayed here for Valentine, and I love the service. A day before, I ask if they can provide me with an anniversary set up, they said that I should have requested 2 days prior. But to my surprise, they set it all up anyway, and even have the time to find the rose petals. The room is clean, spacious, and luxurious. The grand deluxe room have bathtub.
The hotel is located within Gandaria City, so have no worries in finding restaurant and entertainment.
I would definitely stay here again for other special events. 5 stars for 5 stars hotel.
17 Februari 2020 16:52
Hotel terbaik di wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Kamar luas, para Staff ramah2 dan menu Breakfastnya Fantastis. Yang pasti, hotelnya nempel sama Mall Gamdaria City.
06 Februari 2020 23:53
Kamarnya bersih dan nyaman, interiornya sangat elegan. Lokasinya sangat strategis dan langsung di bawahnya terdapat pusat perbelanjaan yang lengkap, yaitu Gandaria City mall.
12 Januari 2020 18:37
Excellent hotel overall.
I was in my room when the cleaners came to make the room. The cleaners Kadek and Lia were super efficient. I was working on my computer and they were quiet and not disruptive at all.
05 Desember 2019 8:50
Coming here as a participant for certain seminar.never tried the room but the meeting room is decent
01 Desember 2019 20:09
Facilities oke.yg oke toiletnya luas, bersih n jdnya ga ngantri (utk fasilitas ballroomnya ya). Tp yg agak ga tll satisfied dengan makanannya klo diliat dari standar bintang 5 ya.smoga sheraton bs mengimproved di bagian ini
12 November 2019 2:41
Ballroom yang lega, namun aksesnya terbatas. Jadi kalau padat pengunjung harus antri lama untuk menggunakan lift.
09 November 2019 5:10
Nice hotel. Very attentive staff and a great breakfast buffet. Adjoining large mall with lots of restaurants and stores.
31 Oktober 2019 3:51
Sangat baik pelayanan nya di hotel sheraton gandaria city.terima kasih mba yunika dan pak royadi supervisor nya.
26 Oktober 2019 13:55
Very nice hotel and next door to a huge mall with any kind of food you desire. The Sheraton breakfast buffet is to die for.perhaps one of the best ever. Super clean & quiet. Only negative is a little pricey for Indonesia.
21 Oktober 2019 15:39
Tempat. Nya lumayan bagusss. Akses bisa lewat mall. N penataan ruang. Nya bagus. Makanan recomended good
18 Oktober 2019 23:35
I love the place. Been having events for more than 5 times here. Nice food nice people, nice service. The staff is quite helpful.
11 Oktober 2019 0:45
Nyaman banget kamarnya, walaupun dapatnya kamar deluxe dengan twinbed, tempat tidurnya ukuran queen jadi 1 tempat tidur bisa untuk berdua.
02 Oktober 2019 16:14
Nyatu dengan gandaria city mall, bagus kualitasnya kalau yang aku nginap di lantai 11 ada lemarinya, setrika, kamar mandi ada bath tub, shower dan toilet, peralatannya ada hair dryer, lotion, cukuran, sabun cuci muka, piyama, sisir, tusuk telinga, dll. TV ada led, pemasak air dan pemeras kopi. Kursi ada dua utk kerja dan nyantai. Satu bed bantalnya ada 4
30 September 2019 20:21
Worse than Garuda's menu that written by pencil, this hotel let us eat insect for our 5star dining resto.

Find & spot the difference
30 September 2019 16:48
The Sheraton Grand Jakarta Gandaria City is an excellent hotel. Nice comfortable rooms and lovely bathrooms. An outstanding breakfast buffet. The club floors have lounge access and the lounge has an extended happy hour with excellent drinks and wines and carved meats. It is a bargain. The connection to the mall also very convenient to tons of restaurants and shops. If you need to be Southwest of city center then it is an excellent place to stay.
05 Desember 2018 16:47
Salah satu pilihan resto utk buffet yg enak di jakarta. Restonya grand sheraton gak pernah salah. Jenis menu yg terhidang sangatlah banyak mulai dari menu nusantara, masakan barat hingga makanan jepang tersedia. Tidak lupa pula berbagai macam jenis dessert yg tersedia dimulai es krim, pudding, kue2 jajanan, dan berbagai macam minuman segar juice.

Rasa makanan dan minuman di sini enak, dan banyak bgt pilihan jd awas jgn sampe kalap yah klo pas makan disini. Meding nyicipin dlm jumalh sedikit

Letak hotel grand sheraton ini agak susah di jangkau aksesnya dari gandara city jalan lagi cukup jauh ke bagian luar dan menyusuri bagian depan dari gancit. Ky ga ada akses langsung dr dalem mall gancit utk ke lobby hotelnya.
08 Oktober 2018 4:50
Great location with reasonable deal. This my wife's first time to visit Jakarta, so I just wanted her to relax and enjoy there and chose this hotel which is located in central Jakarta and next to the big shopping mall Gandaria city mall.
However, this was more than that. Nice cozy room, comfortable swimming pool which can be used from 6 A. M to 10 P. M, and especially the morning buffet was awesome. You might love to enjoy local cuisine in the outside of the hotel even if it's in the morning, but it's worth trying.
01 Juni 2018 13:16
Very good hotel with decent rooms. Indians can enjoy the food. Wide varieties of food in buffet breakfast. Hotel is attached to a very big mall in jakartha city. It’s very convenient for shopping, just walking down from your room is enough. Mall is having all types of shops from super market to high end showrooms. Even cars are on display
22 April 2018 4:56
Hotel bagus, kamar mewah dan bersih, pelayanan baik penuh senyuman.menu sarapan enak dan banyak pilihan.
07 April 2018 23:15
Staffnya ramah, interior mewah.
Sayang musholanya kecil dan sempit, jadi kalau dipake acara seminar besar ngantri sholatnya bisa lama.
Ada akses langsung dari hotel ke Gandaria City Mall
21 Maret 2018 4:03
Hotel yang luas dan nyaman, cocok untuk meeting/training dengan ruangan meeting yg powerfull, pelayanan petugas keamanan dan reservasi cepat dan memuaskan

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